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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Always previously Rab has been difficult and Shughy..... challenging was the vets description but then he did try to eat a vet and two nurses when his ears were so bad. Maybe Rab is growing up?
Sorry you've all had crip weather it's been grand here, gardener's been, lawns mowed and even an extra job... (noooo, leave it)...he whizzed the cutter over the winter honesuckle for me, once it's finished flowering it takes over the garden. I haven't got the strength for shearing any more and my hands swell up.

Laughing at the contrary dogs, they'd get us hung sometimes with their acting.

I've just had a syrup sammich. :o)

Song for neti, one of my favourites, it gives me goosebumps...
Don't forget 56 Up tonight, Itv1, 9pm.
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Got it set up on the vid. I remember watching 7 up and one of the girls said "I don't like myself much" and my mother roared with laughter and said it sounded like me.
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I seem to be spending my time on here at the moment telling people to stop whining and get on with their I getting grumpier than usual?
oh, they don't like it up'em, woofy.

Right, had lunch in Lewes, friend seems okay, walked round town in the rain with her (a very pretty town).

Have arranged for Imran to come and fix the lights tomorrow morning; dentist later.

Had a ripe and ready to eat avocado for dinner that was ripe and ready to eat!

Still coughing after five weeks. It's not all the time, but enough to be very irritating. Got a doctor's appointment on Thursday.

Well, that's where my life seems to be at, at the moment.
No Woofy you're not ..I'm much more grumpier than you are, so there :O)
We could have a grumpy contest .Haha..
Lol ..It's still raining here at Damp and Dismal on Sea .
Oh yoohoo Jno popped up there while I was grumping .
I just watched Chatsworth .Very interesting .
I need an army of cleaners,sorter outers and cheese tasters .
And also someone to come and measure up my place settings.No wonder Mr S keeps saying ....could you pass me the gravy's two inches out .
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Golly jno, an avocado want to hear my sister on the subject of ready to eat pears....the air turns blue. Have videod 56 up..I watched a bit and it looks fascinating..they are 3 years younger than me and it looks like ancient history.
Anyway that's another day over.....getting up early tomorrow, the boys will be ecstatic oight oight all.
jno, I passed Lewes twice today on the train to Gatwick, I would have joined you for lunch! Sissy gone to Dubai and then Perth, she'll be Ok. Freezing cold here, heating on, glad to be back in the house. Stinking hot in Spain apparently.

oight oight all
I think I might just take the prize of grumpiness, although I have enjoyed reading through all your news. Weather has been just horrible and my feet are worse than before the injections!!! Good news is that Meggie is feeling better and eating again. She gets bad bouts of colitis, poor doggy - I know just how she feels.

Thanks for your good wishes for me, my feet and Meggy.

So sorry about your friend Jude.

It's freezing cold and I am going to bed. Mr LL has already gone - probably to get away from a very grumpy wifey who is feeling sorry for herself!! I am wondering how one copes when one can't use their feet any more to get about. Walking sticks are not the answer!!


Oight, oight all

Ooooh, posted at the same time ^ .......

Night night Neti. Safe journey x
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we went out! Rab had to stay on the lead and we had to keep to the open spaces so he didn't scratch his stitches but we did it. Shughy bless him was ecstatic but didn't go too far away from us, I thought he would take off like a rocket but he stayed close.
Anyway back to sleep now....
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Lottie didn't the feet injection man say they would be worse before they were better or has that phase passed?
Good morning all. I've just remembered. My friend who is to have the op is Maggie who joined us for a very short while on here.
I'm going to see her today for lunch.
I was up at 5. Just couldn't sleep anymore. Going to Sainsburys now to pick up book I bought and left on the self service till.
Sorry about your feet Lottie. do you hasve to go back to the hospital about them.

Have a safe journey Neti,

It's so cold here and I've just heard it's snowing somewhere in England. BRRRrrrr.

Later's 'gaters!
Morning ok ish but cold and set to be very wet later.

Surely I am the grumpiest? tut... everything's getting on my nerves lately. I didn't enjoy 56 Up, they were irritating me, lol, I wish I'd watched Chatty House instead.
And I'm worried about my hands as much as my feet, they seem to swell up after the slightest thing. I'd like to treat myself to an eternity type ring but there doesn't seem to be much point.

Oh poor Maggie, I liked her posts, she was funny...give her our best wishes Jude.
oh, I forgot Chatsworth and 56 Up, but I did remember the one about the Frenchman who flew over France in a zeppelin with a camera after WW1 - some amazing film of towns reduced to rubble and cellars.

In between showers here at the moment but nobody's promising snow.
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Hello all, we got home, went back to sleep at 05.30 and didn't stir till 09.30 when the first one to move was me. I have had a real shower, in the shower, not over the bath and I now have a huge cup of tea and the boys are sleeping again. Its bright here but very cold and windy. Good thoughts to Maggie. Is Neti travelling home?
Morning all
It's a glorious day ,hot and sunny and I'm having breakfast in the garden whilst the servants run hither and thither bringing cooling drinks and plates of melon and grapes .The bees are bumbling around the lavender bushes and the birds are chirping away merrily .
Hope you are all Ok .Best wishes to Maggie Jude .
Have you got sausage finger syndrome too Robinia ..None of my rings go over my knuckles these days.
Right I've got to go and thump my neighbours teevee which she says is on the blink ..see you later .

Btw's raining :)
My hands look lovely - sausage fingers and age spots!!

It's really cold here and rain is threatening yet again.

Woof, yes the doctor said they might get worse for a couple of days, but it is now almost a week. He also said the treatment might not work at all. But never mind - there are others worse off than me. I am, however, a bit worried about my holiday now and about the various trips we make from the boat. Mr LL might have to give me a piggyback!! The poor man would collapse under the weight!!!!

Have just had one of the worse night's lack of sleep ever and might well go back to bed at some time. My mind just wouldn't shut down and my hips were 'screaming' at me, probably in unison with Shaney's!!

Best wishes to Maggie, Jude.


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