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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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no I wouldn't banish either, i have seen way worse things that that posted and this is an adult forum.
I agree about not foisting on vulnerable people though and his survival of the fittest carp.
That's really what annoyed me Woofy .
I wonder if he would have the gumption to tell my husband to his face ,who's been seriously ill ( and you hubby too )and is no longer "fit " that he should consider ending it all.

Next thing you know he'll be wanting pensioners to be put up against the wall and shot :))
Where do these ridiculous views of his end ?
Shaney I would love...purely love to see him come to your house, or mine and fact if he came to my house I would sell tickets :-)
Have just watched the Living Room one and the Bathroom, they are fascinating. Hardwick (Hardwyke) House in Derby, full of glass windows and ab fab! Can't wait for the kitchen one! That Lucy is a vry likeable presenter, I like the way she dresses up for the part, esp the 1930's art deco one, she looked amazing!

Off to the washing up!
Sat her in the semi dark on the sofa.....stupid ignorant arsing fireworks....Shughy got very upset and kept trying to sit on my legs in bed then got under the bedside table and almost tipped it over. Rab did his "I will curl into a ball and go rigid" act and I got a mega hot flush which is my own personal stress reaction. We have abandoned the bedroom (spare room, DH needs his kip and I get tropically hot and fidgetty at nigh atm.) and I am waiting for things to settle down before trying to get some sleep....and now I am hungry and was trying to cut down on intake.....oh poo
Why are they letting off fireworks Woofy ? You seem to get them a lot .
Very inconsiderate . Though I had some neighbours who would let off a firework and celebrate if someone farted .Twonks .
I hope you manage to get some peace and quiet .
No idea Shaney..we get them in the port when the cruise liners sail but more often its local folk with just a few...there are quite a few places round here that sell them all year and they aren't expensive either. The boys are both asleep now dilemma, do I leave them here and go back upstairs or do i kip on the settee?? and what shall i eat????????
Creep off to bed and take a sarnie with you .I often get the midnight munchies and if I see that bloke in the ad with his Lurpak making a cheese omelette I'm a goner :)
I did creep off to bed, couldn't be bothered with the sarnie and we skipped early walkies, have just fed them and we will go back to bed again soon
another nice day here and the dentists are finally back at work so I shall take them my crown for replacing and may get a tiara or two buffed up as well at the ironmonger's.
Morning all.

Vera? well I'm not sure, it was so long and all she did was run hither and thither, so I kept falling asleep, so I missed most of it and didn't understand it. Am watching Exile, which I am enjoying!

Poor woofy, you just do not need all that bother at night do you, luckily it's very quiet here, as long as the new neighbours at the back do not move a hair!
I think I have caught up with you - you chatty lot!! I have enjoyed all your postings though, about politics, gardens, birds, Vera, the goings on on AB, dentists, IBS, etc.

Robi, Norman Lamb is the very excellent MP for North Norfolk. The problem is that we were taken out of North Norfolk last year when they decided to even out the numbers and now come under Broadland for political purposes (The District Council is still North Norfolk).

We are nowhere near Broadland, Broadland is completely different to up here. We don't even border Broadland. Now we are stuck with a stodgy elderly conservative MP who seems to do nothing. End of rant.

I am going out now to stock up the cupboards and must get back into some sort of non holiday mode. I get more done when Mr LL is working and he seemed to have been at home for ever.

I will be back later - I have noone to interrupt me today!!!

PS I thought Vera was boring and missed Exile!!
afraid I thought vera was boring too...Dogs roused again at 5 am after getting to sleep around half past midnight...out for wees, (not me you fools) and they were back in bed before I was. DH heard me moving around but went back to sleep sensible chap and we have just got up late and had to town to by him new clothes.
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Morning all..what flippin day is it? cheeseday? :o)...haha, guess what I had for my tea last night?...yes shaney, chs omltt n chps...with lashings of Lrpk.... sorry folks!

Well I like my murders in slo-mo so boring is my thing...I can't kep up with these modern, whooshing tv dramas. And it wasn't particularly gory, I don't like that either unless it's a medical drama & they've got someone's insides flopped out all over their outsides. :o)

Something was rattling/vibrating on the roof in the wind last night, could be the tv ariel I s'pose...oh I'm fed up of sorting out house problems. Give me spiders, huge ones, thunder & lightning, stampeding wildebeest...but don't give me gas, water, electricity or rumbling roofs. Oh and no fireworks either, sorry you have to keep putting up with that woofy...get in touch with Norman Lamb, I'm going to see if he'll move here & sort Derby out...:o)

Has the spdr arrived yed neti? You'll know it's him because he's..... :o)
Nothing but bills in the postbox today Robi, er, what would I prefer??????
Hi chooks
Lovely sunny day again ,but chilly wind still .
I'm off to Morrisons .How exciting .
Hope you are all Ok .See you later .Be good .
Which reminds me, I was going to Morrisons this morning and I still haven't been. Have been tied up on phone calls re land yet again and had to wait about.

See you in Morrisons Shaney ;o)
just laid for over an hour in the sun, listening to 60's music, I love the Ramones! Even got up to my knees in pool but tad chilly!ç

Can anyone remember who sang The Impossible Dream on that car advert a while back, will ask in AB also!

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