Oh poor lottie, makes me feel silly moaning about my eye, but I'm going to anyway!
I had to retune all the spanish channels to get Sky properly, I have no idea why, but am watching Murray, I really don't care who wins, cos I do not think that Murray will win Wimbledon this year
Feel quite rough, pounding headache, am just not used to headaches, nostril painful, eye painful, so I think it's a toof!
Mr N was called out on an emergency leak, and I didn't have to energy to start any ironing. He called at 8pm to ask if I wanted to eat out and wonders of wonders, I said no, so I quickly made two mac cheeses with salami and tomatoes, and it was OK, but this new grill does not work half as well as tother old one. Only wanted them browned, so will get a blowtorch kitchen type thing.
Lottie are youhaving a camara up there? It'll only be a small one won't it? Still not nice, will be thinking of you as I have a lay-in cos Mr N has to do another early morning job, so no shopping.
I do not like feeling like this.