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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Are we all ok? We are almost packed. Have managed to print off all boarding passes. Not a lot of seat choices for Emirates. But have managed to switch and found a window seat for Mr N with me stuck in the middle seat which I hate! 3 dinners in 6 hrs!with many courses and free drinks (not that we drink on flights but may have a wine) and tvs on seat backs with a lot of films! That'll be an experience in itself!
Am in wormhole.......
Here I go, into the worm hole....
Good evening...bright, sunny and cold morning, dull and cloudy afternoon.
Went to the dentist (checkup) which I wasn't looking forward to because of my painful jaw but she was very good. Obviously they know all about tmj problems and the nurse emailed me some exercises. No teeth troubles but some mild gum inflammation so I think I'll take their advice and buy an electric toothbrush. I'd rather have some new shoes. :-/

When are you off neti?

Stock up your cupboards, some Arctic weather's on the way. Hope they're wrong.

Oh hello there neti :)
Hiya Robi. No good sneaking into the wormhole and claiming the prize when I am already waiting!!
We leave for airport tomorrow at 15hrs. Should arrive in Barna about 18.30, the being collected by shuttlebus. Will prob stay and eat in hotel. Then the next day off to airport at about noon.
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have a wonderful time Neti. Its been a touch arctic esque here. I can thoroughly recommend electric toothbrushes Robi. My preference is for the sonicare kind. they are not cheap but have improved my dental hygiene no end with much less effort.
maybe I should try an electric toothbrush too (certainly better than my current regime of getting a new tooth every year). I used to only get very soft manual toothbruishes that I could use carefully because my teeth were so sensitive, but as I don't have many real teeth left it's not so much of a problem.

Saved £60 on car insurance today as DirectLine put their premiums up so much. Tried who put me through to the Halifax who sold me one from Aviva. A lot of middlemen to be paying there but it's only about £300.
Ooh Neti,how exciting
Bon voyage ,have a safe journey and a lovely time .Send us a postcard.
Yes it's turned a bit baltic again .I've got plenty of cuppa soup .
We did eventually go out for lunch after dithering about. I got fed up with Mr S saying we may as well not go but having got myself respectable and slap on I dithered no longer ,called a taxi and we went to the Toby for a carvery....and the dessert was delicious.
Just watched Silent Witness,how sad was that.Liz Carr is a good actress.
Night all.
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Jno. I find the sonicare kind much gentler than the oral b rotating kind and they do a blooming good job of cleaning.
thanks, woofgang.

are you there yet, neti? Three dinners in 6 hours, is that all? I'm sure BA would let you buy as many Marks and Sparks sandwiches as you liked.
ah me, went to the GP a couple of weeks ago to explain that I was going to be away for two months and needed three months of pills to cover it. She said she was only allowed to prescribe two months' worth but said that after I'd picked them up she'd wipe the prescription off the computer so I could then order the extra month. So I've done that... and now they've given me three months' worth after all.

So now I've got enough pills to last me till July, but I may need to build an extension to store them in.
Afternoon all...bye neti, have a lovely time, behave yourself.
By 'eck, the wind cuts right through you, it's perishing.

How many electric toothbrushes can there be? I'd whittled it down to an Oral B one, on offer in Boots and I've got a fair amount on my advantage card, but now I'll be looking again at the Sonicare ones. The hygenist did recommend a round headed type some time ago.
I'm fed up of medication. It appeared on my prescription tear-off part I needed a review for only one of the items, the others are March.
Rang surgery...two people checked ..."No, you don't need to come until March." Great.
Two days later text arrives, "You need a review appt....". Grrrr

Belated birthday wishes for Mr S, a carvery's just the job for this weather. My mum would have been 97 today.

It's a full, blue moon and once in a blue moon I'd like to win the lotto please.
Hello all. Finally sitting in Departures waiting. Its not cold at all all here but I have such a snotty nose and cough its embarrassing. Mousey had her bodyguard installed. Took me ages to clean house get all bedding washed and dried but have done it. Then we went out for a pleasant lunch with no alcohol involved! My back is killing me.
I will check in occasionally. Shaney you may or may not get a postcard!!
Buenos dias! Had a lovely night's sleep in Barcelona airport hotel, now just preparing for the day ahead. I tried to post last night but it wouldnt go.
don't forget to go up the Burj al wotsit, you know you'll love the view
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good mafternoon....that's because I got up late and we haven't had lunch yet. We have sunshine!!!
Mafternoon .Haha , I like that.We had brilliant sunshine but it's gloomy again and will soon be mevening .Very cold too.
Nooo, not dentists and toothbrush discussions please :)I'm going to have to bite the bullet soon.My wobbler is getting very wobbly.
Are you nearly there yet Neti ?

Mafterning...that's because I don't know what time it is. A new month and we've got sunshine too, I'm sitting in it (indoors) and eating biscuits instead of being dynamic.

The blue moon was very bright but I didn't win the lotto. My new bank card's just arrived, I won't be wearing it out :(
Its 3am here checked into apartment. What can I say, its awful, its grotty, it reeks of 2nd smoke but as hija has paid for it we will have to put up with it. Say no more.
yikes, can you open the window or will the desert blow in?

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