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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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yes firefox has it all over IE. I go to firefox when Safari plays up.
Well I've just learnt how to create a desktop shortcut to this thread so that's the most important thing sorted, have to get my priorities right. The next ones will be amazon, m&s, next, etc etc..... :o)
Question Author
lol I am lost when i lose my shopping shortcuts Robi
I've just had another neighbour from a few doors down phone to ask if I'm on a water meter, haha..what a coincidence. Anyway I told her what I know (and we put the world to rights) and she's going for it too, so that'll be three of us...severn trent will be a few bob short this year :o)
oooh, my cursor seems to be ok again...touch wood.
Question Author
glad to hear it, you cant shop with an iffy cursor.
Hello all
Welcome to Firefox Robinia .Yes you can't have a jumpy mousey ,that 50 quid handbag could turn into into a 500 quid one in one fell click :)
Hope you are all Ok today .Not bad here was sunny on and off but clouded over now . Sounds as if you had a good time Neti .Hope you've recovered by now Nothing doing here .See you later.
Question Author
even worse, the 500 quid one could turn into a 50 quid cheapie lol
Question Author
having a snigger at Shaney in suggs....Shaney are you bored?
Question Author
Yes ..I am a bit Woofy and he's one odious idiot I cannot stand .
He's got verbal diarrhoea ,a huge high horse and huge ego to boot :)
He jumped on some poor poster in finance who wanted to borrow a few bob and compared a meagre five grand to the Greek economy ,the IMF and gave her a really hard time . Total ball thrower .
OOh I say Woofy ..go on ...jiggle that mouse
Hello again folks, feel very delicate! Will post piccy of me in dress when i can cope. Needless to say the dress was a big (size 14) success.
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I think i must be sickening for something, the chief female atheist and I agreed about something yesterday
Oh yes and one for me too please woofy....<rattles abacus.... installing that would mean I have less grass to be mowed...reduce the gardener's fee by a few quid...should have paid for it if I live to be two hundred.

My closest uncle just rang me, he's early eighties and we spent about an hour and a half talking about his many lady friends and his whirlwind lifestyle, the little divil. I'm exhausted, lol. I'd introduce him to Jude but I'm afraid he prefers them much younger...why didn't I inherit his genes? :o)

I'm off to see what shaney's been up to...
oh, if the lawn around my summerhouse needs mowing, I just move it out of the way

strewth...if they're that suspicious of a post they should report it with their concerns and say nowt...
oh lawdy jno, I'd end up getting stuck in that like a hamster in a ball :o)
Question Author
getting stressed. Have to take rab to the vet tomorrow because he has a lump Rab hates the vet. shughy has to stay home alone and will create blue murder. I just want tomorrow morning to be over.

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