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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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It's not too bad here actually.
Blink and you would think you were in Ibiza :)
Its hot and horrible here. Bigups to Andy though.
Hi All. Thanks for saying you missed me but it was a joke because my post was time 00.00 Saturday night/Sunday morning!! But thanks again anyway...
What a great match Andy played. He deserved to win the championship I believe because he has won some great matches at Wimbledon this year.
I know a lot of people who don't like him but I think he has matured and manages a temper really now. Of course I would have like it to have been an English man who won but Andy will do for the moment.
I'm now going to read all the posts I've missed. See you in a bit.

oh, there'll be another English winner along in 77 years, Jude! We'll both be around to see it too.
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Well it took me a couple of seasons to warm to him but I really like Andy. He did a brilliant job this year...and let's not forget the Olympics.

That's a lovely scene shaney. Sis is back from Westward Ho and we've decided we want to live there...yokels beware :)
Just watching the new film about Liberace with Michael Douglas, he's very good.
Am off to bed shortly after being thoroughly lazy all day. The temperature here in Norfolk coastal areas is looking cooler and falling to 17 or so on Tuesday so there will be a break from the heat until next weekend apparently. I am actually quite pleased. It is nice and cool tonight.

Oight, oight. x
Too hot to sleep. I've had a lovely midnight swim but body soon heats up again. Have the ceiling fan on, may have to put the air con on.
Too hot here we are all restless. biters around tonight so had to close the windows downstairs, upstairs are still open.
Finally got to sleep, I think it was when Mr N went in front room, so I had big bed to myself + cat! Can't take much more of this weather, it was OK when I was younger but now?

Good morning all, hope you all managed a pleasant night one way or the other!

Mr N's birthday today but it seems to depress him more, he went to work at 7.30, hija came home at 8.45 and I am still in bed with a cuppa.
Good morning, - Removed myself to the spare room at 4.00am. Too hot to be alongside another hot body and it's cooler in the spare room anyway. Cat, however, decided to sleep on top of me!!!
Happy Birthday Mr Neti, whether you like it or not!! ;o)
What is it about cats Lottie, mine snuggles up and it's like a fur coat. Admittedly after an hour she flops to the floor.
happy birthday Mr N! Still hot here.
well, I was quite warm last night so I took the electric blanket off. Right off. Unplugged it and everything.

This can only end in disaster.
ooh Zara Tindale (Phillips) is preggers!

Just made a chicken curry and a veg curry for tonight, and bought him a mini flaò (mint cake).

It's coming to the time when I freeze a water bottle and take it to bed. Wish the stone ones were still available, they really got cold in the night, remember??
I looked into chillows, the write ups on Amazon are less than inspiring. Have you got one Lottie? what is your opinion?
Yes I was once all enthusiastic about chillows but something put me off, can't remember what it was. I need a chillow mattress and walls.
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A'noon...finally had my hair done at home, there's no way I could have gone to a salon today, I dislike them anyway, it's too warm. Hi/lowlites & lopped by about 6cms so it feels nice and light. I like it long but I couldn't cope with the drying, I had to keep stopping to rest my arms. It's gone a bit fluffy tho' (I dry it myself) needs a good dollop of my own conditioner I think.

Happy birthday Mr N! neti says your wish is her command :)

Princess Anne's already a granny, Peter has children, girls I's lovely for Zara

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