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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Oh that's good news Neti ...glad you are friends again and am pleased Jude is Ok too .Hope she'll soon be back .
I'm off to see what weird and wonderful money saving tips Superscrimpers have in store this week .
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getting wound up by idiots....not you peeps. other idiots. Oight oight
Oight, oight.

I am getting wound up on here too, so am logging off.

Neti, I know exactly how you feel, honestly I do, read the book, see the film, got the T shirt etc. Two very different personalities who have a fatal attraction and will fight until the end of their days. Mr LL doesn't show his emotions very much, I wear mine on my sleeve. It doesn't mean that Mr LL and Mr Nets are cold or unfeeling in any way, far from it. Just think of all the fellas that are all show on the outside..................... need I say more!!

Bless you. Hang on there. x
It's the same here ..Mr S is very placid and easy going whilst I'm quick tempered and impatient .I've mellowed somewhat though,since we retired and of course having to go through all his illness and what have you .
It made me appreciate just what I had to lose .I hope you and Mr N can sort things out Neti ...don't give up on the love you've got gal .The grass isn't always greener etc .xxxx
Oight Oight .
I do hope Jude's feeling perkier soon. And glad to hear the Ns are sorted for now. It might be worth working out what the real problem is and discussing it, but then again this approach has never ever worked for me.
Good morning. The real problem here jno is that he gets drunk and then gets nasty about the money I spend (or in my case, don't spend!) There's no reasoning with him when he is in his cups, and he knows it when he is sober. So we'll just bumble along cos it's cheaper than splitting up! We don't even go on holiday together anymore, which I think would do us the world of good. But I do have a good life here even if it is silent!

Hope everyone is well. Poor jude, she'll be back when she can, hope she doesn't rush things cos when I had my shoulder op I started hanging out the washing next day and dragging shopping home and that set my shoulder back months!
Whoops, I have upset our resident doc and received a lecture!!

Good morning.
good for you, Lottie.

good for you too, neti. I'd rather like to go on holiday on my own more than I do, though doing it all the time can't be much fun..

Maybe you could record some of his beratings, then play them back to him next time he starts one. Just a reminder that you've been here before, so to speak.
Morning folks...once upon a time...oops, wrong category :)

How's mr LL's bite Lottie? Mine's finally subsided. There's still a huge pink mark where the swelling reached to (6" x4"!!) and it's a bit achey and itchy but fingers crossed it looks like I've got off without anti-bio's.

The demon drink neti...probably one of the reasons I'm slightly anti. I know many people can and do enjoy it without event but it was definitely a factor in our problems. He'd never have done some of the things he did without being fuelled with alcohol. If I had to be stuck in a lift with a smoker or a drunk I know which one I'd choose.
I have on occasions gone away on my own - ie. relatives in Australia, friends in Spain, to Rome with my Mum, but we do holiday together - he leaves me to arrange it all though!! But as I am a control freak that is quite good.

You'll be OK Neti!! x
Morning all ..bright and sunny
We are off to the beach cafe for breakfast then into town .See you later .
Behave yourselves :)
Drink has been a factor in our problems too, but it isn't any more thank god. Not my problem I would add, but it certainly caused a lot of grief.

Mr LL had a red line that was rapidly going up his arm Robi. The swelling was about the same size as yours (the bite was on the inside of his forearm). He was given strong antibiotics and antihistamine tablets and this morning the swelling and the line has gone and he is just left with the bite (probably a horse fly - we have loads at the moment).

Thanks for asking. It might be advisable to get some antibiotics to speed up things for you. x
Morning Shaney. Going to beach cafe for breckie sounds rather good a bit Neti-ish x
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morning all...naughty Lottie. I upset our resident lecturer in nursing studies last night by calling models of bereavement bollix and crap....who shall we upset today?
Its nice here, cool and sunny.
I saw that thread Woofie. She really gets on my nerves. Actually two of them on that thread appear to know everything about everything. Well done.

Anyway according to the Doc. I police this site an certain people. Ed has removed his lecture to me!
there were an awful lot of lectures and general gun-jumping on that uni loan post, weren't there. I try to wait until all the full facts are established before unleashing the full force of my personality against anyone.
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I don't usually....often, in fact, ever play the widow card but I was furious last night. All that is worst in nursing, the "nursie knows what's best for you" thing.
I really agree with you Woof. Hate to be nursed by the person in question. Totally different subject matter, but I read some theads about breast feeding and the input on some 'professionals'. They may be nurses but they haven't had babies.

I do not think that degrees should ever be necessary for nursing and all this psychological stuff they are taught, well.................

The uni loan post really did show up a lot of people in my opinion. I would imagine a certain doctor's nose has been put really out of joint!!!
Urrgghhh! so so hot and sweti! Just got home and feel dizzy, sitting here withfan on full blast. Yes I enjoy a drink but in moderations. Sometimes with sunday lunch and a couple of mojitos when (and if!!) we go out, but i would prefer drink to be illegal along with some drugs. I gave up serious drinking about 20 yrs ago when hija (aged 6yr) tucked me up in spare bed with her teddy to help me get better, and also I became a hateful drunk, but now I am a funny and amusing one cos i never lose it, I always know what i am doing and saying and know when to stop!

Which thread is the doc one!
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the Ed. purged it Neti, it was about someone who wanted to suspend her degree because of personal circs...illness I think anyway the pitchfork mob got going and Lottie and some of the other voices of reason defended.
I have nothing against book learning but when the book learning is contradicted by the human experience, then the human experience is right.

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