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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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morning! I felt fine til I came on here.

Snap Robi I look fine when prepared but awful when glimpsing myself as normal!

I do have arthritis in spiine and hips and have a tiny cough (air con cough), right side of my neck is aching, oh dear!!

Poor shaney you will be fine, the doctors here tell us off for looking up symptoms on internet.

Liked the poem woofy.

Jude hope you are Ok girl!

Yes lottie my knicker elastic is annoying my various creases, seems to have gone all scratchy. I do feel old today now thanks!

Meeting an ex pupil this am, she was 6 when I taught her and now she is 42! now that does make me old!! Shall I wear twinset and pearls or leather cat suit??

Come on you lot, cheer up, we are biddies, we are indestructable!!!
Do any of you still have mamograms? I do every two years.

and smear tests, my last one was the in "Jade effect" time and was so uncomfy (I think I weed a bit) won't have any more.
No I don't Neti. I am an ostrich and my GP accepts it. If I am told I have something life threatening it would destruct me and the worry would kill me before the disease I already have something life threatening which I push away when I can and 12 years on from finding out I am still going strong with no further problems.
And how is your daughter Nets. Sorry forgot to ask yesterday.

Hope you are feeling better today Shaney

and Woofie - today 70 is the new 80 in my case!!!

Love to you all - I am going out to lunch today at the house of an old friend. We have lost touch somewhat and had a great time when our kids were young and we only live 1/4 mile apart, so am looking forward to it. She is still hippy through and through and has just come back from travelling through Europe for 5 weeks with her hippy husband. Lots to talk about.
Morning all...well I made it through the night but looking at my reflection it's hard to believe, I've got some impressive black circles today

lol neti, sorry it felt a bit like God's waiting room, haha...what are we like? We'll probably all still be here (moaning about the weather) long after this Ed has run screaming over the horizon and the hamsters have taken over.
Yes, I have mammo's (every 3 years I think it is) history of breast cancer. But, erm, smear tests....pass....I know, I know, dreadfully irresponsible....I was having them and then this fibro flared up one time when I was due so I cancelled....and never went back.
I was told I have an increased risk of leukemia in later's getting later now, eek! Let's not go down that road again, haha

Weather - dull, humid and showery. Underwear - scaffolding and maximum security bloomers.
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another biddy checking in....slept okay last night thanks to a judicious administration of alcohol. I still get mammos and smears but IIRC the next smear will be my last if I get invited and I may decline. They stop inviting you after 65 and you are on every 5 years, not three by then.
I am ambivalent because my middle sis had changed cells and had a hysterectomy so if she hadn't gone, likely she wouldn't be here now.

anyway change of subject, its a good day here today, cool and fresh. It rained last night and we had a good walk this morning. My new oven gloves have just arrived so no excuse for not getting on with the a while......
haha, you know you're a biddy when....the arrival of your new oven gloves is an announcement...

lol, sorry woofy :)
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its okay Robi, Its true about the oven gloves but I did say it for comedic effect and would have been very hurt if nobiddy laughed
I need new oven gloves :-(

Now the government has issued the Balearics with a heatwave warning (as if we were not aware!)

Met my little pupil and she has hardly changed, so small and so sweet, so terribly worried about being pc, so I told to forget being pc, it's not natural and as long as you are not insulting then it's all OK, she seemed happier. She was worried cos she had reprimanded her 15yr old daughter and a friend said she should be reported, I ask you, some people get my goat!

Have done the ironing and prepared s/s chicken.

Got another brand new phone from Spanish phone company to replace the one I denounced them for, I don't actually need it now as have had the English one unlocked, oh well, will sell it when necessary!

Jude and shaney hope you are all Ok

Spain insists we oldies get mammos every two years and as my sister found hers at 70 and my friend at 80, I think I'll continue.

Lolling on bed with fan whirling!
this ole tinter's a funny thing ...I was looking at some old school stuff (I've forgotten why) which lead me to an article about an art teacher. I didn't do art but I remember him well and his wife taught us German. She was German herself, young and beautiful and loved knitting :). Shortly after we left she died of leukemia and in the article I found they had an eight month old daughter at the time. He later developed motor neurone disease and died eight years ago...some people's lives are blighted by terrible things.
That's sad Robinia .Mr S's brother died young (26) from leukemia .It carried ma in law off too but she was 90 .
Well I've been photographed .So just have to wait for the results .
Yes I still go to the pancake maker Neti every two years not smears though as have had hysterectomy .
It's been boiling hot here ,but I daresay it would feel just warm for you Neti .
Hope you are all OK ..keep cool ..
Finger's crossed for you shaney, don't worry (easy for me to say).
Boiling there? It was muggy but not hot until it rained ( I just made it back in time) and that cooled it down. (says 19C now)

Speaking of pancakes I think I'll have a 'flat egg' for my tea - as we used to call it. I don't think the word omelette had reached Notts back then :)
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I've got windows at one end of my lounge and French doors at the other. Today it rained in the front but not at the back!
lol woofy... that once happened the other way round here, my friend over the road didn't believe it had rained on me and not her.
Hi everybody. Had a lovely day with lunch in the garden with my friend and lots of wine. Her three sons were all home for the weekend for the local Festival (they are all involved) and we shared lots of memories of when they were all kids. She has 6 acres of land which is buzzing with cats, dogs, chickens, quails, etc and her garden is just lovely.

I need some new oven gloves.

See you all tomorrow.

(No rain today)

3rd attempt, my lappy is so temoermental that the post either gets posted or disappears at the touch, and that's 2 I've lost now, unless they have posted themselves in other posts! Anything is possible.

love shaney's remark, pancake maker, I am sure that without that machine I would still be pert!!

and yes I would find it hot in England as the houses are stuffed and carpetted and all very hot and bothersome. It was 35o (not bothering to look for that degree sign) at coffee today, I just melted, and my very clean white trousers were filthy cos I kept putting my bag on the floor and then on my lap, I was ashamed for my pupil to see . Felt like an old woman who was grubby and probably smelled of wee too!!!
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hot and clammy here again. Oight oight
Off to watch Celeb BB (I know I know!!)

Oight oight x

for jude xxx
I've just watched The Best of Men on catch up .Brilliant .
What a marvellous man he was .
Very muggy here .Freddie the Frog he say 22c out in the garden and no rain as yet .Tomorrow should be even hotter and guess who promised a child a roast dinner for odd jobs .
Oight Oight all ..hope you are Ok Jude ...
Morning all..rain overnight so it's like a steamy bathroom. Just going to wash my hair and expecting it to turn to kapok.


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