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What Do I Do If My Work Don't Reply?

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abbeylee90 | 12:19 Mon 13th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
554 Answers

I've sent the care home an email asking if I can change my days as my new job days were only available Monday yo Wednesday. What do I do they haven't replied to my email.



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You'll need to work hard to make sure you impress them in your new job to make sure they don't fail your probation or reduce your hours, and also try harder to be flexible and avoid issues with your supervisor- and be lucky to find you enjoy working with your colleagues and managers. With all that you might just make more of a success of it than in your last few roles
20:16 Mon 13th Nov 2023

Thought you were 30 or 31 now!!!

NMA, thanks. Maybe it  IS HB Abbey was referring to, but her expectations re both jobs are ... 'unrealistic'  would be the most charitable word.   Not everyone can be Employee of the Week/Month, but  someone who's been in employment for over a decade should perhaps be a little more clued-up. 

I wonder if abbey has more needs/issues than dyspraxia

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I am 31 and was in a job for 10 years before. How would you live on 9 hours per week?

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Forget about HB I've resigned 

Abbey, I think you're forgetting something... the reason WHY your hours were cut at the care home and why they were not keen to give you them back!

Nothing that anyone of us says makes any difference. Just get on with your life and sort yourself out. You're not some needy fifteen year old. Grow up!

Abbey/I couldn't but then I don't have parents to rely on!  You would be working more than 9 hrs at McDonalds?

Abbey, nobody is expecting you to live on 9 hours a week. I think everyone here is wishing you were capable of doing a full-time job - in a place you liked, in a place where you didn't feel the boss was 'toxic' or made you uncomfortable.

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Well my new job could be it where I want to work instead of care home


You would have had hours more work over the 9 hours but you decided to resign from HB 

Yes, it could, Abbey - but such a pity you couldn't manage it in the care home.  Wouldn't it have been great to be working 30 hours a week, getting paid for 30 hours a week, maybe getting a spot of overtime? Still, learning from experience is part of life (but yours is marching on a bit now!)

You'll need to work hard to make sure you impress them in your new job to make sure they don't fail your probation or reduce your hours, and also try harder to be flexible and avoid issues with your supervisor- and be lucky to find you enjoy working with your colleagues and managers. With all that you might just make more of a success of it than in your last few roles

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Well like I said I will ring first thing tomorrow and see where that goes. I been told be careful what I say in carehome 

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I was fine with Mt supervisor until before my hours were reduced

If you're getting on with your work, there shouldn't be much time to"gossip/say" - this could go on forever and ever, ad finitum.  

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Not right now I am off for 2 weeks 

What were you stduing up to the age of 21  abbey? Do you have any degree or similar qualifications? Is there another career avenue related to these qualifications that you should be exploring/going back to?

abbey, is it unpaid leave again for next 2 weeks at the current carehome? You haven't worked long enough to have a week's paid holiday? You may well find your replacement worker gets the job permanently

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Yes in customers service and hospitality 

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