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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Hiya Biddies - just catching up with you.

Its bloody cold and grey here!! Yesterday afternoon it was sunny and warm after a cold grey morning, but today the greyness looks very settled.

........... and as for summer clothes............... well I stocked up with a few new things for my holiday which I have now cancelled and apart from the mac they remain untouched. I am still wearing joggers with a fleecy top!! Have been invited to Spain but haven't the enthusiasm for all that airport palaver. I am sounding like a certain user on here who's moaning threads abound!!

oh I need an extra thyroid tablet, am wanting to doze.

Hello lottie, shame about your hols, where was it going to be? if Russian cruise or yorkshire cottage, then I'll accompany Mr LL !!
could you cope with a cruise, Lottie? There are lots leaving from British ports these days and getting on board is usually a lot less palaver than an airport. Getting yourself to the port is the main problem. And they are slashing fares at the moment.
I couldn't cope with a cruise jno because of the way I feel at the moment. I need to be near my own loo!! Am assured it is IBS but it's making me feel really horrible. Neti, we were booked on a Rhine cruise, but because of various medical appointments I wasn't at all confident about going before I know the outcome, so cancelled and got my money straight back because I had paid before the due date. We will go next year. We are going to the New Forest in October because I am desperate to see the Mary Rose Museum. But I am sure Mr LL would be pleased with your offer!! It wouldn't be any different though than going with Mr Neti.
I am freezing - I am about to turn on the central heating. I am colder now than I was in the winter because the heating is generally off and our cottage is cool in the summer and hot in the winter. As I type - the sun has decided to show itself. Bit late in the day!!!
Mr N has just called and we are going out for dinner, well pleased! I just may have mojito or two!
It's 11 degrees here and tomorrow we are in for sunshine and the amazing temperature of 14 degrees!!!

Enjoy your meal Neti.
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It warmed up this afternoon and I had an hour outside. Got my fleece on, the house hasn't warmed up this year at all.
I did find myself in bare feet last night, but the socks are back on tonight. No slippers in the oven... yet.
Home again, had cod and chips (yes I know but a luxury here) and Mr N had an entrecote steak (no idea in English!) A couple of mojitos and a beer first, got chilly once the sun had gone, but it was lovely.
Jolly warm in the house tonight, he'll be wanting the shutters open but I cannot sleep with any light at all, I'll want the ceiling fan on, he hates breezes!!
ah no, I think I'll leave the fan off tonight.
Hello all, busy gardening day today. The lawnmower started first go, great relief as i was not looking forward to entering the world of spark plugs. Its been very warm here today, jolly nice, then some fool started up with fireworks so her I am waiting for Shughy to settle.
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Morning all...same again, bright but fresh. The met say you're going to have some sun sooner than expected jno, kick off your slippers.
Oh damn, I have been found out, DC and I; why else do you think hhe comes to Ibiza????

Just woken up, I know, how lazy Having toast and tea in bed, Hija was home at an early hour, cat slept on my feet and Mr N disappeared at some hour to sleep on the sofa which he says is more comfy for him. It's not restless leg syndrome, it's his miniscus in his left knee (They removed the right one a couple of years ago).

Looks nice outside. Off for lunch all together later.
alas no... I have tried asking around... Can't be the Thatcher/Gordon Brown affair, that's such old news
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Well it would never, ever be me and DC in a zillion years....probably just the Downing St tea lady and shaney's butler then...oooh, big security risk. Give us the goss shaney.
Have been searching twitter but no news as yet.

Yes what did happen to shaney's butler, after his crush on my George? And what was his name, I wish he would come back, added a sort of polish to we biddies.

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