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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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ahhh, a phone call from a rock somewhere in the sunset in Mykonos to say jno jnr and gf have got engaged! V romantic. We are wating for a photo of the ring.
what a week, a baby, handbags AND an engagement....many congratulations jno
Congratulations to jno Junior and GF. I hope they will have a long and happy life together.

And oight oight x
Oh lovely news Jno, all the to them. Ahem I do have a new wedding outfit!
goodness me its warm here. We are all sleeping downstairs tonight as its much cooler down here. Rab has spent the day chasing sleepy pigeons in the garden and is hobbling again so we wont be out tomorrow morning. Not the worst day to stay in as the hot weather brings out the idiot campers who aren't supposed to camp in the carparks or sleep in their cars but who do it anyway. We arrive, the blokes (its always blokes) wake up, one of them decides he needs a pee and gets out of the tent/car. Rab kicks off, and the bloke pees a bit faster than he expects to lol. Its all harmless, I keep the boys on leads till we are well clear.
Hi all. Sorry I've not been here but I've been otherwise engaged watching terrific tennis and today watching the lady's final whilst doing a massive pile of ironing just like you Neti. All last weeks to be exact. I've caught up with your posts and I'm pleased you''re test is over for the time being Lottie. I know what it is like..horrible!! I've had 3 over 20 years and don't want another. But I have to say I've been looked after and I can't complain.
I've also had a friend here and we went out with Fuschia tonight a dinner. It was a good job I booked a table as it was very busy but a lovely evening and meal.
I'll be back again properly after tomorrows match.
Have to go to bed now oight oight everyone. Oh yes and welcome back Jno a congrats to Junior and GF. All the best for the future together.
Laters 'gaters
Have you noticed that. I posted neither yesterday or today!!
I had noticed jude, but you are always hither and thither!

Oight oight all
yes i had noticed too were missed. The boys are out in the gardena nd I have coffee, Rab's foot is better again, all is well with the world.
well, the ring is every elegant (it would be, he has excellent taste, some sort of genetic throwback) but a little tight as her finger looks noticeably squeezed. I imagine this can be sorted. The sunset is dazzling too. Almost makes me wish I'd got engaged myself, but I am beginning to think I may have missed my chance.
I love classical jewellry, my engagement ring is a tiffany solitaire diamond

Good morning all.
although to be truthful, I didn't get it until after a couple of years of marriage and I was "invested" more than engaged. It's an investment ring and never worn.
well the ring and the holiday are easy to organise, the romance less so.....
I must stir my stumps and nip out briefly as I have no milk.
I never got engaged either, but I'm not a ring person really. I don't wear a wedding ring either although I did have one initially.

Good morning everybody. I am not hanging about, I feel horrible today after that procedure yesterday. I am just going to retire to the cool lounge and stay put. It is baking.

Morning all
Another lovely day ,hope you are all Ok.
Congratulations to the junior Jno's .All the best to them .Lazy day ahead here by the look of it .Bit of garden sitting with the crossword ,then tennis .Come on Andy ,you can do it .
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Morning all..I got a bit sidetracked on my way here...I accidentally fell into a handbag site & I've spotted a nice jolly shopper :) I don't drink, smoke or go out a lot (so why buy bags, you ask?) so I don't begrudge myself a treat now and then. Nor do I mind wearing/using the same thing for years if I like it.

Yes, hot here too and my pottering session in the garden's been postponed, I had intended to be up and out there early. It was lovely about 8 o'clock last night and I did a bit then.

Well done and pleased you survived Lottie... don't worry, I'm sure it'll be nothing more serious and lots of people I know have diverticuwatsit and keep things under control.

Yes, I was sad for Sabine too shaney, she's lovely. I found Bartolli hard to watch, all that jogging about was irritating. Looking forward to Andy's match today, I really hope he wins.

Guess who came for a quick visit yesterday?! And he slept the whole time...oh well, I suppose grandma's aren't that interesting when you're barely a week old :)
Welcome home jno and many congrats to jno jnr too, that's very romantic... I got engaged in the pub, too many babychams :)

Jude we miss you but we don't worry about a couple of days absence because you have errrr, a thingy....a life, that's it. :)

Keep calm and cool...'specially the doggies.
Robi I am shocked! didn't the baby show a vestige of interest in the new handbag? Well!!

I only wear rings when I go out, never at night or at home, same with bras really.

Trying to decide where to go for lunch, he doesn't want to drive too far!
I never drive with Mr N in the car, it's take your foot off the clutch, slow down, speed up, overtake, blah blah blah.
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Well by the time he's old enough to show an interest in bags I'll be too old too bother but he's got the right name for fashion... I'm still not sure Gok Wan was the one to choose tho'

Oh, how lovely for you to have a visit from little Gok. I shall refer to him as 'Gok' in future - Gok, son of Tarquin ;o)

I feel a bit better now and now so down in the dumps. It seems awful to complain about heat and sunshine, but I really can't ventre out in it. Perhaps later this evening I might be tempted.

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