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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Hope Meggie feels better soon.
We grew up in big houses with 3 bathrooms (yes I know some of my friends didn't have any!) but when I went to spain we have one loo outside in a wetroom with NO HOT WATER and the water had to be handpumped 300 x just for washing up and cooking, so we boiled a saucepan and washed in a bowl. Having just left my own big flat in Temple fortune (NW London), it was bit of a shock I can tell you.
Evening each! Here I is with my head sorted now for a bit.
I hope Meggie gets better soon Lottie. Also your feet how are they. And Woofy hope your pet is getting better.
How sad for your sister Neti but what a positive attitude she has. I doubt I would be like that.
My friend is having her op next week and has to have part of her tongue removed and will be in hospital for about 10 days. She isn't in the mood to talk so I've messaged her and said if she wants to chat anytime to call me. She messaged back and was happy with that so I feel a lot better now. Her family are taking care of her which is only right and proper.
I just have my other friend's funeral to go to an I feel more comfortable now. I was just scared of saying the wrong thing to my friends but I'm sorted now.

I've cought up with all your posts. All my nieces and nephews call me AJ all the time. Sometimes I get GAJ when they are writing on FB or texting. That for Great!. I imagine you had all guessed that.
glad you're getting through a hard time, Jude - I know it isn't you who's ailing but it's difficult when your friends are.

I don't have any Gs - Greats or Grands. No rush! In fact jno jnr and two nephews in their teens is my lot; my family has not devoted much time to transmitting our genes.

Imran is going to phone tomorrow to arrange to check out our lights. So it'll be another dim evening, but we have lots of standard lamps and things, and I won't be flying entirely blind.
Sorry I didn't sign off properly but I had a phone call.
I'm going to get some toast and a drink then I'm going to watch a bit of telly so I'll say oight oight EveryBiddy.
Take care and see yer later 'gater(s)
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Jude I understand how hard it can be to know what to do and say. I am glad that you feel better about things. We are getting to the difficult stage here. Rab is healing nicely, feeling terrific and cannot understand why he can't run around as usual and Shughy is aiding and abetting. Poor Shughy did a huge "play with me" bow tonight and I had to put a stop to it.
Anyway tomorrow is stitch check, the wound looks fine and if all goes well tomorrow, on monday i will take them out for a run, Rab on a flexi lead of course but better than nothing and Shughy will be able to let off steam.
Must admit I am a bit stir crazy myself but at least I am clean and stir crazy.
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ha ordinary crazy too, tomorrow is monday, will take them out on tuesday.
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Stayed up late tonight to ensure a good if short nights sleep. Oight oight all.
drizzling out there, just when I'm about to take a 50-mile train trip into the wilds. The subject of my visit was planning to join me en route, returning home from a visit to her boyfriend, but it seems she's gone home early. I wonder if this means relationship problems. I hope not; she has had hard times enough recently.
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good morning, we are back to grey and cold here. vet at 09.50 for stitch check but all looks fine to me. Will be glad when Rab can go out on lead again as everyone very restless this morning.
Morning all...not bad here, sunny/cloudy. Hoping it stays dry, it's mowing day and it really needs doing, it's up to the neck of my sparras.

Good luck to your friend Jude, that sounds like a nasty thing to go through.
Have a nice time on your trip jno, hope you're not blinded by the light when you emerge from your mole hole :o).
And good luck Rab ...or should that be good luck to the vet? :o)
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We are back from the vet and showed practically perfect behaviour. Sat in a busy waiting room with loads of other dogs and was friendly, was nice to vet nurse, actually allowed her to touch the stitches (slight swelling nothing serious) Anyway tomorrow we can go out so that will relieve the pressure a bit.
Godd afternoon (well just), I'm having a quick lunch before going to school. I'm goin barmy cleaning cupboards out and sending things to the Mind Shop. I have loads of tea lights and holders which I haven't used for years and they are all going. More room to store more stuff in!!
It' slovely and sunny here now and warm but I think it may get cloudy later.
Rab sounds good now Woofy I hope he keeps on the 'up'.

Time to go...see yer later 'gater(s) Have a good day!
Hi biddies, am on phone so only a quick visit. Well done Rab.
Off to gatwick soon.
Have a safe and stress free journey neti!

Well done rab, good lad! Charlie didn't get used to the waiting room bit until the last couple of years of his life but he always turned into the 'perfect patient' as soon as we were in with the vet and he was in the table. They always commented on how good and co operative he was...yeh right, they couldn't see the tears in my sleeves where I'd been wrestling him away from the other patients, haha. I've always said if I had another dog I'd pop them on the table once a week and give them 'an examination'...well maybe not the temperature bit..and certainly not if it was a st bernard :o)
should have said I think he was good on the table because he was used to being groomed on one.
Hi all
Hope some of you have reasonable weather 'cos it's damned unreasonable and unseasonable here .Raining ,cold ,damp and dismal .I feel really sorry for people who are here on holiday . .Mostly elderlies atm and they all look really fed up .
Jude I'm sorry to hear about your friend .Not very nice for her to have to go through but I hope the op will be successful .
Glad to see your woofer is Ok Woofy and hope your little dog has perked up Lofty .
Otherwise nothing doing here and I have no motivation in this carp weather .
Lol..Shaney was hell on wheels at the vet .He was good in the waiting room but the minute we got into the room he used to go bananas and pull and drag and scrabble about .As for trying to lift him onto the table .Nightmare and more scrabbling .Then he would prance out afterwards wagging his tail as if to say to the others ....that was a piece of cake ,nothing too it :)
I am an elderly on my hols and love it. Was sunny but is now overcast and chilly, Off now for the train.
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It's grey cold and rainy here too. I am on the middle of the settee in a dog sammich.
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Pause to take the boys out for a supervised wee. Histology results back by Friday...I hate the waiting bit.

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