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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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NO. I can hardly walk these days let alone run!! :o( The 4.00 am getting up wouldn't worry me, if when we have been for our 'hobble' we can all go back to bed until midday!!
My TV signal is breaking up and doubt I'll see Murray.
Lottie, that is actually what i do. I get up at 4, give the dogs a good run, then go back to bed or kip on the settee until being a shift worker
I would find myself staying up all night until about 3.00am, taking the dogs out and staying in bed all day. I am a night owl rather than a morning person. I hate mornings. I am worrying now about my appointment tomorrow because it is Norwich at 10.00am and I have to get up really early to do the necessary evacuation process before we leave at 8.45am.
Oh well I'll be up early and thinking of you Lofty as we go out at the crack of dawn to the market in the morning .Hope it goes Ok .
I've done b all today ,it's been glorious here .Fiddled in the garden and sat out there and read my book .
Just watched Djokovic slam his way into the final and going to make a snack and settle down for Andy .It's been good this year .Nice to see some new faces getting through .My favourite was the veterans doubles match with all four Macs .
Thanks for the heads up on Luther Neti .I'll get Mr S to record it so I can drool .
How's your handbag Robinia ? Have you sorted out what goes where yet ?
And they have it other colours ? Hmmm......
Black or chocolate brown perhaps ....... :)
My sympathies Lottie.
Thanks both of you. I shall take a valium when I go to bed and before I go to the hospital and then have a sedative at the hospital! All being well I won't even be aware of what they are doing. I didn't when I had a lung biopsy and that was done in the same way (well not exactly - they didn't go up that end - it might have proved difficult!!) But I had to ask for a sedative. Some people don't!!
Oh poor lottie, makes me feel silly moaning about my eye, but I'm going to anyway!

I had to retune all the spanish channels to get Sky properly, I have no idea why, but am watching Murray, I really don't care who wins, cos I do not think that Murray will win Wimbledon this year

Feel quite rough, pounding headache, am just not used to headaches, nostril painful, eye painful, so I think it's a toof!

Mr N was called out on an emergency leak, and I didn't have to energy to start any ironing. He called at 8pm to ask if I wanted to eat out and wonders of wonders, I said no, so I quickly made two mac cheeses with salami and tomatoes, and it was OK, but this new grill does not work half as well as tother old one. Only wanted them browned, so will get a blowtorch kitchen type thing.

Lottie are youhaving a camara up there? It'll only be a small one won't it? Still not nice, will be thinking of you as I have a lay-in cos Mr N has to do another early morning job, so no shopping.
I do not like feeling like this.
Where's Robi? still clutching her new handbag ( A handbag ? ) and watching Murray?
At wimbledon, is it free to sit on Henman's Hill? oh that sounds rude doesn't it?
Neti, you pay to get into the wimbledon complex but you don't pay any more to sit on the hill, but court tickets cost extra on top of the entry fee.
goodness its warm here.
No as rude as Murray's Mound. There was a move to rename it, but Henman's Hill seems to be sticking.
Thanks woofy, Mr N was wondering.
Well done Andy but you are going to have to up your game a tad to get past Djokovic. I'm glad he beat that Janowicz though ,I thought he was a bit of a brat though moaning on about the light .
I'll say Oight Oight ,good luck tomorrow Lofty and hope you all have a good sleep and you feel better tomorrow Neti with your spots and whatnots .
Sleep well Woofy and woofers ,you too Jude and I know Robinia will sleep Ok 'cos she's got her new bag under the pillow :0)
Haha ..I've just watched the dog trying to get the statue to throw him a stick ...lovely .
Light oight my friends, special thoughts for Lottie.....robi, put that handbag down and go to bed!!
Morning all
Another lovely one .Just having 600mg on toast and a cuppa .
Hope you are all ok this morning .
good was hot all night here and looks to be a scorcher today....
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Morning..just quickly for now...handbag having a lie in...brilliant tennis yesterday, I was exhausted :) ....good luck lottie!
Gotta shop before it gets hot...back later.
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Here I is, very hot out there now...the shops weren't too busy or too warm so I grabbed the essentials and I was back in no time. They didn't forecast this warm spell, (which looks set to go on for a while) a couple of weeks ago all I could see was cool and unsettled. Pah! All that technology and they're still rubbish.

Not filled the bag yet, it's not a nip to the local shops job, I just grab my kipling faithful for that ....and the trolley too if it's going to be heavier than a tv mag and a bag of maltesers :o) And yes shaney, it comes in black, a very dark brown and a lovely blue if it's darker you want...I'd never pay full price tho.... I could do with another small kipling actually, just big enough for purse, mobile, keys etc...hmmm? :)

Lottie I thought the evacuation was done the night before? If it was me I wouldn't need any dynamite, just the thought would work like a dose of salts on my nervous insides. I could combine it with a dentist appointment actually, he has the same effect, haha. Hope it's gone ok.
Jude my dentist has left, that's why they haven't sent for me, the new one starts soon.

Enjoy the tennis!

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