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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 11:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby


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So glad for you swedie that you feel better. I understood exactly to whom and what you were referring, yes we must speak in code. Hope he does post a piccies of "the wife"
oh dear, Kit, glad you're feeling a bit better. I can't imagine life if my hearing of Gilbert O'Sullivan songs was distorted in any way. As for warped backs, I recommend osteopathy - had to go to mine the other day to unlock me after I'd been twisted by several sessions in the dentist's chair. Another one today in fact but all he did was numb half my head, do a bit of drilling, then announce that since I was going away next week and going to be taking pot luck with restaurant menus perhaps it would be better if he left the whole thing till after the holiday. I agreed, so that was relatively untraumatic as dentistry sessions go.

Had lunch with a magistrate friend - she always unnerves me by eating things off her knife, or even scraping up sauce with it, and licking it off. I think this is... injudicious or something.
Is she the one who let you off, jno????
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It's ok Kit, you were making sense, & I understand your coded messages, it was the last cat comment that made you sound a little ne sais quoi... haha. Sorry you'll miss out on a jaunt with friends but glad you can hear us all better. (I could hear you rotten lot laughing yesterday!)

Just as long as your friend doesn't pop the cutlery into her handbag after the meal jno....
I've no blinking idea what you've all been talking about with codes and things. Should I have known what you were going on about.
Pleased things are getting a bit easier hearing and head wise Kit. Your back sounds a real problem I reckon Jno's suggestion of osteopathy sound a good bet.
My sister says the coughing and sneezing I'm doing is the rape seed pollen floating about. I wouild appreciate some warm rain if that doesn't sound too miserable.
Off to bed in a mo so good night all and sleep well.
See yer later 'gater(s)
I'm beginning to find I can't stomach anything that's been pickled in vinegar .
I'm finding it all very hard to digest .
Night all .xx
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I agree shaney, I think we might choke in the *vinhinegar fumes* soon

Is that what it is Jude, I'm fed up with sore eyes & my next door neighbour's lost her voice again

*a term once used in Corrie, made me laugh

nite all x
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where's me pic gone?!
I was trying a new one but it wasn't very good so I left it as it was...oh well I'll sort it tomorrow
That's what me sis says and she works at a Drs. Surgery. So I feel there must be summat in it. Yes my eyes are affected too and we're notfar away from the fields are we Robi.
I never have vinegar or raw onions as I always end up with burning sensations in my throat after, Must be something to so with my digestive system Shaney But I've had it for years so it doesn't worry me.

Goodnight again x
Robinia Frisia....yo.
hope you had a groovy birthday..Im really pi$$ed off that me link didnt work...cost me a fortune gettin that there stripper...did..:O(anyways..You got some magic peeps on this ere thread..that loves you lots.there magic peeps ..!later derby dude.!
(:O)Play loud
take care xxx
Oh dear ! Robi ,completely forgot your Birthday (haven't been on this thread for a few days or more but I really hope you had a Stupendous Birthday on Thurs. HAPPY ,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU XXXXXX
no, neti, didn't meet her till years after The Incident. She was telling me of the day Jamie Oliver was in her office (not the magistrates' office, she has a fulltime proper job too) and he made her and her colleagues some banana muffins, which were beautiful she says. Sigh... Jamie Oliver's never cooked me anything, nor Michel Roux... obviously I was in the wrong sort of office.

Hmm, looks like Robinia's still off trying to save face somewhere.
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hmmm, no pic & now me post's someone trying to sticknap me?

take 2....

g'mornin' all...nothing good about the weather, it's cr4p! Not even going to make double figures today :o(

Bless ya Vinny, I've been deprived of a stripper? oh well, you'll have to re-book him (it WAS a him?) for when it's warmer & there'll be sommink worth looking at :o) I love that toon but if you think I'm doing a jig to it you can think again....yes, they're alright this motley crew aren't they?

Don't worry Dolly I always spread my birthday over a whole week anyway, I haven't got the energy to do it all in one day. Please waft some warmth this way!
morning all another chillyish day here. DH is still on his sleep cure. I have to go shopping in a mo....catch youse later
Morning all , lovely warm springlike wether here, but not too hot yet. Have been healthy shopping and bought some diabetic liquid sugar replacement. Don't know if I am imaging it but have a headache since starting on the statins. I very rarely ever get headaches, so am not putting up with it. The bl**dy neighbour at the back is drilling like billyo and shaking the house to pieces. Daughter has hangover and is trying to sleep. I've been very patient with it but am going to have to see what I can do (nicely) about it! Mr N still feeling week and wan and not golfing, so it's serious, but he won't go to the doctor!

My DT xword can't get through today so am fed-up!!!
Robi - as vinny's stripper didn't get through, you can share that one which ole gherkin send to Mrs O. (rather you than me!)
Morning all
More like November than May here .Cold ,dull and raining
Sorry I can't help you with the Xword Neti .I would if I had a scanner .I did think about subscribing to the Telegraph Crossword Club but it's hardly worth it as I only buy it on Saturdays .Is sarumite away ? Perhaps if you beg on Q&P some kind soul will send it to you .
Those Statins gave me headaches ,not that I want to put you off,but I don't suffer with headaches either only now and again .

Well it looks like another day full of excitement at Shaneytowers . Putting laundry away and tidying round ,then cooking a meal .I don't know how I contain myself :)
Toddlepip for now .
as I said, the statins gave DH gyp too but my mum was on them and never noticed any side effects at all
Grey and dull here too, no ash cloud but as dark as if. I've been wondering about the birds, what must they reckon about that cloud? You know the way they stop singing at solar eclipses? ...the cloud must affect them too.

Well Robi all I'm saying is, there's a cat in the frame where his wife has been announced - go figure! And now *your* photo's missing - could it be ole gherkin has snatched it and is planning to use it as E. ;-) >>>>

What a nice thing to say to Robi, Vinny, and it's all true, too, we loves ya Robi - and Vinny don't you go forgetting we love you too and we miss you when you ride off into the sunset of wherever and we delight in your company when you return, so don't you go away for toooooo long, you hear. I hang on every tune you play:)

Ha ha ha, I was working with my playlists on YouTube (no they're not public, just for my own listening pleasure) and I searched for Going Up The Country with Canned Heat - and THIS came up. Spot-on analogy ha ha ha ha ha I really can't stop laughing...!
statins aren't causing me any bother either (unless it's them making my teeth crumble).

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