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What Do I Do About My Other Job?

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abbeylee90 | 18:14 Sun 22nd Oct 2023 | Jobs & Education
313 Answers

I work in care home but my hours were cut there so I felt I needed another job to support me financially I got another job very quick in Home bargains but I'm not liking and feeling very tired all the time and not belonged there. Do I quit if my boss agrees to up my hours 



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Let's see what the care home boss offers and we'll take it from there.  You have to convince them you can work better and not be under pressure
18:25 Sun 22nd Oct 2023

So have you had the interview then, or was that just a preliminary telephone conversation with them?

Things move very fast in your world, Abbey ...  I'd be frazzled to a crispy bacon crisp if I had to cope with all the things which happen around you .. how do you cope?   As a matter of interest, do you have any brothers/sisters?

After 242 contributions you must have some idea how to proceed.

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No interview tomorrow. My sisters lives miles from me

I think abbey means her interview is tomorrow

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I just found my supervisor use to work where I'm going to tomorrow 😱

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Interview went OK don't know if I'll get as he didn't seem happy with my availability but said will call other care homes and ring me tomorrow 

Abbey, glad the interview went OK. I'm surprised about your availability - I thought you were hoping for full-time hours, hoping to get awayfrom Home Bargains? 

PS Why is he ringing other care homes?

Oh Abbey!  Why did you tell them your availability is limited?  You're a single girl with no commitments so there's no reason you can't be available to do a proper full-time job.  Honestly!  You're your own worst enemy at times!

Good luck Abbey.

Are you in HB today ?

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Well I said I can do Saturday but got commitments Sunday. My current job is flexible.

What commitments do you have on Sundays?

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To see if they happy with my availability. 

One cleaner in the care home has quit or got fired so they do need me really.

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Oh, your dog walking.  Okay.

Why is a few hours of voluntarily walking dogs on Sundays more important to you than paid employment?

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Well neede a day off use to in McDonald's wasn't an issue 

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Like I said my supervisor worked there she does Monday to Friday 

Abbey A care home is open 24/7 all year. I am sure you will get days off every week but weekends still need staff. Why should you have every Sunday off. Imagine if hospital staff all wanted Sunda off

Have you been to HB today or are you about to start your shift, Abbey?  Availability at Care Home - most workers are on a rota system so work round it, never mind about social events. 

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