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fatsia japonica

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shaneystar | 17:59 Thu 13th Oct 2005 | Home & Garden
517 Answers
i have a huge fatsia in my garden which I would like to propogate.I have tried several times to grow a cutting from it with no success.It is now in bloom.Well bloom is not quite the right word.It has these large cream clusters growing up from the central stem.Can I take seed from these and try that or has anyone a better suggestion.Come in andyjevs your advice would be much appreciated !!



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Yes neti it was on on Wed...not sure when the Thurs schedule starts I'll find out.... ooh, you've reminded me I haven't got a tv mag for next week, I don't buy the local newspaper anymore, it was all dog poop & wheelie bins.

Love the email, thanks jno....don't forget to wash your hands...

8.30pm (our time) Thursdays from 23 July neti
Thanks Robi must go and hunt down the missing Wed episode-
Yoohoo folks
I've just been reading through and realised Dolly popped in and I didn't say hello .Very remiss of me but I am sure she'll forgive me . Lofty sends her best wishes too by the way .
Things are much the same with the leg .I'm thinking about swinging it over me right shoulder and letting it all hang out .
I now have to see a dermatologist and also have a made to measure compression stocking .Apparently the skin on my lower legs is very thin on the shins and I have a lot of thread veins( probably caused by being on my feet at work for years ) and the slightest knock can be nasty .So......the joys of getting older .My GP said I was to wear the damned stocking or else ! I'll think I'm back at school again with the old 60 deniers .Sheesh what a palaver says she frantically rubbing cream into said legs .
Never mind ..I've cheered myself up by raiding M&S on line this morning :))
Hope you are all well .Please do not mention bee stings or any other stings .Have never been stung by a bee,but the mozzies love me and horse flies absolutely adore me as I found out once whilst abroad so I'm glad you are OK Neti !
Off to raise my legs higher than my heart for a couple of hours and stare at the ceiling ,deep joy ,take care all xx
PS Have ordered my nail buffer Woofy ..I can buff whilst staring at the walls ..hahaa :))
Hi shaneyglad you are sounding chipper! "Legs higher than the heart" is that an euphenism for you-know-what - give it a rest now at your age!!!!
hmm, I see the Ed and deputy are promising to be in AB Suggs at 4.30 to answer questions. I haven't got any questions that haven't been asked and ignored a hundred times already, like why did they kill the report post option, but if you want to ask him when the summer fete is, go ahead.
yoohoo to yoo too shaney...I can't say keep your chin up now if you've got your legs up...if you've got one of those extending tickling sticks you can do a bit of cobweb wafting while you're lying there tho' :o) And best pull the sheet up like neti does, haha...I still think that's a euphemism.

I've been ignored by the Ed(s) a hundred times jno so I don't think I'll bother a reply...<swigs shaney's gin>
<rofl at sweedie's "Big Ed"...hahaha>

Now what, don't tell me that "big ed " means something...??

*google google google GASP!*
KIt.....honestly....gosh well I mean....except it would explain why nothing ever seems to get done wouldn't it....if everyone was ermmm "busy" asit were......

Sorry to hear about the leg Shaney but its good news that its not DVT's....made to measure lingerie eh...hope Mr Shaney appreciates it is all I can say. Looks like we're "on trend" with the buffers, I see that John Lewis have started selling them too.
Bee stings are blooming my first one ever last year and like a fool, tried to pull the sting out with my thumb and forefinger resulting in bee stings in BOTH hands.
Anyway see you all tomorrow....
aye, here's to a brighter tomorrow, with AB 2.0 all lit up with fairy lights and moving walkwaysand newfangled crystal sets where you just twist a knob. Fifty gorgeous girls... forty-nine fabulous costumes...
oooo jno, and one of those pyramids of full champagne glasses twinkling in the fairy lights
maybe a glitter ball hanging from the ceiling, like a chandelier only cheaper. Swinging dance band music...

Orf to a party in rustic Cambridgeshire today - well, not as rustic as Norfolk, obviously, but pretty remote. Shame the weather is looking shonky but as my friends live in a medieval barn they've converted there's plenty of room even when the croquet lawn is unplayable.
Morning all - I have to admit that the bee sting really didn't hurt that much and after an hour it was painless. I have a hole in the finger where it was but no pain. I did dose it twice in white vinegar (courtesy of the Asian shop) as one cannot buy it normally and I use it ala kim and Aggie to cleanse my drains (that is NOT an euphenism for anything Robi!!)

Blooming hot here, have just done the weekly shop and cleaned the bathroom and I'm, plum tuckered - so will now swim and recline the day away.
Oh jno when I go to Eastbourne every year, we play croquet on the lawn. I actually have been banned by bro-in-law as I hammer the mallet and frequently smash things, so gentility goes out the windows (that's correct isn't it, I do not mean private parts! - So glad Vinnie isn't here to make comments!
I said me heart Neti not me head :))
I should be so lucky and when I get the ruddy stocking there will be no chance !
Still valiantly hobbling around .It's a long job I think .Another medical mystery tour .
Have a lovely time Jno try not to bash anyone round the ankles .
Hope you are all well .Dull but muggy here .
Toodlepip for now ....must go buffer is calling :)
where'd me post go....??!!
well, it was a bit damp for croquet after all but mostly mild and dry so we just sat around chatting, munching bbq'd Moroccan lamb and choc cake, drinking Portuguese champers (provided by self) etc. Very pleasant.

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