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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Watching the celebrations on Sky, v. nice, taking granddaughter's dog for a walk along the prom in the rain in a minute, will enjoy that!
Hello all
Grey mizz drizz here .Such a shame for the celebrations .The street opposite other side of the park had all the bunting out yesterday for a party and now it's just drooping in the rain .Some hardy soul has erected a marquee in the road so I expect they'll all huddle underneath it .
I've made Phil Vickerys picnic pie this morning .How very virtuous of me
We're recording the flotilla for later as Picky is coming for the pie which we are having with various salady stuff .
Hope you are all Ok .Enjoy it all folks in spite of the weather .
Sun's out, the Queen is still reigning, hope jno is in the sun!
Me enjoying coffee at Holywell, which brings back forgotten childhood memories!


No, not the drinking coffee, the place!!
oooerrr where's the Kwells? :o)
Well when in doubt throw every colour in...haha, royal barge was a tad bollywood meets old time fairground ride but her maj looked fabulous. Shame about the weather but it was a spectacle and I've enjoyed it from the comfort of my sofa.... under a fleece...with the heating on....tut.
lovely pic neti...where's ya flag?
you can't believe the media. It was okay in Battersea Park the whole time, not a drop of rain. But all the media were huddled at Tower Bridge, where it all finished, and it did rain there. So they're telling the world that the whole thing took place in miserable weather. It didn't. So there.

But the entire royal family was facing the north bank as they went past us, and we were on the south bank. They could at least have detailed Camilla to have turned round and given us a wave.

Anyway, we met our German neighbours there and came back to their place and had some wein and I seemed to be the only one drnnking white so I fishned of the wholt bollte and
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Lovely day. We watched it all on telly and really enjoyed it, good old fashioned British spectacle. Where in the park were you jno?
right up by the river, woofgang, gradually wiggled through the crowds until I was about four people back from the barrier and waving my camera in the air to take photos (some of them have come out okay in spite of my not having a clue what I was pointing at). It was close to what looked like some kind of Buddhist shrine.
Just looked at some pics on the web as we haven't watched it yet .Her Maj must have been fumbling in her handbag looking for her specs because she wandering about with the flap of her handbag bag undone . .I notice things like that .haha ....She did look nice though .

Opposite were very valiant in the rain and carried on wth the street party regardless .It's been a rotten day here weatherwise and in the end had to put the heating on June ! Tut .
Lovely picture Neti .hope you've all had a good day .Yours sounds very good Jno .
Oight Oight all .
Morning all...squirts jno with water pistol...there you go, don't want you to feel you've missed out.
I keep losing my internet connection, the whole world must be on the net. I can't blame them, it's bloomin cold and cloudy out.
OH is off doing something or other at the Palace today so I shall give the rest of the jubilee a miss and get on titivating photos. I must check if Waitrose is open, as I think we emptied the picnic hamper yesterday.
Morning all.

Weather clearing now, but by 'eck it's freezing. Shall still enjoy the street party, although these are big "posh" houses and one does not put up bunting!! I shall manage to lower the tone somehow or other. Local MP will be joining us as wiull the major, am I bothered!! I shall get a cuddle!!
the Buck House Jubilee Picnic hamper is quite a posh affair this year - a proper wicker basket with an insulated plastic container inside it, with lots of little snacks and a poncho, just in case, plus a voucher for a glass of champers. I'll try to put a photo of it here later. There don't seem to be any on eBay yet.
neti comes staggering in clutching head

Oh what a street party!! Bit stiff and formal until I started dancing to Dancing Queen, and then the mayor of Eastbourne came hurtling up and started dancing with me, that got them all going. Chatted to Joe Washbourne who wrote Dancing in the Moonlight, and generally caused havoc and have been invited back to get it all going again next year. Have been given two addresses if sis kicks me out and I can visit! Feet killing me, quiet evening watching the Buck house concert!

Hope you all had a good time whatever you were doing!
Bah ......for the umpteenth time .....don't know if my internet is on the wobble or it's drunken Jubilee hamsters in the machine .
Evening all .Hope you are all fine and dandy .Not a bad day here .No rain so far but a tad chilly for June .Sunny and cloudy .
Been watching Jubilee on catch up .The flotilla was amazing .You are so lucky to have been there Jno .I see poor old Prince P is in hospital with a bladder infection .Bit of a damper on the proceedings .Poor old chap probably caught a chill in that damp yesterday .
I'm going to watch the concert later .
Ooh I saw the hampers on the news Jno .Very swish indeed !
We had fried cold fried spuds ,coleslaw and left over picnic pie ...but I did wear me tiara :-)
Have a nice evening all .Enjoy the concert if you're watching .
well, that was a very nice concert and the weather was actually sunny, until it set, of course.
Brilliant ! Apart from Cliff Richard think it's time he jacked it in .
Tom Jones still has a great voice . Lang Lang was fab and Madness were great .
Grace Jones could have done without the hula hoop .In fact I think they could have done without her full stop .
Bruno Peek. Pageant Master . Well I never ! Hobnobbing with her Maj .I remember him from way back :)
today's gossip: Gary Barlow didn't have laces in his shoes. (OH has photographic proof)
I'm still surprised that nobody noticed the handbag that wasn't fastened properly :)

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