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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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I've just whizzed round my garden and car with the hose pipe. Feel pleased about that.
And I saw something today I didn't think I would ever see.The council gardeners planted two trees into the grass patch in out Close some months ago and today I saw a lorry come round with a couple of big plastic tanks of water on the back and they watered the them. They are coming on nicely - don't ask me what they are.They have tagson so I'll have a look one daywhen I go past.
I hope you've all had a good day. I still haven't done the ironing I said I was off to do!!
I'm having a Baileys coffee instead.
So the mop has been cut then, Woofy. I think it suited you!! ;o)

Woofy, do you take the dogs with you whenever you go out?

I like cotton percale for sheets. The bottom fitted ones smooth out as I stretch them on the bed. Duvet covers just get stretched out and folded by Mr LL and I and then smoothed and they don't look creased at all. I iron pillow slips if someone is staying.

I don't wear shirts and most of my tops dry without creases. I wear quite a few jersey type tops and dresses, which are soft and dry smoothly on hangers on the line and then get a quick tumble. I certainly don't iron jeans and I wear cropped leggings under dresses to go out. T shirts I just smooth and fold after a quick softening in the tumble dryer.

I iron a shirt if Mr LL needs a smart one and likewise if he needs smart trousers (not often these days). I must admit to ironing my cropped linen type trousers. I still, though manage to have a washing basket full + loads more stuff in our third bedroom which I might iron one day, but I obviously don't need it because it has been in there for ages.

I never buy stuff now that might need ironing.
They don't come out with me every time Lottie and right now its just too hot. The hook is that its also too hot to leave them in the house for long with the doors and ground floor windows shut. On Monday when it was really bad I couldn't have shut the house up with them in it even for 20 minutes so i had to cancel my visit to the dentist. Today I shot 5 minutes up the road to the hairdressers and just had a wash and cut to save time and was back home again 35 minutes later. My lady who does my hair is lovely and quite understood. Its cooler here this evening but still 27 in my bedroom, happily much more comfortable downstairs.
Our house is really cool Woofy in the Summer and warm in the winter - something to do with being old and having really thick walls. In fact our lounge is really chilly tonight and I am wearing a fleece. So Meggie dog is fine indoors. In fact, I am having to make her come in from the garden on regular occasions because she lays out in the sun for far too long before seeking shade.

It hasn't been hot at all today and got quite chilly outside at about 6.00pm.
We had a lovely meal, and I am now in front room having had a swim, and just relaxing.
I just watched Imagine where Alan Yentob interviewed Rod Stewart. It was really good .He's still got it and scrubs up much better than Ronnie Wood who also appeared in part of it .
I also watched the last one of that Love and Marriage .It was ok for watching while knitting but a bit silly really .
I hope the weather cheers up again ,it's been really gloomy here today after all that lovely sunshine .
Oight Oight ,sleep toight .
I think I might now go to bed. At least it won't be too hot to sleep tonight Shaney. Oight oight x
Would you believe it, its still warm here? we face almost due east and west so get loads of sun...normally an advantage but not at the moment.
cool enough to sleep though i think...oight oight all
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Morning all...nice and fresh but sunnier than yesterday so I'll be slapping some laundry on a rock. Those cloudy days make me feel sluggish and even though it was much cooler last night I was actually hotter, it took ages to get to sleep.
Great start to today, I spent 5 mins trying to catch a fly that turned out to be a floater in my eye...and I put me bloomers on inside out :)
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Law and Order will probably know but (just in case) there's a new series starting, Sunday 9pm ITV. I'm gutted that the dreamy Paul Nicholls will be leaving. :(
Hello and gooodbye- I'm off for the weekend. Hope you all have a good one and all ailments give us a break. I'm still taking the pills as instructed.
Anyway I shall keep up with your posts whileaway and I'll be back.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow as I'm meeting up with my Bro. for a meal and a chat.
See yer later 'gater(s) xxxxx
Question Author
ta ta Jude, have a lovely time, weather's going to be hot!
Good morning all. Promises to be grey and chilly here for the majority of the day.

Have a lovely time Jude!

Morning all
It seems all the sunshine is inland and we're stuck under the cloud here on the edge .Hope you are all fair to middling though .
Yes I'm looking forward to that Robinia .Bradley in his beige mac :) I didn't realise it was series 7 already .
I'd better move as my lodger is here tonight for his dinner and I promised a pie ..I'm hoping he may put at least one cupboard back for me tonight .I'm getting a bit fed up with the muddle now .
Have a nice weekend Jude .Hope the weather keeps nice for you .
Now I have always got on very well with Master LL and generally we are quite good mates but I am considering cutting him out of my will!! I asked in an email his advice on getting a different car so that I can get in and out easily as I am really struggling. I got reply back this morning saying that it would probably be a lot more economically viable and sensible to limit the amount of times I go out in it!!! Considering that I live in the sticks and am 66 not 90, he has had an email telling off!! (I go out probably 3/4 times a week as a driver or a passenger and just recently most of my outings have been for shopping or medical appointments).

Rant over!!
And he was being serious!!!
Hello all, Lottie I do not often go out in my car, but like to know that I can if I wish, ergo Mr N is now limited to using occasionally.

Have never seen Law and Order but love Bradley Walsh so may watch this time. Enjoyed Luther but as ever I got lost and confused! Why did the black father kill the daughter, he did didn't he?I thoought there was a scene where a young couple heard an intruder in the loft but can't find it now, if it was there and I was not dreaming it, who was it and why?
Been to medico, he knew exactly what my eye prob was not that I can remember what he called it, but I have stronger drops which he promises will cure it in a couple of days! Also have an xray on my tootsies on Sat am as he thinks the broken one hasn't healed properly and thinks it's arthritis in all the other toes and on other foot, have to get some spongy insoles to cushion the feet as I walk, that'll look nice with my modern summer sandals, may as well wear theose ghastly "pop" socks up to my knees!!
Bye bye jude have a lovely time. x

Having hair trimmed manaña, it looks OK but want to keep the style.
Robi, don't change them its unlucky. Nice cool start to the day here and a much better temperature even now.

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