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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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It's Anne Widdicombe and Eric Pickles :)
Morning all
Lovely sunny day here .Accu say we're in for some warm weather .Good O...keep everything crossed.
We went out last night round to my friends to play cards and I have a slight headache this morning .Hope everyone else is Ok though .
I can't afford a butler these days Neti ....we're in a recession .
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It's bound to come out (?) sooner or later. Did you win shaney or were you down to your corsets? ;)
Mmmm, you don't get a headache from playing cards, methinks a drop of whisky passed the lips eh shaney??

I really enjoyed my night out, am getting in the mood for more, more and more!!! must be psychic Neti :)
I won a few bob then promptly lost it again .Mr S cleaned up as usual .
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hrrrmphhh...I've come in 'cos there's a horrible burning smell in the air...not so much bonfire, more like someone's thrown their old slippers on the fire.
glares in a southerly direction
omg the microwave!!

Runs into blazing kitchen
wanders int hrough a haze of smoke, cough cough! Teally you lot I cannot leave you alone for a minute.

Had Aa lovely light lunch on Es Cana Beach, we had a mixture of tapas, (Duck comfit in fito pastry, battered king prawns with wasabi, a huge goats cheese (in filo patry yet again) with crispy bacon, croutons, mixed luttuces, nuts a sweet sauce, then Mr N and hija shared a hamburger, and lo and behold we espied on the next table a big plate of delicious real chips, so had a plate of those also, only one glass of rose wine and finished off with a packet of mini fruit lollies, eclectic but nice.
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lol'er mind it'll soon be xmas
slams window shut
Just had to close all my windows - rank smell coming from the south!

Actually it's a lovely day here for a change. Mr LL has gone to help son put a ceiling up and I am left to my own devices and am doing nothing.
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I give up, it's thumping music out there now...I suppose it'll be a freakin' bbq next!! grrrrr....

Have to admit we are very lucky where noise is concerned, always quiet here, unless the town hall are having a rave up then it's bedlam.
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There's someone over the back on the side road who's always doing something noisy, drives my poor friend crazy.
Actually the noise stopped but I keep catching a faint whiff of a barbie...they might be having trouble getting it going, I can't imagine why...
haha robi, would love you as a neighbour. I hate the smell of bbq's and greasy smelling meat. I would probably like it if I were invited.
Its because they are rubbish at barbecuing. A decent barbecue should smell delicious, like cooking in the kitchen. We are having a lazy day here, very nice.
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well yes woofy, I don't eat much red meat but the smell of best steak would be a lot more enjoyable than budget burgers.
Oh you'd love me as a neighbour neti, I peg my washing out with mis-matched pegs.........oi! stop that!
I have been meeting my new neighbours - three very friendly young sheep who eat from your hand.
oh, Lottie, I'll bet they'd give you the wool off their back.
robi, you may find an email crawling its way to you
Evening each. I'm here. I've had a visitor for the weekend so I've not managed to get on. Been here there and everywhere.Including a lovely evening meal at a local country pub.The H.Neti. My 'unmentionable' has almost stopped now thank goodness.Have to go and see Adrian in 2 weeks. Thanks for your suggestions etc. I did go back to see the Dr.cos it was worrying me a bit because it wasn't like when I had colitis.
My washing machine is a dream. Just a basic Bosch Maxx. Nothing fancy. Ordinary wash/express wash/ easy care and cottons/ with different spin speeds and temps. I use economy7 and so I time it to come on at 5.30a.m. and it's all done for me when I get up. I didn't want a dryer included. I would never have used it. I had a Bosch before in 1990 and It never went wrong until last Tuesday so I just had to have another didn't I.
I've read all your posts with interest. So I'm up to date. As usual I hope those of you who don't feel well pick up soon. Those with noisy neighbours I sympathise. I have a young lad next door with his mum and he likes that thump thump music but he is approachable and obliging when I ask him just to turn it down a little bit so that I can here mine. He'sturning into quite a nice person now he's got to 18. I think boys rebel about 16/17. I known Steady did and I just had to be a bit careful how I handled it. I think - touch wood - I did something right as he's not bad!!
Right I'm tire now so I'm off to wash my pots and then watch the football.
Nothing else to eat until after my blood test tomorrow.
Oight Oight my great Biddyfriends. see yer later 'gater(s)

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