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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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I saw a bit of Luther but changed over to Geordie Shore (I know it's disgusting but I like it) Am downloading Luther now so will watch it later.
Good morning. It's quite cool, grey and mizzling, and it's quite pleasant! I couldn't cope with living in a hot country. I suppose I am a nord at heart!
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Morning all....zzzzzz. Actually managed to sleep until about quarter to 7 but because I've been going to bed early to compensate the early mornings I had too much sleep & now I feel foggy headed. I've no idea what day it is but it feels like Monday. It's much cooler so I should get moving a minute....soon...
Good morning all. A lot cooler here and no sun as yet. Maybe later. I've had a go at removing the deep scratch off my car and the T.cut has worked quite well. Having another go later when I get back from school.
Then I have just a few things to iron. Not my favourite occupation but it wont take me long.
Whatever is Geordie Shore Neti?

Laters 'gaters
Jude, what sort of things do you iron. There is only one of you and you seem to be doing a lot of ironing. I am beginning to feel as if I am a scruffy creased person, but quite seriously not a lot of clothes need ironing these days, or do they!! I do an iron cycle on my wash after it is dry and then hang things up. I can't iron anyway because it does my back in!!

Off to Morrisons shortly. It is taking time for me to get going and am waiting for paracetamol to kick in!
good morning all, a bit cooler here today but still too hot for my preference. Took dogs out for a good charge around though so thats good, we are all sleeping better. Haircut soon, laters all
Morning all..just .
Back to normal then .Dull and very much cooler here and it's been drizzling that very fine rain .That's put the mockers on my sun tan .
Hope you are all Ok though .
Luther was good Neti .He caught the baddie but it was very scary and I was watching through my fingers .I think the next two episodes are a new story.

I hate ironing and don't do it on a regular basis .I wait until the contents of the basket are ceiling height :)
I can't stand crumpled things though and iron tea towels ,and bed linen mostly and odd items of clothing that look awful if not ironed. I do like a nice crisp tea towel At least I don't have to iron loads of shirts anymore thank goodness. And of course I always iron my pinnies ....
Haha @ scruffy creased person -that is Mr N if he gets a chance!

I only iron in the summer (ridiculous I know) cos don't use the tumble dryer. All my washing is srying rock hard, and I do use conditioner, but i ALWAYS IRON HIJA'S BEDDING, THINK i'VE TOLd YOU ALL BEFORE, DON'T KNOW WHY i BOTHER WITHIN ONE HOUR OF HER BEING IN IT IS IS ALL CRUMPLED AGAIN. i DO NOT HAVE TO IRON MY KING SIZE BEDDING THANK THE lORD. (sorry just seen this can't redo it!)

Will rest this pm in the cool bedroom and watch Luther as we are all eating out tonight, a famous local place nicknamed Port chop pepe's but they do nice grilled meat, or fish with salad and baked potato, bread and ali oli, and it's outside, really popular.

Have combed Mousey with one of those razor combs and she loved it, silly me I did it in the lounge so am knee deep in fluff, revolting! She has so much fur it is ridiculous, so then I put a bit of perfume on her brush and brushed her so she smells nice too.
This damned windows 8, you only have to hesitate on a word and the whole kit and caboole changes, so have lost another post!

Jude Geordie shore is a pretty disgusting reality show with 6 geordies running amok around the world's various holiday resorts and bedding anything in sight. Hija got me hooked on it after I was tutting through the first show. It is quite unbelievable how they act, but I am quite fond of the characters now but would be mortified if any of them were my child. Hija met some of them last year when they were here on holiday not actually filming and they were telling her that most of the romances amongst themselves was made up!
ironing bedding? Good grief, why not try holding back the tide while you're about it.
I can do that jno, I can multi-task!!
(I bet it is easier to hold back the tide than to use Windows 8!)
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well I did a bit of shopping and I'm boogered, I was going to work wonders while it was cool. I'm not against grabbing something off the ironing pile and wearing it but if things are going to be put away I like to whizz the iron over them first. I like my pillowcases and topside of my duvet ironed too...I know there's only me but I have some pride ya know :).
I'm glad the days of the shirts (some silk!) and chinos are over, the early eighties with two sons (and a husband) was a nightmare for ironing. By the nineties tho' Tarquin had a fit if I did iron his clothes.
The worst thing to iron has to be curtains...I don't do luxury drapes any more.
" By the nineties tho' Tarquin had a fit if I did iron his clothes."

Ha ha, likewise with junior LL (who always preferred clothing from army surplus stores) He went to boarding school at 11 and was really uptight on unpacking, when he found I had ironed his jeans with creases in the front!

Ooh jeans with creases in the front, that's how I wore mine until I moved in with Mr N, he went ballistic if I did that to his jeans, so I didn't. I still iron them though but not creases.
This is just for Neti

I am going out in the garden to pot up some plants, etc. Do you want to join me!! ;o)
tut, what a bunch of Iron Ladies
Lottie I iron most things.Ironing has to be done but I don't do it very often. I do more in the summer because of what I wear. In the winter it's jumpers and I never iron anything like that. I really have to have bed linen ironed but not the fitted mattress sheet. That's all crinkly where it stretches over the corners and I can't be bothered to do that.
Steady, when he was at home, told me I hadn't ironed a shirt correctly for him so I handed over the iron (carefully) and I've never ironed for him since. He has a 4 bedroomed house and when his wife was there they had an ironing board up and ready in one and they just ironed when needed.

Neti I've never watched reality shows except when Will Young that singing show because I really liked him and I only watched that dancing one because Robbie Savagewas in it and I really like him. He may have been a bit 'naughty' in footie (I mean playing the game) but he is a really kind caring man.

Right I'm off now to catch up with my ironing... :) + a cuppa tea
Laters 'gaters

I operate a non iron life. I have nice lady who has been doing my ironing for 16!!!!! years. When we first met, her daughter was a babe in arms and now she's nearly 17. Her son was a very quiet polite toddler and he's 20 tomorrow, where does the time go?
When DH and I both worked, I used to go and drop off a mega basket every week, now I drop stuff off around once a month, more in the summer when i wear shirts and less in the winter when i go back into sweatshirts.
I have discovered tencel sheets from M and S which are as cool and breathable as cotton and need less ironing than poly cotton.
I managed to wizz out and get a haircut without melting the dogs which is good.

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