Morning all...very chilly and dull.
Neti you're starting to sound like Jude but speeded up, if that's possible.
Had a (nicely) busy day yesterday so I'm a bit jaded today...I'd never make queen If anyone's got a hamper basket I'll have it to sleep in, I feel like Looby Loo.:o)
I didn't see the first half of the concert but it doesn't sound like I missed much. I loved Madness on the roof and the projected images on the palace. It looked amazing when it got dark. Well done Gary Barlow, I really like him. Poor Duke of E, hope he gets well soon.
Shaney we (me and my sister) noticed the queen's handbag. I thought at one point Camilla pointed to it but she didn't close it...maybe one needs a lady in waiting to do it :o)
I'm paranoid about bites too since the 'desperate dan face' incident, hope yours are getting better woofy...
scratches in sympathy
Had a lovely surprise in my garden this morning..I hadn't been to the bottom end for a couple of days and this had happened1 It's a bit that's unfortunately quite hidden but it goes to prove you never know what might be around the corner