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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Must have been the last kick of the hamburgers....had a dreadful start to the day, fell back asleep and now feel better. Its not as hot here as forecast.
Glad you feel better Woofy .
I've been and got my goodies from the market and we had a coffee in a garden centre on the way back and I got a lovely pot of geraniums for the centre of my tete a tete seat .
I love my little cross body bag Robinia .That was my last expensive bag splurge .
This one but mine is dark brown .
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I'd kill for a burger....but it would probably do the same to me.

That's a lovely neat classic shaney, and organised. It'll last you a long time so it's worth the splurge. I've decided to heed the fashion gurus, buy a few good quality classics and mix and match with your cheaper things. I see pics of women and all they're wearing is a pair of jeans & a plain tshirt dressed up with a lovely scarf and a good bag and they look great....
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whatdidyoushowmethatsiteforshaney?! :)
I've got about 7 'would like's this one
I am a bags and scarves person too. I never used to bother with scarves but I have to say since discovering the long fine scarf, I think I look a bit more smart casual and a bit less lady tramp. I do like a bag with lots of pockets and organiser space....I think its a bit the same as liking boxes of things.

I normally make my own hamburgers by roughly chopping the sort of thin cut steak sold as sandwich steak or frying steak, then squidging it back together, maybe mixed with a little tomato ketchup. This time, the burgers looked so good and were supposed to be Aberdeen angus beef so I thought I'd give it a go. Never again...still the dogs enjoyed theirs.
Hello all.

Lottie, are you sitting comfortably? then I'll begin......................

So hot here, hate it. Mr N was up and out at 7am finishing off an emergency job, then we went for brekkie and food shopping.

Have just made coro chicken, and russian salad, and chicken wings for dinner. There's no salad cream to be had on this side of the island, I can make mayonnaise but as soon as I try to put in vinegar it goes all runny, any suggestions? I am completely out of ideas.

Eye is much the same, quite annoying. If not better by Wed will see medico.
I like those handbags but would never ever in a month of sundays pay that price. I change my bags with my clothes, boots and moods.

Am watching the women's final at wimbledon but not too bothered.

My sister put her london flat on the market, and got 4 immediate replies at the full price!
Back from my hospital session. It was horrible and it hurt, but I didn't have a sedative, I had gas and air so I was a brave lady. I have diverticular disease and associated muscle something or other, and have to go back and have a CT scan or barium enema to check the whole bowel as the camera thingy only does one side of the bowel. I am told it is not urgent and nothing more serious is suspected, but I shall not rest in my bed until it is confirmed. I just want it all over and done with now whatever they might find.

Going to have a nap shortly.
Lottie "they" are very careful about saying nothing more serious is suspected, they have to be REALLY sure, but I know how hard it is not to worry, which in itself makes the bowel symptoms worse. I think you are amazingly brave, they would have to knock me out completely.
Neti, i think if you are adding vinegar you have to add more emulsifier but i see you have been given a recipe on your other thread.
The doctor who did it was a surgeon who looked about 18 to me and he had a male nurse assisting who looked about the same age. They were both extremely fascinating. I asked them if they enjoyed their jobs. The Doc laughed and said, yes, he couldn't wait to get into work every day!! They made me feel very much at ease.

Thanks for your reply Woof, you have made me feel more confident now xx
just flitting through having been up since 10pm last night and waiting in airports etc... I will read all the posts sometime soonish and regale you with travellers' tales... hope all are well. It seems almost as hot here as in Tbilisi and I have been out pouring compost down cracks in the lawn.
Oh jno are you back? welcome hope you had a good time.

Woofy what is an emulsifer??

Poor lottie, 2 young doctors eh? I would have insisted on seeing proof, sounds like a stag night lark to me! Poor you, go and rest, not nice is it?

Have just cleaned the bathroom (well I clean it every day) but washed the towels and mats etc. Had to wait for hija to go to work as she makes a huge mess!!!

Tennis was good, never heard of either of them before, but it helped me get through my huge pile of ironing, have swam twice and now in bedroom with air con on - ooolovely!
Welcome back Jno ,hope you had a good time .It seems you've brought the hot weather with you .
Well done Lofty ,very brave gal. I'm afraid they would have to knock me out for six before they shoved anything up my orifices ! They are good at putting you at ease though as I know from Mr S.Take it easy and try not to worry .

I didn't pay that price for that handbag Neti ,it was in the sale and Mr S paid for it ! Sorry about that Robinia ,walk away from the computer and hide your card :)
Tennis was good .I wanted Sabine to win but I think she let her nerves get the better of her .It was very emotional .Bartoli played a blinder .
the thing that binds the oil and lemon or vinegar and keeps the mayo thick

lots of the recipes I have found have cream in, this one says it will taste like Heinz and starts with Mayo.
That looks even easier, am off to try it right now, I'm glad I've got my mojo back!
done thank you woofy, I don't think Heinz have much to worry about, bit it is very acceptable, I'll see what the family say, it's in an old Heinz bottle!!
Shaney - The Americans tonight!!
Thanks Neti ..I have it marked in the Radio Times .Hooked on it now !
Woofy that salad cream was very very good, Mr N didn't notice any difference, which is a bit of a bugger cos he'll expect me to make it in future instead of buying it!!
glad to hear it Neti. and sorry to hear it Neti lol. Hello jno welcome back. Its still very hot here. I have insisted the dogs come in from the garden and settle down.
Ha ha Shaney, handbags always taste better when someone else pays.

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