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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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I also like that top, but £15! it'd have to be for a wedding at that price for me!!
oh so it did bloomin email arrived late.

They're lovely shaney, I like a bit of animal print, I may turn into Bet Lynch before long :) Snakeprint's my favourite....have to be a bit careful with that when you're my shape. Falling down wouldn't be a good idea, they'd grab me neck and stuff me in a tater sack. :)
I think maybe things look better in store than on line. My sister bought me a couple of lovely tops for my birthday back in May that I hadn't even noticed online.

Well speaking of taters, mine should be done...I stabbed it a few times before I shoved it in the oven :)

Best wishes from me to Dolly when you talk to her Neti/Woofy. Very sad.

I can't find much I like in M&S at the moment - I keep trying. Like both the top and the jacket Shaney, but I think for me smart jackets are a thing of the past. I have a bag of smart jackets ready to go to a shop in town what does good quality used clothing and you get half the proceeds. I keep looking at the bag and umming and harring, perhaps I might need them. But I don't even go to funerals smart these days and as for interviews well....................

I don't think £15.00 is expensive for the top, because Marks and Spencers stuff always washes well and stays in one piece. I have two of three of those tops accumulated over the last few years and they look like new still. Shove them in the wash, hang out to dry back in wardrobe.

Ha, ha Robi I hope you were chanting whilst stabbing your potato!!

'harring' ?!
You are right Lofty .Much as I love that jacket ..where the hell would I go to wear it :)
I bought a lovely jacket a good whiile ago ,a sort of checky black and red and have worn it once !
I want a plain velvet jacket ,preferably black a la the seventies .Can't find one .
I love the Marks tops though ,they wash and wear really well.
My guilty secret is an M&S skirt ....floaty ankle length ,hippie style and it's at least twenty years old :)
It just won't fade away ....hahaaa
The M&S sale...Is that it? What a poor show, no wonder their sales are slipping again.
Lottie, turned out it wasn't a very nice baked spud, too wet and moshy..I'd have done better drawing a face on it and kicking it round the garden...the pie was nice though, chicken & mushroom.

Well that's saved me having to water, we had an almighty downpour and some thunder in the distance.

Accused tonight, hope it's as good as last week!
I just rushed upstairs to check I hadn't put my guilty secret in a charity bag... phew, no, it's still there.... My teddy jumper from the 80s, haha, I loved it and always wore it when I was feeling low (it got a lot of wear).
Very similar to this...they're vintage items now and some are worth a few bob apparently.

I don't wear it now though...I'm trying to think what my oldest wearable item is.... I've got a white vest top with multi shades of khaki straps that comes out when it's hot. I must have had that for 20 years too, haha.
Was just getting ready to go out for dinner and Mr N and I had a huge row, and for the first time I hit him with the phone, and pushed him out of the house, he was shocked, so I am back in the bedroom eating cornflakes. I think we may be splitting up, but no worries, it'll suit me! I'll see what happens tomorrow, he has been drinking and to quote him "he needs a drink to come back to this house!!" Will phone sister and see if I can go there, and it's not just the weather, so no platitudes!

But don't worry biddies, well... worry if you see me tottering up the road with a suitcase, in fact lock your doors and windows! We often have these rows but I am really not upset this time. I don't think there's any going back after what was said!

Must sneak into the kitchen and get a potato!! Actually I feel fine!
and please don't be embarrassed to come on here!
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Oh golly Neti... don't know what to say. Whatever happens I hope things work out ok for you.
I dread ending up in a one room council bedsit with all the dross in Eastbourne! but will just have to see.
oh dear... what sort of phone... http://4.bp.blogspot....600/phone-car-big.jpg
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lol jno, I wonder where jude is?
... anyway, I suspect things will look different when stone cold sober, they usually do.

We long ago decided not to use expensive breakables as weapons, but that is because we are cheap, not because we are nice. We do a lot of sulking instead. I'm not actually sure that yelling and throwing things isn't a better way, tbh. I hope it works out better in the morning, neti.
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Changing the subject, tonight I think I saw fireflies in the garden. Yes I was sober! They would have been larvae, just very brief bright twinkles, not the steady glow that I remember from the US. Have been googling, they do exist in the Uk so maybe I really did!
Oh dear!!

I once threw a jacket potato at Mr LL and a plate of lamb stew and a glass of red wine over his head and a very posh do with men dress suits and ladies in evening dresses. But I was young and firery (sp) and he deserved it. These days we have a good yell at each other, say horrible things and then carry on as normal.

Things may look better tomorrow Net - and if I dare say it, and I dare, I think if your grown up daughter moved found herself a flat you would be getting on a lot better, there would be less friction and if she was near you could see her often.

(I have left on several occasions in our 40 year marriage, three days was the longest!! ha, ha)
The wine was at the posh do, not the lamb stew, that was thown in our kitchen - it also went all over the wall!!
Oight oight.

I may well try to get hold of Jude by phone tomorrow - will keep you informed.

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Good morning all. Lovely cool walk this morning, now going to catch up on sleep. Wishing you all a good day....laters
Morning all. no sign of him this morning! No jno its not just a matter of alcohol ( I hadn't had a drop) but this has been going on for way too long, he gets nasty and shouts and I thought he was going to hit one of us so I picked up the phone and whacked him of which I am ashamed as I do not believe in it. He will now sulk for eternity unless I approach him and this time I am not, and anyway the things he said were unforgivable. I'll try to get him to a lawyer to see what is what, but do not know if we come under spanish divorce laws or English and yes they are different as to who gets what!!

I agree lottie re hija but its not easy over here to find work and apartments at a reasonable price. He still kicks off whether she is here or not. I've kept it covered for a long time as I don't like washing my dirty laundry in public but was so fed up with him last night. I've been truthful about us going out and dining but he hardly says a word ever (can't be bothered with idle chit chat) which means he doesn't speak for days, try living with that! But when he is in a bar with his mates he chats non stop. Will keep you informed, but do not worry.

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