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Numatic George

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netibiza | 21:08 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
510 Answers
Has anyone got one? and if so can you please tell me how the shampooing bit works, I have managed to soak all carpets and not a drop has been sucked up. My main confusion is do I have to switch between showering water, and sucking up in the same operation? I too scared to try it in case it blows up! Easy instructions please and thank you.


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Ooh I say ...I hardly ever look at Media ..but had to have a peep ! Asterisks ! Haha ....well he is a greedy B. I quite agree !

Cold and damp here and I feel just as bad as I have for days now and am eating Ibrofen at a rate of knots if I start rambling pay no heed .
Jude you're making me feel cold just thinking about that bolero ! Have a good day though .

There once was a hippy called Vinny
He was ever so fond of a tinnie
He fell in a bush
The tinnie went whooosh
And splattered poor Robi's best pinny.

Where is he ? Has he gone down with Sproutitis?Or perhaps it's a Becksology .
ooh poor you shaney...looks like the drugs are making you creative tho' . What next, mmm....A Host Of Yellow Dusters.....?
hope Vinny hasn't been chopping off his
digits again

well, I meant to call him a burger but my finger must have slipped. I saw some microwavable socks today, supposed to release essential oils and things, but they already smelt pretty strong... besides it's nearly the end of the hypothermia season (must remember to put clocks on) so I thought I'd wait and see if the technology had advanced by next winter... and if they'd come up with any other colour besides a pukey lavender. I need something that complements blue feet better.
ooh, finally got your picture to load, Robinia... did someone say 'give him a big hand'?
hows yer doing

Sorry i havent.bin around....
I spent 3 nights plastering my mates pad..!..he paid me in beer....hic./!...and his hallway looks like a cave....never told him i could plaster...
.......but....You were always on my mind bidds..~~::::(*_*)::::~~
I knew it were plastered !!
Any excuse !
I told them it was Becksoligitis and they didn't believe me .

Nite nite ....

<rummages around in closet>

has anyone seen an hour? I seem to have lost one...I'll bet it's in here somewhere, that spanish woman squirrels everything away......what's this?....<wrrrrrrrrrr>....tut.

glad you're back gerrup & fetch the paper please.

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No good you blaming me Robi I've also lost an hour somewhere. There I was, having my usual Sunday lie-in then whoosh- straight out the door for lunch! Only just had time to change out of the pj's! I've been looking ever since, and I even had a wine free lunch today. Am off to watch the rest of "The Illusionist" - great film. See you later!
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- Sunday lassitude jno? does that come witrh gravy? I had chinese today.
Good Morning Good Morning....!
erm...papers ere ribena.(:O).the Daily Biddy...
Hope your feeling better shaney
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Morning all - very stormy and rainy here today - that should buck old Robi. Horrendous thunder storm half an hour ago. Even Mr N came home as he couldn't get to work - but he's gone again now. Off to meet my cronies for cafe amb lette. See you later. By the way . Wakey wakey!!
bonjour....I am awake neti
ooh, I'm feeling a bit post-viral, post-trauma - kinda jittery & panicky if you know what I mean so I'd like lots of fun & frolics to keep me entertained today between the menial 'stuff to do'

The airbus A380 is flying over later this morning...not precisely mine & Jude's area but if we climb on the roof we should see it..... lol. It's hardly gonna be able to turn on a sixpence is it?
And soon we're going to be able to go by train from Derby to Paris in less than 4hrs....that'll be a novelty, on a bad day it can take nearly that long to get to the station about 3 miles away.
All we need now is a regular route for the biddybus & we'll have the set.

love the pic Vinny :o) come this paper's a day late? & who's filled in the crossword with rude words....tut.....
wow - did you see it Jude?'s so white....must have needed a lorra, lorra dulux. :o)
don't know why I was so excited by it tho', you'd never get me on it.
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<Screeaaammm!!> that's better - have just spend 1hr holding on the phone for a stupid spanish girl to get my flight booking straight. It's for my daughter and she insists my no of residence is incorrect (I've had the same one for 36 years) I blew my top and spoke to a very nice young man eventually who sorted it. God sometimes, I just think this happens over here and it drives me bonkers!!! They don't always think logically here!!!

Thank you for that, feel better now.

Robinia hope you are feeling better now, if you want a distraction phone edreams and try to book a flight,don't worry, it'll never happen!! Take it easy and rest with warm drinks.

Hope the rest of you are ok, esp Shaney>
jude hope you weren't too cold at the wedding, you'd need an anorak over here today:
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Just got my hospital appointment for my shoulder op - it's 11th April and now I'm getting nervous, I mean if they can't even arrange a flight how can they dig out a muscle or whatever!!!
hehe (:O)
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Oh clever knickers!!!
You lot are a tonic!
I do feel more with it and it's a lovely sunny day here.
Hope you are all well.
I must fly (not on the airbus though) as we are going round to my aunt .I've got me vest on in case she asks !
See you all later xxx

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