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What Do I Do If My Work Don't Reply?

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abbeylee90 | 12:19 Mon 13th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
554 Answers

I've sent the care home an email asking if I can change my days as my new job days were only available Monday yo Wednesday. What do I do they haven't replied to my email.



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You'll need to work hard to make sure you impress them in your new job to make sure they don't fail your probation or reduce your hours, and also try harder to be flexible and avoid issues with your supervisor- and be lucky to find you enjoy working with your colleagues and managers. With all that you might just make more of a success of it than in your last few roles
20:16 Mon 13th Nov 2023

'I only do the stairs so don't know what the problem is'

Just perhaps, perhaps they may already have someone else doing the stairs on Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun, so why do you think they will change for you? Yet again the world and work have to revolve around Abbey - I think you'll find it isn't the case and you won't be working at the care home for much longer.

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They don't have cleaners full stop on Sunday and I was only doing stairs Monday Wednesday and Friday 8-11 and works out more hours cleaning 3 days a week 

You were doing the stairs 3 times a week now you want to do it twice a week but for the same pay and same hours and on consecutive days!


Are you back at HB this week, abbey, or still on unpaid leave?

Have you phoned the Care Home as suggested, Abbey - no use delaying!

So if you work Mondays were you in Care home today - you perhaps should have asked. Wednesday may be too late

What happens if they dont change your days?

If you sent the email over the weekend it might not have been read. Do you not have"read receipt" for the emails you send

I think Abbey said she had two weeks unpaid time off from HB, and paid leave from the care home. Possibly.

Thanks, you're probably right scorpiojo- the unpaid leave thing seems to have been going for a while, but maybe it's because we've been over the same ground so many times

I think I need a spreadsheet...

Abby said she has quit HB


I hadn't seen that floko, but i guessed that one way or another the 'unpaid leave' meant, or would lead to, termination.

I think it is on page 101 of my Abbey notes  🤣🕵️‍♂️

^^ You must have mislaid some, Floko 🤣

I, like many others, have tried to help you in the past, to little avail. So it's time for some very straight talking. Two points.

1. The world does not revolve around you. In fact the world is a very uncaring and hard place which could easily survive without you, so you have to adapt to its demands to survive

2. You are very bad-mannered. To make such a request to your boss, such as you decribe here, by e-mail is extremely rude.  If I was your boss either I would't reply or I would sack you.


Stop whinging and heed the advice you get from experienced Answerbankers.


I think I remember saying something like "I quit HB" but given the context and way abbey writes  I read that as her way of saying "I would quit HB if... " /"I will quit" rather than "I have quit ".

I'll check my file of screen shots.

Haz. 🤣🤣🤣 yep.  page 232 sorry 

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I will call tomorrow and just say I have a new job working Monday to Wednesday others have changed thier days 

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