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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 11:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby


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Afternoon all. Running late today. Don't care, too cold and wet. Having Fish peas and oven chips for dinner so I'm hoping the fat content isn't too high.

Yes Kit I share your feelings about Vin and Robi, well all of you to be honest. You've all helped me through some rare moments which is why I appreciate your friendship over the years, and Vin I love your choice in music and miss it when you take a breather. So don't ever leave us.

Not doing much today ~ just the usual cuppa with my sister, and Robi, she tells me Birds is back in business. Must go and have a look but not touch but then again I may just treat us to a cream cake to celebrate the opening.
Everything else is too boring to go on about so I'll have me F & C and see yer later 'gater(s)
Whole lotta luuurv going around:) ...and yes ^^what Jude said, I love you all,lots - was just singling Vinny out a bit cos he's the one who tries to escape every so often:
Well here I is finally is, after emailing ALL of yous and getting NO replies!

Don't worry shaney sarumite tried 3x and I finally got it!

Am trying my diet but I seem to be eating twice as much! I think when it says one peice of bread or fruit or youghurt, I eat all 3!

And I don't care if I'm not singled out for the lovin' <<< storms off in a huff >>> I shall be thin and tanned eventually, and brainy if I ever get to remember the crossword answers!! then you'll all be sorry!!!! :-)
this one makes me cry

its not that easy being biddie either
.....oh and just to teach you all another lesson, it's fabulously warm, sunny and delightful here, so there!!!!!
dear woofy, nothing is easy at our age, except I can and do sleep well at night!!
Hi I all I've only juist come back on so I've had no probs. And Neti what would I do without you to make me laugh. (and I don't mean at you I mean with you)

Robi what's happened to your avatar or is that Just Me.
Are you stuck on any Neti ? I've finished it so if you need answers ...
Sorry ,have only just seen your mail . Had my brother here muttering about his tax return which Mr S has to sort out for him and I have to ply him with tea and bread pudding .
Btw if you want another crossword to keep you amused on a Saturday there's a good GK one at ..
The Polymath .You can print it off or I can email you that one .
Oh Yoohoo Jude ..are you all clear now with the vinegar and pickled onions :)))
Hi all. just eaten fish with tomatoes, onions and a very small boiled pot with no salt or anything added, just a sprig of coriander, it's all right :-( Anyway we are having paella tomorrow cos I shall have one day of normal eating with wine (although the nurse said I could have 2 glasses of wine A DAY!!) I couldn't drink that much now!

Have done the xword thanks shaney, didn't seem too bad today, and many thanks for the other link, have saved that so will have something to do at other times.

I love you all too!!!
Evening each. Well now I've got the vinegar and pickled onions sorted oh yes and the emotional bit, I'll get back to normal.
Really running late ~ having me tea now at 10 past 7.
Please tell me what can I watch tonight that's any good.
My usual Friday (I know it's Sat.) night friend hasn't been out for a few weeks as her mother is very ill in hospital, came round yesterday and we had a good chat but she was struggling. She goes every day to see her and she runs a nursery in the mornings so her days are all taken up with work and hospital and cooking. I really feel for her. And to be honest her husband isn't much help.
Off now for me yoghurt and fruit.
Hope you're ok Robi
Bye for now......
Oh jno, when are you thinking of going away? Spain has now closed 19 airports !
I've changed my avatar, wonder how long it'll take.
About 3 weeks LOL!!

just seen this from buenchico and it's good, test your internet speed, mine is average and I'm pleased with it.
ps I didn't bother with the plug ins.
not going to Spain - going to Cyprus. The winds can stay right where they are now, thank you.
ah but do you have to fly over Spain?
Well, it only took 5 mins to change my avatar on Twitter, so how come it takes forever here????

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