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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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ha, love the dream shaney :o)
It's hard to be positive when the washer finishes at the same moment as the heavens open...grrrr.

My plot is truly lost...I went up to wash my hair an hour ago, walked into the bathroom ...and put on my shower hat.
I was reading something the other day about forgetting what you came for... apparently this is quite common when you go to another room. It's thought it might be the action of going through a door that does it. It would suggest that back in the stone age we needed triggers to re-alert our minds; so from open country, looking out for mammoths to eat, you'd go into a cave and would need to switch immediately to snake-watch mode.
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well that makes sense but where does the bath hat fit in?
I have a complication in the shape of a stomach upset....feel like i will be setting up camp in the loo today.
It's sloshing it down here .
I have several things I could be doing .
1 Ironing
2 Sort out my wardrobe and ditch stuff that has seen better days.
3 Fold up the washing I just finished off in the drier
4 Make a cauliflower cheese.
6 File my nails
7 Read or finish my crossword mag .
8 Phone God and the world
9 None of the above
10 Fiddle around on the computer and drink tea .
shower caps are excellent at keeping snakes out of the hair; Medusa wore one all the time.
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I so know that plan Shaney. I should be hoovering and tidying....not gonna happen.
oh dear woofy and you're on a water meter...think of all that money going down the drain, that'll bung you up....hope you feel better soon.

I've struggled to stick to a kind of plan this week and I'm doing reasonably well but I'm shattered....hence the shower cap incident :o)
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ha ha, trust you Robi.
neti rushes in, late as ever![i

Been normal shopping, ie for food. My sis and I had to laugh at Robi's shower hat, you are so funny Robi!

Got mousey a glittering red flea collar, and got Mr N 6 packets of instant custard, well life is too short (esp now to make real custard!) Anyway I am ornamental not functional.

Having a huge laugh with sis, we are so ridiculous. Blagged an upgrade to Business classon Emirates for other sis yesterday just by chatting up the young fellow, she had wanted to go business but was quoted £4,000, and he said it was slightly cheaper, and as he couldn't give her the seat on the left cos of her painful neck, he upgraded her. When asked why she hadn't checked in online, I explain that we oldies were "paper people" He was lovely. and when I said I was flying back to Ibiza with Easyjet on 11th he said he had friends working on
that flight and they would look after me. It was only on the way home, that I remembered that I was flying Monarch!!!! [i] tut - old women indeed!]
I do hope all aches, pains and dogs are in fine fettle today x
Grrr, italics
oh gawd, now I can't see last answer until I refresh, oh dear, life is too short for all this nonsense.
ha, so someone got the VIP treatment on their way to Ibiza and had no idea why :o) all cats on Ibiza have glittery red fleas?
[l] I am ornamental not functional [i]

lol... I used to be. Now I am just an heirloom.

Looks like Imran won't make it through the snowdrifts today so it will have to be tomorrow. On the plus side, dentist thinks my teeth are looking good. He says his practice now has an implant man and if I'd gone with him I could have saved £700 a fang... sigh.
oh dear, deep sigh indeed jno!
Absolutely hailing a storm here, the noise on the glass roof of the conservatory is deafening.

I want to change my aviator but none of the emails seems to connect, help me jno please!
Just had a sherbert pip storm here too...
You have to use the same email addy on gravatar as you use for this site neti.
but there's the rub Robi, I had to change it when it wasn't working circa Xmas, and now it won't accept either of them!
Tis Ok, think I have found it!
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We have heavy rain and bright sun here at the same time. There must be a rainbow but I cba to get up and look. Tum still playing up but I am keep food down which is a relief.

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