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Numatic George

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netibiza | 21:08 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
510 Answers
Has anyone got one? and if so can you please tell me how the shampooing bit works, I have managed to soak all carpets and not a drop has been sucked up. My main confusion is do I have to switch between showering water, and sucking up in the same operation? I too scared to try it in case it blows up! Easy instructions please and thank you.


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Jude, I'll make you an appointment with matron shaney....she's very spiritual too.....'specially on a friday night.

youtube is responsible for me sitting here late at night thinking 'just one more toon, just one more....'
Enter Kit purring at Vinny in the most annoying way for not making her W.C. Fields on the Pepper's cover. Woo-hoo, Diana Doors sure is an upgrade from the Elton Johnish-looking biddy I try not to see in the mirror but just can't help seeing on every recent photo taken!

Look, possums, I have very strong herding instincts but trying to keep you lot together in one place is clearly worse than herding cats! I was gonna file a missing persons report with your description, Vinny, but the last time I panicked Robinia made me wear this for a week so I restrained myself. (It's really good to learn that your brother is better, Robinia.)

What's that 'airbus' thingy? By the name of it I thought it must be something like the Hindenburg... but doesn't look like that on the picture. Is it an extremely large plane or what's the deal?

I was deeply moved to read about Shaney's sympathy-hobbling, Shaney. dogs were made in heaven

Must leave now, back a little later. Have wedding question for Jude. Now where's Dolly and BOO... This herding business...

Airbus thingy? tut...
it's enorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmous Kit It can take up to 850 people, two decks, it's about 80m wide. The 4 engines were built here at Rolls Royce, that's why Derby people have been excited to see it in the air.

A double-decker, that is impressive, Robinia. I love flying, the way you're pressed backwards against the back support just as the plane takes off, and the touchdown sensation... why didn't I become a pilot...? Is it too late to take the online cra-, the online very quick course?

It is my pleasure to inform you both, Neti and Robinia, that Sweden too is jammed with idiots behind desks. I've spent months trying to get the power company to send me a bill. Wish I had the nerve to just stop calling them and see if they'd never send any, ever (after my moving back), but I'm afraid they'd bill me in five years or so - or when I move out.

Here's the wedding question for you, Jude. I'm as godless as a cat so I'm not speaking from indignation, just surprise: Why would your nephew get married at a golf club?? Or was it just the reception? Don't the British have the City Hall option, if you want to avoid church? I'm just intrigued and curious about the way of life in other countries so please don't think that I'm expressing an opinion, that's not it, at all.

How are we for chicken soup? Oh you stashed us up good jno, so I'll just add my secret ingredient here. It's for you, Neti, to build you up for your surgery. I hate hospitals with all my heart but having said that, I think the Spanish are okey...?

Bye now.
that's more like it, cats in the flying business need protective devices
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morning biddykits....bit cold & misty here

what's with the cat theme? is it cuz we iz old?

has to be mrs coffee mornings (neti) moggy

woolycat :o)


whoooose puddy is this?!
(give him a min to get going)

gud moanin♫ its the time of the season~~when yer luv runs high♫ lovely sunshine ere..!


spliffing good piccys ribena...(:O)
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get to work on this one, Neti
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OK jno here goes:

The headbone's connected to the neckbone,
the neckbone's connected to the .....eerrrrr

Must read the instructions more carefully

<<waves a furry tail in the air>> gawd only knows where this goes..........................
Hi all Had a good day today went with my friend to Tai Chi then drove into Calverton, other side of Nottingham for lunch, she used to live there and we were in for a bit of nostalgia. Her daughters still live there. Talking about cats she has 5.Tommy who's gone awol since she took in 2 siamese, Oki and Tigga, and then there's Ruby and Smudge. Smudge loves me God knows why cos I'm not really a cat person.
The wedding at the Golf Club Kit was aCivil Ceremony in a room specially prepared for weddings of that kind and they do everything and you can even book a night there so you can relax and enjoy all the proceedings including the Wedding Breakfast, as it's called, which in my case was Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pud and that terrible Pavlova and the Bar.
Hope you are all ok, it's been a lovely day here after a misty start. Must get my tea now then get ready for the Quiz tonight see you later :o)
Evenin PoPiCkErS~~~~
morning dustbusters....

Crikey, heaven knows what monster neti's created with that there's a bit (or two) missing.
Funny you say that Jude I can't say I'm a cat person either & yet there are two at the res. home where my brother is that always seem to head straight for me. I think it's that 'I'm gonna win you over' mentality that cats have. Anybody who says it's cos I eat a lot of sardines gets the women's weekly treatment.

wow, that's good Vinny....something else to keep me tied to this puta. Mind you, all those toonz & I still manage to find one of my favourites missing....
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Can any of you find vid of Billy Eckstein and Sarah Vaughn singing "Passing Strangers" please? I've searched on Youtude and can find nothing, I absolutely love that song. Yes I'm a catty person (ooops mean cat),but also fish, birds and dog - once I was into men but gone off that!
ah, that's the personal touch, Neti...

right, Spamalot tonight, new fridge comes sometime tomorrow (John Lewis, so they'll take the old one away if I remember to defrost it), then will have to start thinking about new scanner as the old one is going wonky. Then there's a man coming to repar the fence on Friday wot was blown over by the January gales. The sun is shining but I am sure that is just to lure me outside so it can snow on me. Paranoid, moi?
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I never realised that your life was so normal jno!
PS best I can do, not what you wanted I know
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