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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 11:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby


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Hi all...been doing Housework (shudder shudder) Its cold here today but I am having my own private series of hot flushes so no probs there. DH is sleeping. He is finally getting over the stomach thing and all of a sudden his body is telling him to catch up on the kip and a good thing too. Cannot believe the length of time that returns are taking...As a kid surely you went to bed and the results were declared at breakfast?
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oh, of course neti, silly me

woofy people could count when we were kids

well I think I'll take my packed lunch down the corridor to listen to Mr V's tales of the answerbank...
I'm here ,albeit aching to kingdom come .
Hope you enjoyed your day yesterday Robinia
Haha .I 've also buried buried several hamsters and goldfish in my time .

My MP has lost his seat and now we've got some spiv from Essex in charge .
Mr S. is sitting in the front room watching the scenario ..He can't vote of course but he follows it all nevertheless .
As for childish old men who scribble over their ballot paper, words defy me .

Hope you are all in fine fettle otherwise .Stll that cold wind here and no sign of a warm up .Take care all ,see you later .

Chiffon tops Neti ? I hope you had yer bazooms well upholstered :))
Possumistas. I haven't checked on Ole Gherkin today (apt code name you gave him Neti:) but I saw yesterday he was planning on putting E. (wife of 60 years) as his avatar. The evil b1tch in me kind of hopes he has forgotten he has already posted an E. piccy and posts an entirely different type of woman this time he he he he he... but I don't like having these thoughts, I'm not sure he can help himself. We all cope mentally in whatever way we can and I'm not really sure he's having a laugh doing so. Nevertheless, it's fascinating.

I'm now imagining future-day archaeologists digging up cat skeletons next to a satellite receiver on a site in Spain and analyzing that information simultaneously with lolcat remnants from the internet... they'll come to the conclusion that they themselves have evolved from a species of now extinct highly intelligent felines ha ha ha ha ha!
Can someone please explain to me, can Gordon Brown still be prime minister? I don't mean for 2 days but for the next 5 years?
Oh and 2 of the cats have been buried with one of my slippers each cos they loved my slippers and kept trying to lie on them whilst I was walking in them!!! That'll fool them in the future, they'll think that the cats all wore one big slipper!!!!
Neti I'm crying and laughing here!
In theory yes. As incumbent its his right to remain while no one else has an overall majority (lame luck government.) In practice he can be over ruled at every turn and the queen would intervene
Sorry Swedie!

Oh gosh woofy, that's sounds like a right old muddle! Has the Queen ever had to intervene before??
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just read Kit & neti's posts & had to go for a wee....hahahahahahahaha.......

<please don't let neti have buried any of her brassieres, that'll really fox 'em>

speaking of bras, the gardener's been up a ladder cutting next door's hedge & my animal print undies were on the line...oh flump, how am I ever going to look him in the eye when he comes to do mine?
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hopefully she'll 'off with their heads' and we can start again
That's a good idea, Robi, cover erupting volcanoes with one of my bras, that'll cap it!

This is Mr V's birthday greeting to Mrs O, defo gherkin!!!!!!
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oh defo neti, yes. Forgot to say Kit I saw that same comment & am also waiting to see who she's morphed into :o)
Oh ain't no doubt about it Neti, his linguistics are a dead give-away too as well as the use of the ~~symbol , favourite art and so on. I'd wager an arm on it.

Animal print undies? 'Shag piles'? (The mind boggles=:0) >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Probably his mother, Robi...
Or maybe it IS the cat ha ha ha ha ha ha
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are you on drugs Sweedie? :o)
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words getting around I've just had an email from a seed/plant company advertising blackberries...called Black Lace!
Am I on drugs, NO, are YOU
(Why, was I not making sense? I'm trying to speak in riddles so the biddies will know what I mean but nobody else will.) Wouldn't dare have as much as half a glass of wine right now, I'm terrified of my muscles relaxing as, the moment they attempt relaxing, the shooting nerve pains come. I'm a bit sad, my out-of-town friends are arriving tomorrow, we've been planning this weekend for months but I can't join them now as my back is still terrible. Can't get up even from a wooden kitchen chair without crying out loud and standing still for two minutes after getting up, much less of course from a chair at the theatre, which is what we had planned, and I can't even join them for dinner as that would entail riding a cab or the metro and I can't do neither right now, with my back;-( ...I'd be on drugs if I dared...

...but on the bright side my trauma tinnitus and the distortions really are getting less persistent/intense:))) The hearing impairment remains but it's NBD, the distortions were what really had me scared as I couldn't really enjoy music during those weeks. So relieved it's better:))))))))))))))))

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