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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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Afternoon Each.. Hope you're ok today and the weather is as lovely as it is here. Mind you we could do with a drop of the wet stuff for the ground.

I agree about Andrew's 2 girls. They really need some advice on dressing up and what was that hat all about. I feel like you Woofy they seem to be a bit like outsiders and that's a shame. Still nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors so they may feel ok.
I'm off to the match this afto. Let's hope we can do a bit better against Bristol than we did against Norwich eh Lottie:~).

Last night out was disappointing. The place seems to have changed and we only saw a couple of people we know, so I don't think we'll be going again in a hurry.
I'm going to stop in tonight and watch the snooker.

Better go and put a plaster on my hand. I have a huge blister in the palm of my right hand (gardening) and its so sore now. It starts to dry up and then I scratch it and then I have to put a plaster on it. Still if that's all I have to bother about I can't complain.
Take care all....
Laters 'gaters.
well, that's why I was suggesting she wear a little fascinator, Robinia. If you want to wear a hat, don't get one that looks like it was designed to sink the Bismarck or pick up signals from Jupiter.
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this is quite fascinating in turquoise...

oh dear Jude, you'll have to start walking on your hands to toughen 'em up a bit. Hope the footy result's a good one, we don't want you moping around with a face like a wet weekend :o)
well actually we could do with a wet weekend...
no wet weekends here, thank you, or I shall have to don protective headwear
Hi everyone. Lovely day here again, but the wind is still somewhat chilly. Have been repotting houseplants outside. One area of our back garden, just outside the conservatory has a mediterranean climate all of its own so I have not strayed from it.
Loved Robi's remark about Princess Anne grabbing the curtains.............. LOL.

As for the hats, I would agree that most of them looked more fit for Star Wars than a Royal Wedding. There used to be a time when hats were worn to be flattering - that seems to have gone out of the window completely unfortunately.

I must admit to not liking fascinators either - they irritate me - they either seem to look like plants or birds sitting on your head - daft things in my opinion. Just thinking how nice Sam Cam would have looked with a nice wide brimmed balanced hat, just with a simple ribbon or corsage. It would have made all the difference.

Have sent Mr LL to town to buy some hanging baskets and brackets for the side of the garage which forms a fence to our back garden. Well actually he offered to go because he wants to have a browse round Focus and look at things men seem to find very interesting.

Take care of that blister Jude. Horrid things are blisters.

Praying for rain now - time for rain dancing I think. It's an awful long time since we have seen any in these parts.

See you soon.

True to form. The Rams. We lost.....again! :~(

Off to visit my plumber tonight to meet his Mum. She is down from Liverpool and he wants me to meet her before his wedding in June. That makes 5 people I shall know who will be there.

You wont believe this Robi but I had gloves on when I did my blister. I think I'll dump them and buy some better ones.

I'm going to drown my sorrows with a Baileys later. We were rubbish and that's the last time I'll mention it until next season.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Yup, gloves are bad for gardening blisters as they don't allow the sweat to dry and your palms get soft and blister more easily. I have spent the afternoon on the chaise longue enjoying a idea why.
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Sorry about the footy & woofy's headache...

Well my hair looks like I'm wearing a fascinator today, it's so windy.
I'd like some hanging baskets but I only have shady walls at the back & i don't want any on the front, they tend get re-distributed around the neighbourhood.
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Some moments ftom yesterday :o)


There is just one thing I've been pondering...the ring was a bit tight...and they've postponed the honeymoon....hmmm?
I was watching, the ring wasn't tight, he did the usual ham fisted male thing of just jamming the ring on which shoved up the loose skin and muscle into the knuckle.
Night night all......
cool, I have hired a car in Arizona and found a nice hotel; less than a week to go. And a free upgrade on the flight, what more could any traveller want.
Only just back and there she was gone again................................. whoosh! But sounds good jno, are you going cattle rustling!!

Night, night all. Sleep tight.

Good morning all and happy mayday. It has rained here again overnight and I am off back to bed.
oh goodness, yes, it's mayday... soon to be moved to autumn by Cameron, isn't it? Don't suppose it makes a lot of different to retirees. When I had my little brainfade down under the doctors kept trying to test my brain function by asking 'What day fo the week is it?' All I could say was 'I'm retired, I never know what day of the week it is.' So they followed up by asking 'Who's the prime minister of New Zealand?' which got another blank look from me...
Morning all.

I didn,t know Ryanair did upgrades jno!! That is also my fear when I get a bit fuzzy in the head, I know the names of the spanish prime minister and the local mayor, but that's all.

Mothers Day here nothing much happening, I don't even think we are lunching out!
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Morning tout, happy day from me too, are we s'posed to dance naked around the line prop or anything?.... that should quieten the neighbours :o)

Heck jno, do you bother unpacking your cases? Arizona? ...hired a car? mmmm, think you'll have to make do with the bus & don't forget your pass...
Just in case, you'd better make a note of this...
Governor - Jan Brewer

And to remind you of the day again...luvly!
lol jno. In my job in the NHS I used to do those kinds of test....It was fine when Maggie was in but it all went a bit dim with John Major and i can see why....Best answers I ever got were from a lady artist who, when she realised she was losing her memory, made extremely sensible and detailed arrangements for people to deal with her financial and personal affairs, feed her, do the housework and so on, even to chatting to her about what was in the daily paper. She was happy to do the assessment but just waved her hand languidly and said "My dear I have people to take care of all of that for me." ....and she did!
Just been round the village looking at the attractions, and there is a horse/pony/donkey with carts procession, very sweet, but i am terrified of them rearing up!

It is sooo very hot, am sweating like the proverbial!
Hija gave me a set of 4 books about East End of London, love them!

Hoorray have just found my summer shoes. I have another lot which are newish but too uncomfy, and thought I had thrown the old faithfuls away, but have found them in the glass recycling bag, of course, where else would they be!!

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