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Leather shoes

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shaneystar2 | 21:51 Sat 23rd Sep 2006 | Home & Garden
486 Answers
i recently bought a lovely pair of leather pump style shoes.They are my size and fit nicely ..but the leather is so hard ! I have been rubbing Renapur into them with no effect . I have worn them once and got a blister for my trouble .What else can I do to soften them up ?


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Hello you lovely lot and thank you all for being there for me and your kind messages .
Still a bit know ...lost .But I think I did the best thing for him ..dear old soul .
He was a special boy ..he found me and the people who dumped him will never know what a loyal and loving companion he was.
I hope your friend is feeling a bit better too Jno ...thing is .. you get so attached to them .They give you unconditional love as long as you supply them with carrots and chs ...
Anyway more tears .....I love you all are the nicest of people ...and thank you .xxxx
Hi all.
Hope you'rehaving a good day. I nipped out to see my Tai Chi friend this morning and came back and gave my house it's 'top to bottoming.' My friend made me feel guilty as she was working like a Trojan when I got there.
Maggie didn't I ever tell you about my Sat. morning trip to my sister's with the cream cakes. Loverrly!! You can't beat Birds cakes.
I remember now Kit about the golf club. Sorry but I've been to bed since I did that post. Yes you're right The wedding is at a local Golf Club. My 'daughter-in-law to be' (just think I'll be able to say my son's wife after) has organised everything and I mean everything. She's made all the invites and table names etc. and I have been asked to read a poem before the ceremony and her friend to read one after.
I have now lost 2 lbs on my salad diet hurray!!
See you later :o)

Evening all..
nice to see you popping in shaney.Hello maggie,yep jude likes her cakes....and Im a bit partial to the odd tart..(:O)
had a really nice day at Arlington,blimey I was only there 2 minutes and the couples were at it...yo
Then I popped in to the Tea rooms where my Daughter is working for the summer..and She gave me a lovely big slice of carrot cake..
no....not you dad (:O)
Hi VinnyYes I heard that you are partial to the odd tart. ha ha!
morning all...
UV level - High
Pollen level - High
Anxiety level - off the bl00dy scale...

tut....small piece of a large filling in a back tooth came out I expect the rest will follow....then all of my teeth will fall out....& then my head will drop off.
<slaps face>
c'mon woman, this ain't the end of the world.
No, but it's a needle...& a drill....and aggghhhh...sod it.
<sigh> just when you get some light relief from the weather...along comes a large dollop of poop.
Rant over :o)

so that explains why you love visiting us don't have a clue what's going on half of the time, well neither do we. It's like some kind of cyber- sideshow....hahaha...believe me, some things on here are best left undeciphered.

lovely to see you with us shaney hope the bugs aren't biting (saw that they're rampant in Norfolk)
and wow Vinny your daughter is lovely....great teeth - tell her to look after them :o)
I adore my sons but often wish I'd had a daughter too.....a ready grown up one tho' - lol...seen many friend's girls grow up...oooooph....

nice Vinnette - hope she behaves herself... thus disproving the science of genetics...
In great haste, quick message for Robinia: Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of different fillings with your dentist, I didn't and now get a nasty temperature shock every time I eat something that isn't exactly the same temperature as my teeth... and what is. Not much!

Lovely lovely daughter Vinny, and there ain't no mistakin' the love in her eyes.
right you are, I'll tell them Kit said to do to it right...haven't called them yet, I seem to have a problem with my phone....I can't pick it up.

watch out sweti....the interneti police will be on to you
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Oh goodness me Robinia ....drills ..dentists ..needles .....Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh worst nightmare ..get yourself a set like mine then you will be fine ..........:))
Question Author
You have a very pretty daughter there Vinny ..she is lovely ...bless her .
you just need to be like me, false teeth all over the place onists/tzu/lowres/tzun191l.jpg
lol jno
<sigh>....I'm just exhausted with all this fighting back the ravages of time...I think I'll have all of my teeth out, hair chopped off & a curly perm, wear crimplene & fully fashioned jumpers & be done with it all.

....<flings self onto compost heap>
Evenin peeps..
just spent the whole day down the Beach....then fell in the pub.....HIC.!
blimey...after the last few weeks...its Fantastic...! took me half hour getting me key in the door..then I realized it was the wrong house...hehe..!(:O)They use to say ...take vinny any where twice.......second time to opologise..!
you are all so kind about me Daughter...she's a lovely girl....but bu66er if Id want 2 of um..!bloomin heck..Id have to remorgage me tent...hehe....!......catch yer later becks is a
Hello everybody - hope you are all fine and dandy. Gosh it's hot here - have just made a quiche, after 1hrs fisio and 1hrs coffeeing and gossiping. Have just managed to buy a bottle of brown Dettol - am delighted, now spraying everything in sight, by 'eck we'll be germ free by tonight. Am going to try out my dongle now, hope and pray that I do not mess up phone or computer.

Please do not mention teeth!!!
goodness me, anyone flashing their dongle in here is likely to be reported and removed to B&S
Huh!! flashing dongle indeed, mine doesn't do anything , I've given up, I've done everything per instructions and it doesn't work!!! If any of you receive my holiday photos via your computers will you please tell me!!! and no laughing!!!
A'noon tout...
what is a dongle pray tell neti?
and why do I have a sinking feeling that Vinny will be showing us his?
I won't mention TEETH....apparently there's a new law - you're not allowed to call them unless there's an r in the month... :o)

well, a bit of sun & there all letting it hang out...heavens to betsy, I've never seen so many bra straps & tattoos....I think I'm going to have one "If you can read this you're invading my space...."
*call dentists - not teeth :o)
Afternoon peeps...
Turned out nice again..
oi..! who's bin sending me their holiday pics...hehe..
erm...can I see a piccy of your dongles pleeeease..! can see mine first..yo (:O)
later dude's..!
Its only me again...
Forgot to say....really enjoying the second life yo now we are all members...erm...think the netti was on holiday..ask robinia fer details.netti.oh blimey...the door bells ringing..must go>>>>>>>>whoosh..(:O)

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