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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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ooh, rightio Lottie, I thought I remembered you posting a pic.

Hippy vibe...I like these hippy vibes. Maybe not your taste but I think they're lovely works of art...a plain dress, any colour shoes...dream on Robi, you ain't going to the ball
Very nice Robi.

DIL bought me a lovely bag for Christmas, but I haven't used it yet. It is just too lovely to use. It hangs on my wardrobe door knob so I can look at it!!

I will take a photo.
Woofy, I swear by Birkenstocks, I have their sandals, loads of pairs and also their trainer type shoes which are amazing.

I can just imagine you our your mobility scooter.

Neti, I wear those thick style plimsolls too, but, as you say, they are too hot.

It is really cold here now. I want to put the heating on!!!
sorry Robi i do not like those handbags at all, prefer plain ones. I love big totes!

God it is hot, just made chili con carne with chips for a change and it was delicious. Now waiting for the Myra Hindley docu to come on.
A quick oight, oight x
I love those bags .I want one .When I win the lottery :)
I like those shoes but they don't like me .I can't walk in shoes with no back these days .I can't keep them on .My toes won't grip and they make my legs ache .I bought a pair of those Fitflops and nearly buggered over tottering along in them .
Time for bed ..Oight Oight .
my neck has calmed down at last thanks to ibuprofen + cocodamol; I hope it lasts. Tomorrow: eye doctor to see if I need cataracts attended to, then regular doctor to inquire why I am getting cramp in my toes of all places.

Anyone else have any medical issues they'd like me to raise while I do my rounds of the NHS?
Got air con on ah heaven. No sweating.

Oight oight all
Oh Jno I started with cramp in my toes in the middle of zumba but no diagnosis, tell me what is the cause , said something to do with my meds.
PS Lottie, as you may know, there was already a Queen Lottie; some think she was black

Don't tell aog
that's what i like about birkies, even more than crocs, they stay on your feet without clawing your toes. jno I use calmagzinc for cramp (prob mentioned it before) I get spates of it and a short course of tablets stops it in its tracks.
Its cooler here tonight so hopefully some kip...oight oight all, I see the weekend is going to be hotter than the hinges of hell....
Good morning all. we are up and have been out in the cool, tried to go back to sleep again but the boys wanted to chase birds and I have a banger of a headache. have taken paracetamol to no avail, will now try a second cup of coffee.
Morning all
Cool and cloudy here .No sunshine ..tut.
Hope you are all ok .
Good luck on your NHS tour Jno .You could raise a few issues for me but I doubt you have a couple of hours to spare :)
Hope your head eases off soon Woofy . I blame the weather . I blame it for everything !
Just preparing a very long list of issues for jno!! Might take a while.................

Good morning biddies. x
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Morning all...☼ I went to the post box very early and it was lovely but it won't be long before it's too hot out there. Hope your head's better woofy, I can feel my sinuses and ears popping.

Hang on jno! I'm just checking to see if I've noted it all...the things with a tick are priority

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oh dear, has everyone been declared unfit for the AB?

I fed up...the linen trousers I bought last summer & never wore (wet linen flapping round your stiks isn't a good look) are now on the big side, tut. Still I suppose you can get away with wearing them slouchy...I wonder if there are any of Vinny's old braces still around?
wear them with your bloomers showing at the back Robi, its all the rage.
headache lasted most of the morning so I just had a sleep, better now thanks.

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