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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Just haVING A CUPPA AND HAD TO TAKE OUT SD CARD FROM PHONE, FIND SD ADAPTOR FOR COMPUTER INSERT SAID ADAPTER (sorry) upload to various sites cos never knwo which one it'll go to, hunt around cokmputer for piccy then upload wioth tinypic!

Have cut down more carob stree and got covered in resin, altered 3 pairs of white trousers, one into knee length shorts, one 3/4 length which flared and I hated so pegged them and one which needed seems mending, so then got out non-trusty very old Brother and Jones (that's how old it is)sewing machine, had to rewind a bobbin, then tension was all wrong, kicked machine around the room for a minute slammed it on table and lo and behold it worked, not a treat but enough! changed hija's bed and put all white onto v hot wash, swept carpets as too hot to lug out Henry. Have stubbed several toes, now having a cuppa and a choccy bicky, and watching the tennis, waiting for Murray.
My typing is getting really bad, I do apologise, thank you all for understanding my dyslexic words!

Meant to say Robi, yes I love that bag, A tad similar to my 6€ one!
Nice bags...I tend to stay away from pale because I am a muck disaster. have just been out watering and am going to pop to shops in a bit, dogs will stay here and sulk.
I'm a muck disaster too .I love the bags but nothing for sloppy Shaney .I'm the original drop it down yer top girl .
Hope you are all ok today .Sorry to hear about your car Jude .I'm afraid I would have sworn like a trooper .I don't understand these mindless people or why they feel the need to do things like that to other peoples property.
Dull and dreary here ,just started drizzling .
At least I can use my water downstairs now though .Leaks fixed ,just need the cupboards putting back. It involved quite a lot of new pipework .We've been washing up in the bath the last few days .It's quite good actually ,you just squirt Fairy Liquid over it all and turn on the shower sprayer :)
I've just put the washing machine on .Deep joy.
Shaney, you must never eat paella then it is attracted to white clothes, Mr N and I always come home covered in saffron yellow!!!

Must admit that I am getting like my mother, she would take something out of the wardrobe and there would be a coffee stain down the front, and I'd say "Oh mother!· but it's happening to me now!!! Disgusting!!!
That was a good match between murray and verdasco, in the end I didn't know who I wanted to win!
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Morning....?? Where is you all? Dull and mild but temp set to soar apparently, not too high I hope.

Hope you dont all feel like me...yes, I went and did it again - because I felt a bit better yesterday I did a bit of snipping which involved reaching and stretching and sweeping. Last night all around my ribs and middle which had been hurting went into complete spasm, I even felt faint for about 5 mins, and now I'm left feeling like I've been kicked. Oh foofaw and all the other swear words in the world. I fed up. The harder I try etc. Good thing I've got an appt for tomorrow.

Hope you've calmed down Jude...the tennis was great yesterday, edge of the seat stuff, well done Andy!

Oh, the sun's trying to come out...where there's hope there's hopefully a cup of tea and all that :)
good morning. We went out two days running for the first time in ages and Rab's foot seems to be ok...sofar so good. I dreamed i was back at school....what's that all about?
Robi do take it easy today, gardening is one of those seductive things, you go out for five minutes and stop two hours later.
I read your mail wrong Woof "Went out running for two days" is what I read!!

Robi, I know exactly how you feel. These physio sessions at the moment seem to be doing me more harm than good, and they are bloomin' gentle sessions. I feel like I have been run over by a 10 ton truck. I try to do a bit of gentle gardening and fail miserably. Those spasms you talk of are dreadful. Take care.

No sun here!! Apparently, according to Mr LL, the sun was out in a clear blue sky at 6.00am. Now it is really grey and gloomy. :o(

Good morning all x
Good morning. I have had headaches for 2 days and now my eye is sore and red think it either teeth or sinuses. No energy today and I hate it. Love rushing about.
Morning all
It was nice but now it's clouded up again .I bet it'll rain as I've just put some washing out.
Sorry you don't feel too good Robinia ,it's easy to overdo it .I'm in sympathy with you .This humidity is awful and I ache to kingdom come .I wish the weather would make it's mind up .
The good news is that I can use the sink but according to Picky it's all got to dry out a bit first before the cupboards go back so I still in a muddle .
But ,needs must so I'm going to schlep to Morrisons for a few things and change my library book .Pip pip for now folks .
Picky is right, put it all back together too soon and you will end up with a kitchen that smells like a swamp. Neti, if its teeth or sinus, take a hayfever tablet, either way it will help to reduce the swelling and relieve the pain.
Thanks for that woofy, I will, have just bathed it in warm tea and salt, no idea why.

Very humid here today, just drains the energy.
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I was only outside about 30 mins but I'd already felt achey. I just love doing it myself, it's my therapy. By the time the pain had spread around my chest I though I was having a bloomin heart attack. I had my phone in my hand for half an hour, but I know it started around my lower ribs so I ruled it out. I watch a lot of hospital programmes :) I couldn't bear a physio pummelling or even a massage.

Can you buy eye drops or ointment with chloramphenicol chloramphenicol neti? Don't let it get nasty.

Woofy I often dream about going back to school - nightmare! :)
The physio doesn't lay a finger on me Robi. It's just gentle exercises based on pilates and there are about ten old crocks (well some are young) in the group. It's all about posture really and trying to keep an eye on core stability (of which I have none). I am being careful how I walk now and I must admit I am more aware of what I am doing wrong (which is everything).

It is now hot and sunny!
Just read that Bernie Nolan has died from cancer, she was one of the best, I liked her RIP.
I'll go to the chemist tomorrow Robi and ask for some with that in. I have some here somewhere but cannot find them, and also some Golden Eye Drops which were my mother's, but as she's been gone for 24yrs I don't think I should use them!!

Feeling very strange today, absolutely no energy. Just watching Ashes to Ashes - mind you that's got depressing now!
Bad posture accounts for lots of woes.

Mr N and hija (she has/had scoliosis), they both had to sit evenly, get dressed evenly by sitting and always stand evenly. Sounds strange but worked for both of them. I'm luckyish that I inherited my mother's straight back and posture.

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