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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 11:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby


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Well I never .All these famous people you share a birthday with Robina :)
Bloomin' cold here too after yesterday .I'm off to vote shortly .
See you all later .Be good .
quite nice and warm here, the sky is Cameron colour but the grass has yet to go Brown, so I think I may be seeing a pattern here.

Oh look, the Fosbury Flop
Was the MM "Talking to the dead?" cos that's new on my download prog so I'm downloading it, but as the prog is Swedish or summat I never know how up to date it is!
I'm still laughing... imagine Robi's facial expression the moment she clicked on that thread :-D Robi you must now take George M. down from your desktop, I have found you another piccy in eternal commemoration of this joyous day. It ain't S but it's close enough and every time you see it you will be reminded of your affinities

Have you had Mousey's lunch yet Neti;-)
ooh no swedie, I had my own lunch today, tuna salad with teeny weeny toms from the front gate and brown bread with olive oil and vinegar (a speciality here, scrummy, and perfectly healthy!) plain water and a banana. A bit later I have to have yogurt, THEN I'm having mousey's fish for dinner!!!!!

Am making a delicious meat and pot pie for the family << deep sigh >> !!!
jno, my daughter was the island's high jump champion but not until she did the fosbury flop when no one else here had ever done it, Their faces when she sailed backwards over the bar, was a moment to cherish, the face of the reigning (scissor) champ was a picture of misery!!!
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I like that health centre Jude, it's got natural light & not claustraphobic. Hope your tests are okey dokey.

Yes neti it was that one but it doesn't seem to be on ITVplayer.... I was the pole vault champion's pole, haha

The sky here's a definite shade of John Major & it keeps drizzling. Good thing I hadn't planned a garden party & the weekend's not looking much better. Will this huge choccy & cream cake last until the rabble arrive at tea time I wonder? I'll let you all know how it tasted, haha

I'm sill laughing, I'm never gonna be able to forget am I Sweedie? Yes the face you imagine is probably the right one...and the words I uttered. Oh, I do hope he turns out to be a long lost brother....
No I can't get your English itvplayers or bbcplayer as I am abroad. I get it from Pirate Bay and looking forward to seeing it.
Just had the cat's dinner, the family's pie smelled gorgeous! Am fed up with this diet already. It's making me eat more than usual. I'm stuffed!
Wil there be an EE and Corrie tonight??
Never thought I'd be the one to answer that one for you Neti but as it happens they mentioned on the Swedish radio news that there would be an Eastenders tonight. No really, they really did. They were interviewing a polling station manager and they were saying it was calm at the moment but another rush was expected after Eastenders. (They didn't mention Coronation Street:)
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Well I can highly recommend the big fat Cadbury's fresh cream chocolate cake diet...not sure if they're exclusive to Tesco but henceforth they'll be exclusive to Robbi's :o)
Don't you just love little boys? Grandson came up to me - "I've found this on the windowsill!".. and presented me with a dead fly....hahaha...must dust them more often.

Right, I'm ready for feet up & a tank of oxygen but please feel free to have an election party.
Aww... that sparked some memories, I remember doing that as I child - presenting grown-ups with dead insects...! I think I wanted them to make a ceremony for the deceased... (and also it's a way of asking "what is death", I think).
/So, did you have "one spoon for S" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Don't know if this is out in the UK yet
When my daughter was small, we had to have burial ceremonies for cockroaches, one of which she named Steve (I've no idea so don't ask).

Forgot to add that it was my nephew's 17th birthday yesterday, so that's one more Robi!!
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g'day...lordy I feel old, haha...NO Kit, not one spoon, but I still can't get the thought out of my head...every birthday from now on...I think I might have it changed, I quite fancy Sept 6th.
(Robyn's new album's out next month apparently).

Well just how cold can it be in May? 7°C but a real feel of 4°C...grrrr.
I'm the one who buries everything...dead birds, goldfish (well after about 20 yrs he deserved some dignity). Thankfully I don't have cockroaches, ugh!

Well I s'pose I'd better go & sort out me shag pile...wee grandson discovered that when he pressed a tin into it it left interesting's a good thing he's cute :o/
Morning all. Cold again init!! I have buried in my garden Hammy the hamster, Streaker the guinea pig (and Freddy the Goldfish I'm afraid went down the loo)
They were buried in a box covered with a Union Jack silk handkerchief which I had from the lst world war years which belonged to my grandmother. Don't think she ever used it just kept it as a souvenier (Splg) We had a little ceremony to say goodbye. Streaker was called that because when we took him out of his cage he would run round and round the skirting board and not come into the centre of the room.
I have rang Virgin and they told me there was a fault on the internet broadband reception in the Derby area and that and when I said it had been going on for a week they agreed and apologised and said I would be getting a refund. Can't be bad.
I went into system status and put in East Midlands and it said so there that they were trying to repair it.
That health centre is nice Robi and I don't mind sitting up there. I did actually meet a friend that I used to work with so we sat and had a natter.
Hope you all have a good day.
fancy that, it was also Saint Prudence's day yesterday.

Not that it helped Gordon Brown much.
I have several pet cats buried in various places, one is under the pool, 2 budgies, fish and probably people for all I know! also a satellite receiver (analogue) which we thought would help in times to come!!! and also helped us get rid of it.

Lovely day here, I wore a chiffon top with tight trousers tucked boots, and several people said how young and slim I looked - that must be hell of a diet I started yesterday!!!
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Nah, it'll be the bright sun in their eyes neti....

where are the others today? still queueing up to vote?
NO!!!!it's my bright sparkling personality!!!!

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