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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Lol Neti ..I don't know what dose you are on .If it's fairly low then it won't hurt although you may feel a bit shaky .I take 200 mcg daily .If I were to double up by mistake I'd be bouncing off the walls :)
I am going to Morrisons .....NOW !
neti, Sherlock Robinia has unveiled an imposter, a banned user starting bogus threads under a new name.
Eagle Eye Robi!! I had my doubts about the poster but would never in a million years have made that link. Tis a lovely day here, we went out for lunch and are now home digesting
Shaney I am on 100 micrograms of levotiroxima de sodio.
I used to like Mercia, I think!
You'll be fine Neti .I would leave out the dose for tomorrow though and take as normal on Sunday .
It's lovely out there today. Mr S has been to the hospital for his check up and they're very pleased with him so I'm pleased about that .

Hmmm..she wasn't that nice .She got extremely shirty at times .She was really nasty to Boo and that's why she got banned .It was all pretty obvious from the off who it was.Silly mare.
Maybe I am getting her muddled with NoMercy!

But shaney I am just not sure if I took two today or not, I never go by the days on the packet :-(
well done Mr S, didn't you go with him shaney?
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Lovely news for mr s shaney, it's time we all had some peaceful times.
mercia's only suspended, otherwise I wouldn't have found that link...but fear not, she's around other interweb sites, posting the same old menus :)

Neti I started a new packet of pills last night, couldn't think what day it was so I took the monday one :)
Oh well ...carry on regardless then Neti ! You'll be full of beans .
No I didn't go with him ,my brother ran him up there today as I had to go shopping .
Haha Shane, have to say I didn't want a siesta this pm.
you bunch of pill poppin' Mommas!!
We had roast pork for dinner, it was delicious.
I hardly seem to have left the house today - couldn't go out the back as we appear to have been visited by a fox with diarrhoea so I'm waiting for it to dry out. (No, not the fox.) Them upstairs have their telly on a bit loud so I have called up Itunes and I'm playing Zorba's Dance. I think that's about it, really. Maybe I will do something significant tomorrow (though the omens are not looking good).
Mr N has restless legs and is driving me mad.
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Morning all...lovely day so far, if a tad fresh.
I've been popping pills too including colofac(mebeverine) for the tum pain which still hasn't settled. I went to fetch some from Boots yesterday and found them for half the price on amazon when I got back, tut.

I have a fox who visits most night and is obviously very well fed :/ ...I suspect someone's putting out dog food. Did I tell you my friend over the road saw one with six cubs! That's a lot isn't it or do they have creches?

lol @ zorba's dance. I might need a copy, I've a sneaking suspicion the new baby next door has arrived or is about to.

Tie his feet together neti, at least you'll only get one kick at a time. I have restless legs, restless arms, everything... no one would want to share a bed with me and that's fine. :)
I was discussing nocturnal visitors with a neighbour once and said I didn't like the look of all the foxes; she said "Yes, some of them look mangy, so I've been leaving out homeopathic pills for them." I refrained from shooting her, but only just.

Mild and grey here, here it is 9.46 on June 1 and summer still hasn't arrived.
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ETA in London Fri 7th June jno....departure 12th June.
Morning all
Hope you are all well. Flaming June doesn't appear to be flaming at all .
Chilly and dull again here after a lovely day yesterday.
I'm not bothering to update my summer clothes this year.I'm sure last years mac and brolly are still quite serviceable .
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Not flaming here either shaney, it hasn't warmed up yet, there's quite a breeze and when the sun goes in it's chilly. I had plans to spend the a'noon in the garden with my kindle which won't be much fun if I need my anorak on....oh well, it covers the flak vest.
June has started to flame :-( although certainly bearable at the mo. Mr N mentioned today that he must get the pool up and running yay! Same old, same old Saturday here, shopping, brekkie, coffee in town (solo today) as am getting fed up with arranging to meet people all the time, just want to do my own thang! Phone had to be reset to factory settings so have spent hours restoring all my apps and games and free this 'n' that! Hair needs sorting, it's amazing how it suddenly loses all style and goes wayward, but hihja is paying for a visit to hairdressers this week when she gets paid!

Hope you are all wearing your cardis and keeping warm.

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