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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Hello all
Much cooler here today and cloudy .Hope you are all ok .
Happy Birthday to Mr N .Enjoy your cake .
Nothing of great importance to report .I haven't bought any handbags or clothes ,just mundane stuff like cheese ,ham and a cauliflower :)
6cms? what's that in English?

Have tidied all through, blown up my lilo again by mouth, floated and sunbathed for an hour, swam, got eye ache and came in. wish it would cool down here but it's yet to get hotter, it's 30º atm, middle of Oct should be nicer! Cannot now walk outside without shoes it is so hot on the patio stones.
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Actually neti it was more than 6 move with the times was more like 7 & half which is 3".

There's a lovely breeze and some cloud so it hasn't been too bad but it's still made me feel achey. I'm missing the tennis today...pleased to see at least one horrible thread on here about Andy was removed, there have been lots of unnecessary immature comments. I'd like to see them do better, they said the temp on court went up to 50C!
what were they beefing about? he won, job done!
its still hot here but forecast to be cooler tomorrow. We are all just flaked out.

No I haven't got a chillow Woofy.

Robi, I have very short hair which I finger dry whilst holding a hairdryer and to be honest it really gives me a backache doing that for just a few minutes. Miserable isn't it.

Well, I have been gardening and it's probably just as well I have been outside because after that ordeal on Saturday I am like an inflated air balloon the keeps letting out air to descend. It's a wonder I am not floating on high!! I feel extremely uncomfortable.

Much cooler here today and it's great.

Go and get some advice about your eye Neti!!
My hair is like 1" layered at back and longer at sides a bit like Shirley's in EE but thicker and cleaner.

Nostril is blocked but I still think it's a toof! Will trot off but so hot.

I can't imagine Robi with short albeit 7+cms, hair.
I always dry my hair naturally never with a dryer as it gets all big and can't manage it, so have to time it in winter as it takes ages to dry.
If I dry my hair naturally Neti, it goes into wiggles and waves all over the place and is a total disaster. With a hairdryer I can at least get rid of the worst of the wriggles although the wispy bits at the back and sides go their own way.

On a damp day however or in the sea air I come back with wiggles and waves, yuk! I would love straight hair.
I think that is how much Robi had cut off Neti, not how long it is!
Evening all. I'm back at a reasonable hour this time not 00.00 :)
I've at last managed to catch up with all the jobs that got left during Wimbledon fortnight. Garden sorted and I'm concentrating on getting my roses back to looking good and my grass is going to be treated with weed and feed a few times this year. Didn't do much about anything in the garden last year because of my wrist.
I've been to Sainsburys and stocked up my freezer.
Have to go and see my GP tomorrow I only have 2 Pentasa left. I''m hoping he'll say stop taking them now. Then it's Tai chi and lunch. We're going to meet our friend who has a feeding tube in her tum, because of her tongue op, taken out tomorrow and she may not be able to eat for a day or two. So we're going to her local where they look after her very well regarding food and drink, doing special meals with food she can eat easily.

Happy birthday Mr. N. I hope it's been a good day.

I think today has been a bit cooler but I have to admit I don't mind but I know it can be too hot for you Lottie so I'm pleased it's cooled down a bit for you. Also for any of you who's like it to cool down.

Right -off now - Laters 'gaters
The back is longer though with wispy wiggly bits.

Actually currently it looks as if I have been pulled through bushes, which isn't surprising because I have been pulling out nettles from our wilderness.
Hello Jude

Good luck tomorrow!
Jude I just got your 00.00 posting joke!
Mr N surprised that we didn't eat out, but will do that with hija on Wed.- He enjoyed his gifts and seems to have accepted his new age!

Mine's like this only both sides are short and even.
Woofy your salad cream recipe is being asked for all the time on this island. If I were you I'd hide away in case Heinz are after you!!!
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Lottie your link is a lot of random pics including including this
Is that you? :)
My hair looks like a thinning mop dumped on my head. Hopefully it will look better after its cut on wednesday.
Neti I am glad the salad cream was a success.

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