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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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ooh, it's been very warm today so I decided not to risk going anywhere and having a dizzy turn. You can be on your last legs at home and no one medical bothers but go a bit woozy in a shop and the next thing you know you're being whizzed away by a couple of burly paramedics....

Good luck with your consultation tomorrow Jude...and enjoy the footy!
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Good luck with the consultation Jude.
its still muggy here.
new barbecue is a success. The chicken was good and it all goes in the dishwasher afterwards.
Just come on here and got immediately annoyed with our resident doctor who has put my blood pressure up.

Will be back later - I need to chill!! ;o)
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Lottie he's an idiot old fart who has no idea what it is like to live in the UK...I have to say the thread on people with life threatening diseases not being heroes was making my pulse rise so I just let it go....its the same thing, if you haven't been there dont pontificate.
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Oight oight all, feel better tomorrow.....
Oh pay no attention to him Lofty ..he has no idea about what goes on here .
We're all plebs as far as he's concerned .The thing is, his poop smells the same as everyone elses and his money is the same colour as yours and mine don't upset yourself over it .
Very muggy here ..just watched the bake off ..I love that programme and then Sean Bean playing a transvestite in Accused .It was very good and very sad .
I'm a bit in love Sean Bean too .....and confess to having all the Sharpe DVD's ....oh shut up Shaney .
Good luck Jude ..hope all goes well for you xx
Oight Oight folks .Sleep toight .
Good morning all. Thanks for your thoughts. i'm scared stiff. All I want to do is drive again and write neatly :) x
Good luck jude xx

Morning everyone. Gosh I slept in the evening and again at night, still in bed at 10am my time! Better get up I suppose.

Hope you are all OK.
Robi rolling news --- weather like a Turkish bath --- bad back --- gotta shop before it rains ---be back later --- quick funny ----
Thinking of Jude. I never got back to this thread as I meant to yesterday!

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good morning all. Turkish bath all night. Windy turkish bath when i took the dogs out...back to turkish bath bed....much better now it has rained. I am about to shower then go and shop.
Managed the shopping without a head spinning episode. Just got back and it started to rain but it hasn't come to much yet and it's soooo humid, it's awful. Everyone's wiping their faces and scratching their massive insect least it gave us all a common theme to grumble about.

Loved Accused, what a great drama...and as I said on the thread in TV Sean can be lady Robi's lover any time. I've got an original paperback of Lady C's lover, oooh, I say, fancy my mother reading things like that...tut.
Phew ..very warm here .Muggy warm .
Hope you are all Ok though .Nothing doing here warm to move .
Supposed to get thunderstorms later .
The wind feels like it's whipping something up here too

woofy - there's someone mentioning you here
Wind is really strong here. The conservatory door was open and the wind managed to blow a reasonably heavy brass bell of the windowsill. Meggie who was asleep was terrified and then worried that she might get told off!!
I am 'damp' dusting in between sitting down because my back hurts. Mr LL has gone out with his chainsaw to chop up a great pile of wood on what used to be son's garden. Winter warmth!!

Spoke to my friend in Spain at length yesterday and she is complaing, like our Nets about the heat. Apparently a hot wind blowing where she is. Mind you it's a hot wind here today. In and out!!

Thinking of you Jude x
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thanks Robi. Have replied. Am sitting here post shower drying off a bit before I get dressed and start perspiring again.
There was a slight fresh breeze this morning when I was having coffee and it was delightful. Doing as little as possible. Mr N is taking me to a sports shop on Sunday to try to get a breathing bra which should help! ASpparently it is a fiesta here so nothing open and poor hija has a swollen face due to her wisdom tooth, don't know what to suggest for her apart from paracetamol. Do you think Oil of cloves would helP? She's just had a mouthful of that famous Spanish dish, fish fingers and mash! now back in bed, she has to work at 8pm to 2am!
Thinking of jude!! xx
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not to sound like a certain doctor but Ibuprofen will help generally. Oil of cloves yes, also an icecube on the affected gum.
oh lawdy, I just made chs on tst...not a wise idea to put the grill on

yes, ibuprofen neti...alternate with paracetamol.

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