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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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bye Jude...I got called away mid post and forgot I had half types one, finished it and hit submit and you all popped up. Lottie, they are going to have to prise my car keys from my cold dead hands, give mater LL a smack around the back of the head from me.

if its getting your legs in and out then a swivel car seat can help

these which replace the entire seat, are dear, but the bees knees

You can also try sitting on two carrier bags so they slide against each other and help your bum to swivel on the seat. I used to this with my late mu because she was so short that putting a swivel seat like in the first link in, made her legs dangle.
not mater LL that's you, I meant master LL of course!
I change my bloomers when they are inside out or back to front, by putting the right leg in with the wrong leg and then remoiving the wrong leg and sorting it all out, that way it is not unlucky cos you haven't taken them off.
My doctor has informed me that the wonderful medicine I take for when my spine is on the curl (myolastan) has been removed from the market because some french person got an allergic rash from it, but as I still have a lot of it I may still take it, whatever next??
am sitting here with a plate of fresh cherries and strawberries which are delightful, Mr N also bought honeydew melon but I am allergic to it, makes my throat very sore.
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Pie? who mentioned pie? I like pie :)

Don't worry woofy, they're still on inside out...they'll look a treat with the label flappin' when I tuck my skirt in to have a paddle in the mini pond ;o) I've had half an hour pottering but it's too warm out there now.

Lottie that's the kind of thing Tarquin would say in jest (if I was a driver)...or something like 'well you've got a bike' :) Didn't you buy a big 4x4 vehicle? ...I'm no good with car names sorry...isn't it easy to get in and out of?
Apologies if it was someone else.

I'm glad you've been medico'd at last neti
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crikey neti, if I went through that rigmarole with the pants I'd probably fall off the edge of the bed and crack my that wouldn't be very lucky would it?
But you HAVE to Robi! I cannot go around in pants inside out/upside down/ wrong way round!!!
I take them off and put them in the laundry and put clean ones on.
Never thought of that woofy, is that cheating?
Some time back I went to Wilkinsons with Picky .It's only a ten minute walk tops .We wandered about in there for ages while he perused screws ,nails etc .but on the way back I had to give my screaming hips a break on a bench by the church . I said to him to go ahead .But he waited for me anyway and said ..."you ought to get one of those mobility scooters Mum".......have you ever seen a look that can kill ....he did :)
I've made a picnic pie Robinia and a Viccy sponge .It's in the post :)
Btw Neti .There were two cases running in Luther .The chap didn't kill his daughter .He killed the internet troll who drove his daughter to suicide .
He put his hand in the blender so they couldn't get his fingerprints and yes the serial killer murdered the couple .The man went into the loft to see what the noise was ,he pounced and he fell half way through the ceiling .She ran and hid in cupboard but he got to her .
Thanks for clearing that up for me shaney, I really must pay more attention.
I have never had a big 4 x 4 vehicle Robi. I have a 4WD Subaru, but it ain't a big thingy, just a normal hatchback car. Like this, but black

Obviously sons are the same everywhere.

I have advised him that even if I move into a town or large village I shall still need transport because my walking now is diabolical and I am not going to have those ops on my feet.

Talking of which, Neti. What I have in my feet is arthritis in all the small bones in my instep and in my toes. The Rheumatologogogogogist told me it was all linked to my hypermobility. Did you not say some time ago that you were also quite a bendy person.

You will have to forget about your trendy shoes if you want to keep going!!

Nooooooooooooo !

Yes I am a very bendy person, well fingers , not the body bit now!

I have to wear thicker insoles but I have a lovely pair of very modern sandals

and they are remarkably comfy once I have staggered down the loose stone and rugged land that is my garden!!
I was told I shouldn't wear sandals Neti, but I do. However, if I am going to walk about a lot I know wear a supportive shoe that stops the bones moving about and causing pain.
Love those sandals. When I go to physio now I wear trainer type shoes in case I get told off.
I like wearing those plimsol shoes which are slightly thicker than plimsols, but too hot here now, and have to wear light sandals, gone are the days when I could prance around in shorts and boots in August. The first photo I took of those sandals I was wearing them, but looked like I had Nora Batty stockings on, I was mortified.
I'd love a mobility scooter...I'd have a bit on the back for the dogs and those Boudicca scythe blades on the wheels. Then I'd add a texas style car horn and a chiller for the wine.
I have gone into birkies this year because they have better arch support than crocs....blissfully comfortable and I like the hippy vibe.;client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=LN3eUf34HY_20gXAooFA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1436&bih=780

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