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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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Kicked out of gardening woofy? you obviously weren't wearing the appropriate dress then...please observe the code in future
like moi

I've got a dyson, a green & purple one - it matches my shins quite nicely by the time I've finished stumbling around with it....

oh here comes Vinny to show off his appliance

Evening dawgs. There is light in my life - thank you mister electrician man - and now all I have to do is buy two new ceiling lights. I would buy the colander one Shaney if I saw it here! (For the kitchenette, that is.)

Ha, my uncle who lived in Britain for decades had an apartment in Wimbledon and was able to watch tennis from the balcony. Later on when he lived in the Cotswolds he worked for Ede & Ravenscroft in Oxford, so I think he first worked at E&R in London - seen any Swedes there, jno? He married a British nun when he was young. Or... well, she wasn't really a nun yet, but she had emigrated to France and joined a band of nuns ha ha and finished her novitiate and was now returning to Britain one final time only to say goodbye to her parents before taking her vows, and that's when my uncle met her - and strutted his stuff, apparently!

Well, Woofy, I got tired of being perceived and pursued as a male. "Swedeheart" will make people at least think twice, I'm hoping. (Or do I sound like a knight now?)

Is the Bunny Boiler around? No? Good, don't tell her I told you this but I've discovered she's a member at a very dodgy site. I swear I was just looking for cufflinks for my dear old grandfather when - me being a foreigner - I wrote "handcuffs" instead of cufflinks and was directed to this page where people do unspeakable things to bunnies, like putting them in the microwave. It does seem to be consensual and everything - this is her profile picture on that site - but it's too weird for me. And what about George - first he comes out of the closet and now he's got lipstick all over his trunk - he does shop around our George does...! georgy porgy

I do hope I am not the Bunny Boiler!! I only have squeaking mice or tweeting birds in my oven, they are still there you know, everytime I open the door. I couldn't do unspeakable things to any animals, except a spider and that's not an animal is it??

Off for a swim as it's rather warm here.

Ha ha no it's Robinia, she posted last night about putting her bunny in the microwave oven. Search me. No it's something along these lines I would imagine. They've got Cozy Sheep there too, don't tell the yokel

Neti I've been trying to watch clips at that BBC site too, the one Vinny posted for you, but they've got me down as a terrorist too. If ever they do get their worldwide plan in order tell me about it won't you. They've been saying that forever now so I don't check up on them all that often anymore.
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well it wasn't exactly edge of the chair was it? [tennis]

get your hot bunnies here
maybe if I buy another one I'll end up with one for each joint ...knowing my luck they'd turn out to be gay too...tonight's experiment is to see how long he can stand it in the freezer

crikey Kit for a moment I thought you said the leccy man was the light of your life, I was pulling up my chair for the juicy details....(I think I may have missed an opportunity recently - & I don't mean free cakes or a quick 'bird' either - hey ho, if it was meant we'll cross paths again....)

did you know it's world ufo day?...better go & say hi to my mother ship ....


don't worry, woofgang, I shall never forget the little people with whom I used to mix... Oh dear, is that all with Brokevac Mountain, Robinia? I have been following the saga with great giggling and admiration. I am looking forward to the sequel, George Don't Do That.
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no jno that was just the special pamphlet version for those waifs in Spain..I had it specially printed on rice paper. I thought they might not last long enough to read the official edition...
I am incandescent with rage!!! George is normal, normal, normal, I say!!! How can the poor wee thing defend his honour while he is struggling for breath in the local Suckers and Blowers Hospital.

Where's Vinny as he is almost George's father, he should be defending him!!!

Yay- Nadal!!!
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ok...who's got my sunshine?

neti! I'm very disappointed. George is normal & if you're going to abandon him in his hour of need then he can come & live with me... We'll watch musicals & go shopping together and this time next year, who knows?... we could be hob-nobbing on the South Bank.....<whispers> jno, who don't forget has friends in very high places, has subscribed.....

right I'm off to buy some oily fish, it's hard on the brain cell being a novelist...and I'm road testing some new mucho cheapio body creme...if the sun appears I could end up a bbq'd spare rib....
For goodness' sake Neti, did you really suspect nothing? Not even that time when George went west and stayed at the Y.M.C.A. and was being "checked" by J. Edgar Hoover...? I mean J. Edgar HOOVER. See what I'm getting at...?

Well dawgs your heatwave is coming our way they say and I'm off to pick up the suitcase I ordered, better bring water (all Swedes carry around a bottle of water.) My little trip has been postponed until probably the middle of the month but my friend sent me a picture of the cat mother and kittens to look at while I'm waiting: mum

I am not bringing one home with me I am not bringing one home with me I am not...
No don't sweedey that Robinia will be having it gay and abandoned and wearing frillies before it's time. "Cat on a hot thin pouff " there I've started it for her.......
Dont look at the piccy netti...she's gotta better bed than you have..hehe..! So Swedie pie,your getting are heatwave eh,well you can use it fer a couple of days,then send the bu66er back pleeease..!
ummm george??never heard of him...she's not getting me into that again thankyou (:O)that brings back memories netti,do you remember when I posted in suggs that you had just conceived george,(8.8 kgms)and some muppet had a go at me saying that was up to you to tell the world..hahahaha..!(*_*)
Indeed I do El Vin it was hilarious and even the American Ed thought it was amusing - was good wasn't it. Now, about your son George, please sort out that Robi!! for him!!!
Question Author Vinny, yes, there's always one who's had their chuckle muscle removed (as Doddy would say)

ooooh, what sweet puddies Kit but hang on, aren't ginger cats usually.....ermmmm....ummmm....male?!

all in good time neti! the best things come to those who wait...take a thyroid pill or sommat....

The afternoon story on radio ga-ga...

Tales from Brokevac Mountain
Chapter 4

George was ****-a-hoop...

<can't believe I'm doing this but it saves the strain of having to cobble together something vaguely interesting>

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oh *c0ck....
Oh Robinia that is so funny, you do make me laugh! Where would we be without you?
That wouldn't be bum fluff would it eh?
eek, my microwave slippers, I wondered where they'd gone! To Ibiza for the partying, obviously
Evening jno, so have you heard Meryl Streep sing yet?

Ginger cats always male.... well Robinia... it was an adoption - alright? Ha ha seriously I don't know but it certainly doesn't seem so! But then again... my friend's eldest daughter is a... not militant, but proud-and-accepts-no-******** bisexual so it's possible she's made them buy queer cats to support the cause, ha ha ha, I'll ask, my friend will have a laugh at that.

Please please please has anyone got the URL for that georgethread in Suggs - oh you yourself must have it in your profile Vinny, please post it here, I never saw it or if I did it was before I knew about this biddy asylum so I won't have been able to make any sense of it. I'll make a deal with you Vinny, you post that thread here and I'll send you your heatwave back - i've had enough anyway.

Where have you gone to, Shaney? Gone to Elsinore I suppose, if you watched the YouTube clip I posted the other day with all them cheeses for sale.

revenge of the spider, neti!

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