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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Shaney, that photo could have been taken over here!!

oight oight all x
Good morning, still hot and muggy here.

Hija's bag was stolen last night , (cut from her shoulder! when she was dancing) and the disco was sp packed no one could see!! So no phone or anything. Luckily I do have a new open to all networks phone she can use. Its lucky that my phone company replaced the faulty one on Friday! This place is so bad for thievery!

Hope you are all feeling OK. I've put on 2 kilos, cos I'm eating fruit gums and there is no zumba until Sept 13th cos of the heat! I can't even go for a long walk in this heat! Think I'll go before the moaning gets worse!!
Morning all...what a dark one it was, some people had their lights on first thing.

Oh that's awful neti, for several reasons it sounds like a hazardous place to live to me...

Sorry your curls got damp yesterday jno...I had to re read your statement about your friend being put down at birth :) I used to love playing 'kid's cricket' but the real grown up game leaves me bewildered.

That's a lovely summer holiday picture shaney. Is that you being beamed up on the left? :)

My arm's giving me hell, all hot and swollen & I feel a bit grotty :( I've got so many things to do I don't know where to start...p'raps with a call to the washer man. Hope he hasn't retired or boogered off on holiday.
Where are you Jude? We're waiting to hear about your experience.
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good morning all, its much cooler here today and no fog this morning. I now what you mean about where to start Robi, I decided that the right place for me was a large cup of coffee. Neti you cannot have put on 2 kg eating fruitgums...that would take about 8 kg of fruitgums!!!!!!!!!!
Oh dear Neti. Poor Hija. But I agree with Robi, it is a dangerous place to live. But I suppose our cities are much the same. Times have changed. You must worry a lot about your party girl though.

Poor you Robi with your nasty bite. What are you using on it. Should you take yourself to the surgery

Now the doc has written to me about blood trace in urine and I was trying to avoid the issue. I don't want anything to do with hospitals, etc. It all terrifies me. See I am just like you Shaney, a real worry guts.
Dull here but still very warm and humid.
Don't Forget the Fruitgums Mum!!

Washer man's answer machine's still the same so he's still in business.

haha, lol Lottie I was just going to post that! I have a hunch it might be down to a bit more than fruit gims's all that dining out and wine mi girl.

I dread anything hospital related and more so now it's not the old one we go to, that one felt a bit like a home.

I've just sat down for an ice-pack break, it usually takes about 24 hours before anti-h's have any effect on my bites so I'll see how I go. I might mix up a paste of bicarb, that's quite soothing.
fruit gims??! I have gawn all poshe ...froowt gims... :)
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hello again, have had my coffee and am more coherent. Neti that's really scarey, but not I think worse than cities over here. Chin up Lottie, there are lots of reasons for blood trace in urine and most of them are in the nothing nasty camp. Do you drink plenty? I have to keep an eye on that for me because I tend not to.
Robi i use antihists for bite too, but also use a cream called Eurax which is pretty good for stopping any kind of itchy inflammation.
I think I 'll go and have a shower and do light duties today...the floor need hoovering and there is some laundry to do. Its heating up here but with a nice breeze.
Thanks for that Woofy. I uffer from an irritable bladder on an ongoing basis could that cause a trace of blood, i.e. like cystitis does? I am imagining now all sorts of nasties, even though this has happened on another occasion. I drink loads, I always have.

Shaney, I love that photo,but I couldnt spot you in your new swimsuit!!

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Lottie, i think so.
I really want another cup of coffee but cba to get up and get idle is that?
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Which beach is that Shaney?
Hija got bag back with everything except the phone. No its still a lovely place to live, just the rumanians who rob us blind. We don't ofte3n get mugged or hurt. I've had bags stolen in England in the 60's so it's been happening for years. She was partying with the Guardia civil (main police) when it happened! ha ha.

Met friends for coffee and we are all totally fed up with the heat, we are grumpy and irritable.

There was a huge cockroach running around the kitchen sink this morning so I slammed the bowl down on it and left, having scribbled a note to Mr N saying if cockroach is still there then no dinner! It's gone!! Saw it squashed in paper in bin so have emptied it all!! I deal with dead cats, rats and mice but do not do cockroaches, lizards or spiders or most things crawly!!!
That's our beach here in Gorleston Woofy .
I've done nowt so far except hang about and drink tea .
Oh that's awful having your bag stolen Neti happened to me years ago and I'm still annoyed about it .I hope she didn't have anything really valuable or sentimental in it .
Try not to worry Lofty ...says the worlds worst worryguts !
I had traces of blood when I had that bladder infection .Wasn't anything serious .
That's good news Neti .You can replace a phone but some things are irreplaceable .Hence I travel light with handbags these days unless I'm out for the day somewhere.
At long last we have a plentiful supply of butterflies:


A bit blurred!!
Morning Neti and Shaney you sneaked in whilst I struggled to upload that photo!!

I have a really huge spider living in our bedroom at the moment. You would just love him Neti. I can leave him be as long as he isn't just above me when I go to bed. Actually he is probably a 'she' as it is so huge.

Shaney, thanks for even more reassurance. x
My bag was snatched in Rome but being aware of bag snatchers all it had in there was a bit of cash in a little purse and a sunglasses case - and it wasn't a bag I cared for much - but it was still a horrible experience. Vik had a tussle on the steps of Palma Cathedral with a gypsy lady who put her hand into his shirt pocket. She end up with wrist burn where he grabbed her hand and her whole family around him shouting and screaming at him.
Right, it's a poo pee belly bum day in more ways than one and I am going to hide under the duvet................................

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