ChatterBank2 mins ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
When i was sixteen, i was juvenile reprimanded for shopplifting, because i want to work abroud, would this ruin my chances, would it show up on a CRB check? How long would it last? Would i be able to...
Hi, my husband was arrested last week and has been charged with ABH against our 4 year old son and battery of me (for coming to rescue the child) The attack has left very visable external injuries to...
Is it possible for a judge to convict some one for 3 years at crown court and refuse the right to appeal the sentence?? my boyfriend got sent down on thursday after we expected a suspended sentence...
Hi Can anyone clarify the gun laws for me? My property backs on to farm land where someone has been shooting wildlife - birds, foxes etc and I can't find out whether he should be shooting so close to...
Can i appeal a conviction that was given more than 6 years ago? if so under what circumstances? and how would i do this?
Hi am in first months of training in legal profession (UK), can anyone shed any light on the following? This is an update to an earlier question which has not been fully answered: See...
If you were to find yourself in the position of having a corpse to dispose of on the QT, how would you go about it? Imagine, you have access only to tools and chemicals easily available to anyone, and...
I have stupidly found myself in an unforgiving situation.........a few months ago my partner and i had a domestic which spilt out in to the street, there was two neighbours who had bin out drinking on...
I was out recently, and was waiting at the bar of a club. Two men were next to me and kept elbowing me and generally being a nuance. I asked them to give me some room, which made things worse as they...
if given a P.F. release in Scottish Law is that the end of matter?
In the eyes of the law it now seems almost legal to ride a bike on the pavement as I don't know anybody who knows anybody who's ever been prosecuted for it. So, on an offence scale of 1-10 or 1-100 if...
Ok, I was just wondering what it means to launder money?
Why would someone want to do it, and what does it involve. Any and all details please, this is purely out of interest.
Thanks :)...
Hello, help I recieved a 15 month conditional discharge, that period has now been spent so I applied for a basic disclosure. To my regret the discharge is still on their... It says, conditional...
i was done for speeding in 2006 i paid the fine but have points on my liscence how mny years do they stay on 4
I am disabled and cannot sit in court all day while they call his case. They have laid it over once already. Isn't there a limit to how many times something can be laid over?
on october 20th the court of appeal will hear the case of david and terry reed,two brothers convicted of murder on low copy number dna evidence, apparantly the outcome of this appeal could have...
I was arrested at the beginning of November 2008, and the case has still not gone to trial, how long do they have to take me to court before the case is thrown out? Because surely the incident cannot...
What exactly does this charge mean?
Dear all an up date for you all . went to court last week for my ABH case . I pleaded guilty as i was all ways going to . The case has now had a date reset to the 17th of next month as i have to go...