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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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This is tiresome.

Okay. Two nouns combined into one word. First word is a male animal who is married to a cow. Second word is poop. Okay, AnswerBank?
ere, none of that language here, it won't print the second half whether it's got a pantomime cow attached to the front end or not
He he he. The thing is, it's almost the same word in Swedish (spelled skit but pronounced with a fricative similar to sh- ) and it is a bit of a bad word, granted, but not so much so down south where I come from!
tut, the garden deserted again... no wonder the slugs get in... anyways, I have fixed a retirement date, September 1, so am feeling quite giddy and light hearted. The office has been driving me mad recently, more and more work piled on, standard of work falling, people off with stress, abrasive boss. Monster payoff and five-figure pension await. YAY!!!
Morning Yokels..
well you are where you live.
just found it Kip.there's two thousand stories in the naked city,and this is one of them bu66er it wont let me post it..?it got banned .hahahahaha... Now send that heatwave back sweedie pie
or your gonna make my day see..yo oh ****** me toast is bur>>.(:O)i will post it in bits

~~~Congratulations netti...and george.~~~.(:o)This question is bannedCongratulations netti on the arrival of george...
netti and george are doing fine. george arrived at 12.30 this afternoon and weighed in at 8.8kg.Sorry netti,I know you told me not to say anything,but I think other answerbankers would like to wish you and george all the best.

1 to 19 of 19
Wed 20/09/06
14:14 In your very own word vinny- que??!?

Wed 20/09/06
14:45 Question Author

Yep..its true Boo....(:o)

Wed 20/09/06
15:18 oh yes, she's been huffin' & puffin' all bloomin' afternoon....and you should have heard the language!!
mind you, she's fed up of him already & has had to hide him from her hubby......

Wed 20/09/06
15:34 He's still a bit green but I love him. Have had to separate him into little parts to stash away in various places as hubby didn't know I was expecting him, and luckily the arrival coincided with hubby's gold day. He's fair worn me out though. Never knew one could weigh so much. It's amazing what you can get on the internet these days, and it's all thanks to Vinny who is really the father of George cos without him I'd never have had George.

Wed 20/09/06
15:35 hubby's *golf day*

Wed 20/09/06
15:40 ...and some Spanish chap helped deliver him and it was hard labour getting George out, he weighed a ton. I do think that at my age I've taken on too much.

Wed 20/09/06
15:46 I really don't think you should be feeding him on cat meat either're really out of touch....

Wed 20/09/06
15:56 I've asked Vinny what liquids George needs but he's ignoring me, typical fella!!!!

Part 2

Wed 20/09/06
16:39 Question Author

And Im not paying maintenance for george

Wed 20/09/06
16:40 this is a rather big piece of news -

do you not think that its for netti to spread HER news, not you...especially since she asked you not to!

i would be rather pizzed of with you if i was her!

Wed 20/09/06
16:51 oh look, here he is...

picture as published in Hola! A chip off the old block, isn't he

Wed 20/09/06
16:53 this thread has really confuzzled me!
1)i thought netti was a bit older, so you clearly arent talking about a baby (especially at 8.8 kg (ouhy!!!))

Wed 20/09/06
17:22 OK joke's over. I have received delivery of a Numatic George Carpet cleaning system (only the 2nd one on this island) and it took a lot of help from Vinny knowing where to order and how to get it. At one point I was thinking of buying one in England and buying a 2nd seat on easyjet to being it back, but that didn't work out, so am really really pleased to get George now.

Wed 20/09/06
17:25 Oh and I didn't want my hubby to find out as he'll moan about me spending so much, that's all.

Wed 20/09/06
17:29 tune in for tomorrow's episode when mr. netibiza discovers george in the wardrobe & realises he'll have to open his tidy tins of beans for dinner next week.....

Wed 20/09/06
17:53 Question Author

Brilliant hahahaha..!(:o)

AB Editor
Thurs 21/09/06
09:50 hilarious
But that's only half of it Vinny there was bits about tubes and putting his little hat on. Good at the time.

Morning all, hot and sweaty here. Mr N came home with a very posh lilo last night, wish I hadn't wasted my money on the other one. On this posh one I can lay full out, looking elegant - if slightly creased! -
Question Author
beautiful day....

hahaha....brilliant Vin, I'm glad you found that...neti wasn't that another thread when you couldn't reassemble him? I often come across our old threads by accident (we've been around the block a bit ain't we?) & they seem even funnier when you can read them as a continuous script rather than have 5hrs between posts because some people don't GET UP!! <bangs spoon on tray>

jno's starting to regret taking the whole box of imodium

This posh lilo is dreadful, when I lie flat out my head dips into the water and my feet stick up in the air. Maybe Mr N is trying to drown me!
Afternoon Biddymates. I remember George's 'Birth' Neti Very funny!! Like lots of the stories I read on here. YOu keep me going when I feel a bit down.

Anyway I'm expecting Tbag for a cuppa in a bit then we're going for a walk.

Tonight I'm off to my local haunt with my Friday night friend. She always comes round for a little tipple of Baileys before we go. She'll get a surprise tonight as we're having something differend, my son bought me something called Pomada from Menorca for looking after their cat. It's Gin and Lemon apparently.
Hope you all have a good weekend see yer later 'gater(s)!!
Question Author
well for pity's sake just don't tell us what happens to ya bazooms neti...wear your toetectors, they'll balance you up...
hi Jude!
RTFLMAO, thanks Vinny that was so funny! Now about that heatwave... I don't even have the energy to send it back... but Neti will reward you on my behalf. Get in the pool neti

What are you banging for Robinia, I've been up forever and ever working on my blog-sort-of-thing. It's not a today I picked my nose kind of blog, it's... well we'll see, I may show y'all eventually but I've only just started so I'm not ready for the world yet.

Congrats jno, where are you taking me (to spend that money)? Manhattan will do. Chelsea Hotel please. Oh look there's even some Pomada in the mini bar! Oh... it's not Jude's kind... it's more the kind my dad used Oh well who knows perhaps you can get high on Brylcreem as well - I did once see a man drink after shave at the grocer's...
that's a good-looking trick, Kit... <damn, that's three milk bottles in a row broken...>
- neti comes in smirking - I haven't broken any bottles!!
Question Author
<rummages in Vin's tool box for a puncture repair kit> :o(

(Just realized it may have sounded as if my father were dead when I said "the one my dad used." He isn't, he pulled through, there was a severe crisis last winter and I remember mentioning it here. The doctors prepared his present family that he might not last the night, even, and even if he did it still wouldn't be long. He's still around though, but very unwell. We aren't in each other's lives, as it were - but I still don't want to kill him off here, so... thought I'd correct myself.)

How's that brain cell doing, Robinia, did it like its fish oil, ha ha... Turns out you were almost right about ginger cats "always" being male - they aren't always, but almost always, and certainly in this litter it's true - my friend wrote on her kitten blog today they've just ascertained that the four ginger ones are male and the brownish? one is a female. <confiscates fish oil>
good morning all its 5.45 here, the boys needed out so up we got, himself is getting a lie in tho. Its raining here ra ra ra but not enough yet (booo).
PMSL at the george thread, I missed goodness Neti you must have SOME stretchmarks!!

I actually like the profanityiser on here...everywhere else on the net just about anything goes and often does, but on here we are in a nicer, gentler age (Vinny is out of shot getting another round in)

I heard that Woofy hehe..!(:O)

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