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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Thanks woofy, at least it's dry here but it has clouded over. Hope the dog's tums settle, mine's not too good either. Maybe we're all below par because of this super duper full moon.
I want to sort out going onto a water neighbour was thinking of it too, she's on her own, but she's been quite poorly so I've been waiting for her to get better so we can make an appointment for same day. Even if I use twice as much as I think I do it will still cost less.

I'm looking through my puta files to see if there's much I can delete...I do save some cyber clutter :o)

Have a super day old girl, am in rush for 2 pm wedding, I look a mess, raining here, and in Sta Eulalia!!


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Robi it depends where they fit the meter but they didn't come and see me at all. I applied (online) and just got home one day to find they had fitted it in the hole where the external stop cock is.
tums are settling here. and next doors kids are screaming in the garden. The dogs and me are eating a cold beef sandwich so not screaming back at the moment.
Neti i hope you dont freeze.
well, I did come across an interesting cosmetic ad while away... I suppose it's a German joke...
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well I suppose it would give you bouncy hair....
We have sun and rain here. Had a nice walk round the open garden with my friend and bought some plants. then had coffee and home made cake. They have a tiny victorian cottage at the end of their garden, just one long room really but with an open fire in one end and it was very nice and cosy. The house itself is victorian (you don't go round the house) and the garden is actually not that much bigger than mine but long and narrow. Its beautifully laid out and the soil is wonderful but it wouldn't last five minutes with the dogs....oh well.....
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just been ass kicking in the law department.
I hope you haven't frozen to death Neti, we have sun here.
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tired oight oight
pretty freezing sun here, though, woofy.
oh, woofgang's got her youthful bloom back again after being a jelly person for a while.
Hello all
Hope you've all had a good day and that you had nice birthday Robinia .
We had a nice lunch and played cards .. you win some you lose some .I broke even .Mr S. is still counting his coppers :)
Hope the wedding went well Neti .
I is tired .Oight Oight folks .Sleep toight .
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Good morning all, yes I suddenly de jellified, still not sure how or why. It's cold here but dry which is kind of a bonus. We went out this morning and had a walk in daylight, huge bonus. Back to sleep now.
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morning again, its cold and grey here. I have coffee and the dogs have gone back to sleep. I might join them, should be doing housework but CBA
Good I is on the new puta, it'll take a bit of getting used to and the keyboard's a bit different to my very old one. I seem to have a bit of a problem with a jerky cursor at the moment (it was ok yesterday) so if anyone can shed any light without being too technical I'd be grateful. I daren't start calling Tarquin already, he had a booger of a job doing the changeover which put him a very crabby mood, (cancerian + a very full moon = recipe for disaster) so of course I felt guilty even though it was his idea I have it in the first place. Then the headache I'd been fighting back for two days went off the scale (I think it was the weather, the temp rose by about 10 degrees in a few hrs) so it wasn't the jolliest of birthdays...never mind.

Thanks again for all the birthday wishes, I think I'll be like the queen and have another (livelier) one later in the year. :o)

Hope neti's survived!
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Good morning Robi, try the simple stuff first and clean the base of the mouse. If it is a slidey (ball less) one then just give it and the mat a good polish, if it has a ball, then it will have a little door in the base to unlock and take the ball out and wipe it over. In out house, toast crumbs have called many a temporary mouse seizure
aren't you a bit old to be trying new things, Robinia?
Just passing through with headache and sore feet from a fabulous day and night
Thanks woofy, it's an optical mouse and it was ok yesterday. I think I've seen something somewhere about the mouse being too slow for a fast computer so maybe, if that's true, I'll need a new one. T did bring a mouse but it was very big and I thought it would make my hand ache more than it often already does.
Just a teething problem I suppose.
I'm using firefox now instead of IE which he tells me is better....I know nothing :o)
<whispers>...morning neti, pleased you had a good time.

well it was about time jno
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a bigger mouse should, in theory, make your hand ache less as you don't have to close your hand over it so much...and yes if it cant track fast enough, it will jump around, although if it was ok yesterday....

there that should wake her :-)

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