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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Oh door have lit a barbie's wafting through the whole house and there's not a breath of wind here to blow the stink away.
oh no shaney, can't you bang all the doors and windows shut? There's not a breath of wind here either, I'm sitting by the window and you'd never know it was wide open. I've got a very small bunch of newly picked sweet peas here, I'll waft the smell over your way.
Evening all.....

Well done jude, glad ou are back.

Ditto jno, and yes sparkling water (agua con gas) is so refreshing!

I have just had bottle of some german strawberry and lime cider, which for the first glass and a half is lovely then it gets cloying. But v nice.

After doing weekly shop at 9am with Mr N I just stayed at home dipping in and out of a warmish pool. Made scotch eggs, pot salad with coriander and salad cream, and a hot bacon salad with pineapple etc. All very nice. Felt a bit depressed (what me?) this pm, am fed up with not going out and then a friend chatted to me on internet and it was cheery and nice, felt human again.

Just watched The Accused, very good, although I don't normally like Sean Bean but he was so good in this. Aww. Tried to book a flight home but way too expensive from this end, makes me so cross. You hear that it costs £90 return from your end but it £301 (easyjet) from this end, so am staying put until prices drop, will try Oct or Nov.

Hope you all have a great night, bet you are all out partying and having oodles of fun and I am stuck here being miserable, there now I've set myself off again!!!!
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glad to see you back jude and I look forward to hearing your story. Feeling much better now but quite weary. Happily had already decided not to go out early tomorrow because thick fog is forecast.
I like a barbecue but yes, some of them smell dreadful...petrol and cheap sausages.....When I barbecue it always smells like good food cooking....but the barbecue is well away from the neighbours fences.
Its warm here but slightly breezy.
Hate other peoples bbq's the smell lingers in the house and we have to have doors and windows open!

Love sweet peas, my most very favourite flowers, lob a bunch over here there's a dear Robi!
...but I've only got a tiny bunch neti, they've only just got you can have these

well there's a pee theme
> > > > > > > >
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its funny, I cant stand the smell of sweet peas, it really makes me gag. I don't do partying either, never have done. I love roses and herbs and have loads of lemon balm everywhere that smells lovely when you brush against it
I have a dead posh nightie and dressing gown on, very fine cotton jersey with a blue green background with sprays of roses all over. Not very practical with the dogs but very cool and comfortable.
I know how the heat makes me feel though, no wonder you are miserable Neti.
...and before you start, I haven't spoken to a real human all day...
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Robi, my tortoise would love those!
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me either.
Love Julie Goodyear,she's just sneezed and peed and quoted Bette Davis "Old age ain't for cissies!!" ain't that the truth!!!

I haven't spoken to a human all day either only hija and Mr N!! and they don't count!
lol...I spoke to a cat, I asked it what it was doing and told it to go home.
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I have had some good chats with Shughy. Rab looks at me like I was an idiot but Shughy takes me seriously.
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Oight oight all
Just had a refreshing swim, the water was cold, lovely!

Oight oight
Ooh I could just dive into a nice cool swimming pool .It's boiling here Neti ..well for us it us .My indoor thermometer is on 25.4C here in the kitchen with all the windows open now that the barbie stink has gone .
I love sweet peas .We used to have a lot wild sweet peas in the garden in our last house .Lovely pink but no scent .
Partying Neti ..I should be so lucky .I did play cards though with Mr S and Picky ,who hasn't long gone and lost money as usual .
Oight Oight ....keep cool . Even hotter tomorrow they reckon .
Good morning - just retiring to the fridge for the day!!!

Last night was awful - our house is usually relatively cool inside, but our bedroom was really oppressive last night and my hip ached all night. Mr LL ended up in the conservatory with the door open!!

See you this evening when I come out the fridge!!
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good morning all. It was cooler last night with the fog and the foghorns were going, I love that sound. Heating up now though, was thinking about going into town to shop for a microwave because my old one is dying but I don't think i'll bother.
Morning all...clouding over now so it'll be back to heavy and humid I suppose. Had a dream last night about an old boyfriend, why does that happen? I hadn't given him a thought and there's no unfinished business...I've seen him a few times over the past years and he's even popped in for a cuppa once he knew where I lived but not recently. Anyway I woke up, went for a tiddle and then went back into the same dream. There was cafe food involved, some kind of open sandwich and one very tiny triangular one with something like fresh pesto in it. Weird.

lol @chats with Shughy. Macpoodle used to really listen to me and he'd smile (I swear he did) and cock his head on one side...Charlie just looked around the room and walked off or went to sleep. :)
Morning all, yes it is stinking hot isn't it? I find hot in England unbearable, so glad I didn't get a flight, although we have heatwave warnings until Tuesday. I just do as little as poss. I think we are going out en famille today just for lunch, couldn't stand the beach.

We are all still in bed and it 11.23 am!!!! Oooops!

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