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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Do you mean soursop Neti. I just looked up soupsop!! I haven't heard of either.
port satay Neti....a bit liquid but tasty i imagine.

yes soursop comes from South Africa among other places. Discounting the hype, its no better or worse for you than other fruit, there is some evidence that eaten in huge vast excess, it could interfere with nerve function but I don't think it would be possible for a normal person to eat that much,its when the fruit is used to make "medicines" that the problem arises. usual story really, if it sounds too good to be true, then it is.
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thanks Lottie [pulls out and throws away onion and bacon] I've got a plateful of tuna mayo sandwiches and some corrugated crisps at the moment so I'll have that for afters.

Some things obviously have vitamins/benefits etc but I don't believe there's any such thing a a 'super food'
Hello all
Another lovely day and I hope you are all well.We've just come back from the seafront .Had a nice stroll along and sat at intervals ,I had a paddle while Mr S sat there laughing ,then had a fry up .That's my healthy food for today !
Lol I could give you chapter and verse about elderly neighbours .Mine is never off the phone .Right in the middle of the tennis on Sunday it rang .I ignored it How awful of me .
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lol shaney, I've got one like that (Mrs Demanding) and I've ignored the phone ...we won't go to heaven you know :)
Fed up of the Midlands here. Dr. says I'm not better yet and he has upped my tablets to 6 a day and given me an appointment for 8.50 a.m. next Tuesday. :(
Robi, Adrian has moved house out to Ashbourne during the last 3 weeks. That's a long way from the Med Centre isn't it. I hope he doesn't leave but I wouldn't blame him if he did.

It's a lovely day and I've got my car insurance renewed for £15 less than it was last year. Had a lovely lunch with my friends. Going South on Thursday, meeting up with my brother on Friday, so I shouldn't be fed up should I. :)

The noisy neighbour I've got (the young lad) has now gone to live in Loughborough with his brother and is going to work for his Dad.
Here's me thinking it might be a bit quieter but when I got out of bed this morning 6.00 I heard thump thump thump from next door's front bedroom. Not ever so noisy but when everywhere else is quiet it sounds it doesn't it.

Anyway time for a cuppa - see yer later'gater(s)
Ever since the hospital incident she's become very clingy .I dare not go in there ready to go out anywhere because it'll be get me this get me that when she doesn't really need anything .The latest thing is feeling a bit dizzy .I don't mind what I do for anyone but it's getting very wearing .I have enough to do dragging meself about and looking after Mr.S .I pull the phone out if there's something I specially want to watch or when we have our evening meal .My halo is very much askew these days :)
Oh dear ,Jude .I hope you get sorted out .Perhaps the higher dose may help .
Btw UC starts again next week .
Lottie, gratuitous snotty comments alway get up my nose (neighbour thread) I have been busy today, the horticultural show is at the end of July. I am unlikely to have much in the garden, maybe herbs, but I have made a card and blended a liqueur and am going to make a piece of jewellery and enter my hair cactus in the potplant section.
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She sounds exactly the same as my neighbour shaney and as I've said before I had to back off to save my sanity. When we were visiting my brother, even with all that stress I had she'd be on the phone as soon as I walked in at 9pm. She knew I was home cos I'd let Charlie out and he usually had a little bark to warn the monsters in the garden :)

Jude I think he's had his own health problems over the past couple of years. I knew my lovely hospital consultant was winding down when he moved to that area. Within 2yrs he'd retired :( It must be full of past their sell by medicos haha. Hope you feel better soon.
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..and I know all about morning noise. My wake up call between 5 & 5.30am has become a regular thing.
ah, noisy neighbours. We're usually surrounded by silence but her upstairs has got a guest staying. I saw her yesterday and she appeared to be about 8 months pregnant (the guest, that is). Perhaps her hostess will introduce her some day and tell me if we're about to have the pitter patter of tiny feet overhead. Plus some of the Saudis next door have turned up, including a couple of rather sweet little girls. However, they're pretty quiet. So we're doing alright, I suppose.

Just been to a new osteopath (the old one has gone to Brazil) to have my neck looked at and boy, it won't be giving any more trouble while she's around, she came very close to ripping it off, giving it an oil change and plonking it back on again. A very vigorous lady, but my neck seems to have shut up...
Thanks all. I really don't feel ill, as such, just fed up with my nethers being overactive! Anyway we'll see what extra tabs do..
My young neighbour (mother of the boy that's just left) has found herself a young man - I just hope he likes gardening and has a go at hers. It's dreadful back and front.

I've just read my last post. The thump I heard from the front bedroom next door this morning was the music, not what you might have imagined I meant :) :) :)

phew... no wife-beating then, Jude!
Oh dear Jude, but at least you have a doctor that is on the ball and won't let you go until he is satisfied you are well.

Talking of nether regions, I am having a pooh day today in more ways than one. That camera jobby seems to have obset my whole digestive system and I feel crap this afternoon. Have been on the bed for a couple of hours because laying down is the only way I feel comfortable.

I will say an early oight,oight as I think after dinner I might retire again.

Oh poor jude, you must be mightily fed up with it all, but as lottie says, as least your medico is up to it.

and you too lottie, I suppose there would be some downside to your photographic session!

Waiting to see Luther, but TV useless, and internet keeps breaking up.
we are the noisy neighbour lol. Actually we aren't, there are dogs and children in the surrounding gardens and I am careful to make as little noise as possible earl in the morning.

That made me laugh Jno!
Next door doesn't really bother me. She isn't ever so neighbourly which suits me and I saw heronce outside the Pride Park Football ground with the crowd who were collecting foor a Cancer charity so she's isn't a bad person..she's basically quite old fashioned .Doesn't go out all made up and dressed in the latest fashions. Track suits and trainers! That's her. A bit like me I suppose.

Off to bed now all Oight Oight! I hope you all sleep well. It's cooled off here a bit now so it will be more comfortable for some of you I hope.
I don't fancy Luther since I heard about the food processor.

Its warm again tonight but not too bad. Oight oight all
Good morning all

Gosh I didn't wake up until 9.20, what a slob I am becoming! Hope you all managed to get a decent's night sleep and not too early a wake up call.

Going to make a cuppa.

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