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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Robbie Williams was good ..he come and entertain me any time !
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Ooooh Shaney!!!! I have been a bit zonked today. Got a ton of mozzie bites on sat clearing the pond filter, they got worse today so I took an antihistamine, was supposed to be a non drowsy one but nobody told my body and I fell asleep. Anyway dear sis looked after everything and we enjoyed the concert. Fabulous effects and staging, I bet old Seb Coe will be crying tonight, the jubilee has set the bar high for the Olympics.
Crikey Woofy .Look after those bites .Swines they are.I dread getting bitten these days after my leg fiasco .
Hope you soon feel better .I'm orf to my bed .I'm looking forward to tomorrow.The service etc .
Oight Oight xx
Apparently it is the fashion to not have laces in one's shoes!!

Good morning Biddies, ah celebrations over, now for a couple of quiet days until sis and I go to the theatre and then to see my ex-fiance in a band in Bexhill, if we make it. Need another hair cut, gosh have I been here so long?? Just a quiet trip to the shops today, then catch on Corrie.

What a super concert that was last night, and yes could have done without Grace Jones, what a wallY! and Sir Cliff in his tight pink suit was a no no for me! Love Tom Jones, his voice is still amazing and Robbie.
Morning all...very chilly and dull.
Neti you're starting to sound like Jude but speeded up, if that's possible.
Had a (nicely) busy day yesterday so I'm a bit jaded today...I'd never make queen If anyone's got a hamper basket I'll have it to sleep in, I feel like Looby Loo.:o)

I didn't see the first half of the concert but it doesn't sound like I missed much. I loved Madness on the roof and the projected images on the palace. It looked amazing when it got dark. Well done Gary Barlow, I really like him. Poor Duke of E, hope he gets well soon.
Shaney we (me and my sister) noticed the queen's handbag. I thought at one point Camilla pointed to it but she didn't close it...maybe one needs a lady in waiting to do it :o)

I'm paranoid about bites too since the 'desperate dan face' incident, hope yours are getting better woofy...scratches in sympathy

Had a lovely surprise in my garden this morning..I hadn't been to the bottom end for a couple of days and this had happened1 It's a bit that's unfortunately quite hidden but it goes to prove you never know what might be around the corner
oh, very pretty, Robinia. There might be something nice in our garden but it's too cold to go out and look.

Speaking of light shows, the Sydney Opera House has fallen down
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great video jno...I am still dopey from the antihistamine.
Hello all
Not a bad day here but cold .We've got the heating on . Have spent most of the day watching the service ,carriage ride ,balcony bit etc .Her Maj looked a bit lonely wandering down the aisle behind the clergy .At least the weather held more or less.
Lovely picture Robinia .
I've got a lovely new garden tete a tete seat .We got rid of the old table chairs as they were so scruffy and mouldy but it doesn't look very promising for tetes a tetes atm and it's all covered up .
Oh well I'd better make an effort and do some food .
See you later .
Last evening we saw a baby fox go past the patio window and it stopped and looked at me, and earlier in the pm we saw two foxes playing and sleeping in the next door garden, which is tended but the house is unoccupied! They looked so sweet. My sis feeds them and now with extra food for the baby! I want to erect a kennel for them to hide in out of this rain!!

Elder sister is now winging her way back to Dubai from Perth, and then Gatwick, we are meeting her at Gatwick tomorrow.
The foxes probably wouldn't go in it even if you built them a de luxe kennel neti. i want a de luxe summerhouse...and a bit of summer to go with it....not too hot tho.
I've been looking at tete a ete seats since the spring shaney. I'm thinking if the weather stays bad for a while longer they'll keep reducing them.

Yes I've watched all things royal today...what was Sam Cam wearing on her head? I thought her hairnet had crept up and was about to ping off. :o)
Sam Cam looks awful as did Mrs Boris johnson, Sally Bercow also looked silly, with legs like those she should cover up. Honestly some people have no idea how to dress!
It was only fifty quid at the local QD shop Robinia .It's quite nice for the money Picky the flat pack assembler put it all together for us .I've seen the same one on Amazon at twice the price .
good grief, the jubilee picnic hampers are going for £50 or more on eBay, but even the menus are getting £11 bids

£51 for the poncho

You probably wouldn't get much more than that for the Sacred Crucifixion Tunic in Trier

me dancing with the mayor, with sis and granddaughter in the background, does my bottom look big in this?

the dancers (and the mayor's very nice wife Margaret!)
dancing with two feet on the ground? Very biddyish, one must have a care for one's bunions.
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Lovely pics Neti, robi that clematis is beautiful, mine have been chewed by something this year. I looked at the hampers on eBay, I guess for some folk at the moment, the money would be really helpful....
Am feeling quietly pleased here, there were fireworks in the port tonight, 22.30 to 23.00. We dosed the dogs and prepared for the worst, okay they weren't the noisiest ever but both dogs slept straight through them!!!!!
Oight oight all
Good morning. Off to Gatwick today to collect sister, she left Dubai at 5am.

B-i-law goes to hospital today for two stents to be put in his leg, to increase the circulation, it is only a local anaesetic (sp) but he will be in overnight, so we are rushing about a bit today. It is so cold!

jno!! in modern dancing one does not gallop about lifting feet off the ground, one sort of wobbles the torso!---- tut tut---
sounds like a waltz to me, neti... hm, I am thinking about circulation to my feet, doc says all the rashes I get round my ankles may be signs of bad circulation (and I suspect the cold feet I have had the last few winters are also caused by this). I am seeing him tomorrow to request that he start doing something about it.
Morning all...breezy & cloudy here. I'm glad I haven't got any flag waving to do today I've seized up across the back of my shoulders.

shaney I can't stop laughing...I thought for one mad moment you were talking about Sam Cam's hat when you said it was 50 quid from the Qd shop, hahahaha.
(that's a good price for one of those seats!)

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