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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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earth calling Neti.....are you receiving????????????

In other news, the vet has just phoned and Rab's lump was fat, not nasty or dangerous. There might be wine tonight.
hurray for Rab! a pat & treat for him...ok, and Shughy too. Must be a heck of a relief woofy.
Shaddup the lot of yer!!!

Well done Rab, as I said on FB, I'll join you in a little drinkie poos tonight woofy. I was going out anyway to see my first fiance in his group Memphis Flyers, tonight. No don't worry, sister is coming with me and there is no romantic involvement anymore. Will be rocking tonight. False tooth is very wobbly, hope it doesn't come out as we are chattign! btw he is the one on the motorbike that I uploaded here a while back.
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It is a huge is open and I have baked american cheese biscuits for dinner.
♫ Roll out the barrell........♫ ( no that is not me!)
that's good news, woofgang, open a bottle


<thinks: if I had a glass every time I discovered some fat...>
have a good time neti

lol that you?
fan mail for Robinia... fan mail for Robinia...

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Well we had a lovely dinner and watched the last but one House and a Cavendish QC both video'd. Oight oight all and may the light be with you.
Pleased to hear your woofer is Ok Woofy xx
Nothing doing here .I lead a very boring life ...
Bit down and depressed ....sorry but I can't summon up any enthusiam atm .
Oight Oight ...see you later
sorry you're feeling low, shaney. Though I suppose we're meant to at this time of night, otherwise we'd never sleep.

We could swap lives for a while if you want, I need someone whose idea of excitement is staring at lights to see if they'll go out.
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Good morning all, Shaney i hope you are feeling better this morning. I didn't think the dogs were tired but we all slept through the alarm so no early risers here. We have sunshine too which is pretty amazing.
Morning all....dull and chilly but it's going to warm up next week (mmm?) especially dahn sarf. It'll be positively barm...err, balmy for you jno and hopefully bright. Thanks for the notification, happy to know I'm still useful on this site.
Are you going to the invisible art exhibition?...I was a life model for them you know.

I'd have joined you in sad corner last night if I'd known shaney, I think I'm existing rather than living at the moment and the light at the end of the tunnel is decidedly low energy.
Oh well, I've got my euro winnings of £9.90 to spend on Amazon (25% off some things), that'll fill me with glee.
well obviously it's going to warm up next week as I shall be in Italy. I am well known for my influence on the weather, all of it accidental. The lights can switch themselves on and off in my absence; it'll look like those American house Christmas decorations.
Morning all, cheer up. Off for lunch, feel really silly in short dress.

Laters, got a wine headache from last night.
The last time I wore a short dress was...ermmm...the school disco...ha, no, about the mid nineties I think.
Can I join you in the sad corner please. I have no energy, my feet hurt and I am so fed up with everything and the weather isn't helping. I went to bed at 9.00pm last night and didn't get up until 9.00am this morning. I am so tired, but I think it's more of a depressive state than actually being tired. Going back to the wood burner......................
It was some bad news yesterday that got me down .My old friend Eileen in London is very poorly.Her daughter rang me to say they've found a mass in her lungs which has spread to her liver and kidneys and is inoperable .We've been friends for nearly thirty years and used to work together .
Dreary weather here today but not cold .
Love to you all xxx
That is such sad news for you Shaney.

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