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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 10:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Oh don't get me started on trolley critics or any food critics who dismiss other peoples choices of how and what to cook Robinia .There's one on here who's a paragon of virtue,she probably lays her own eggs:)
Hopefully these sort of people will always enjoy good health and never ever find it difficult to peel ,chop,fry,stir or stand at the cooker for any length of time.
It's sloshing down here.Deep joy.
yes, I've been watching Andrew Graham Dixon too. Some of those Italian palaces look gorgeous, with their ceilings by Mantovani or Tortellini or whoever. And the king's pictures were very impressive. The funny thing was that a lot of them had on the caption the prices Cromwell got when he sold them off. Some nice big ones went for £200 or more. But you could have bought a litte painting of a witch riding backward on a goat, maybe 6 inches square, for £5. And if that was too much, you could have had a considerably bigger Rembrandt portrait of his mother for £4 and spent the the £1 change on a bag of chips. I suppse Rembrandt just wasn't a big name back then.
hmm, let's do the post bump again!
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I am enjoying the way he puts the background in....King George saying "I hade boetry" and "Giff me back my fat Venus" and his children rebelling as children have done since forever and his wife getting in the workmen and moving the paintings around.....just like every other middle aged henpecked dad.
it's weird, the Georges all loathed their sons. They were more dysfunctional than the Tudors and even the Plantagenets, and that's saying something.

George III even complained about political correctness. He said there were some really boring bits in Shakespeare, "Only one must not say so!"
Good afternoon each...bright 'n breezy and the washing's flapping. I was busy doing some odds and ends in the kitchen and turned around to see a very furry animal on the worktop(!)....then realised it was the collar I'd removed from the coat I'd put in the washer. I'd meant to pop it in a laundry bag so it wouldn't shed all over everything but forgot. Should have gone to Specsavers :) "Good girl Phoebe"

There are lots of boring bits in Shakespeare. Fortunately we got off lightly in school with Romeo and Juliet and Taming of the Shrew.
I've just remembered I've got a masterpiece to hang in the grand hall...La lepre by Dunelmio.

Ive dot a dold. Hope it clears up before I fly.
The night of the hobgoblin, my friend in the town also heard a weird noise and she mentioned it was the same time as I heard it. Eeek
Afternoon all
Lovely sunny day ,quite a change from yesterday's grim conditions .
The only good thing about Shakespeare at school was listening to it on records recited by Richard Burton in his wonderful voice.
Talking of pictures we have a massive great oil painting of an alpine scene which Mr S and his brother bought my in laws for their silver wedding. It cost 600 marks which at that time was quite a lot of dosh. It was by a local artist and is huge. It hung in their lounge until Mil died and now we've got it but have nowhere to put it.We've nicknamed it "The Rembrandt" .
Nothing exciting doing .I have however won a prize for the Christmas Spectator crossword which an AB friend kindly sends me every week .Twenty quid ,a book entitled Bletchley Park Brainteasers and a bottle of fizz. I just need to win the lottery and my cup would runneth over :)
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well done Shaney! I begin to like George III even more....I think that much of Shakespeare is deeply boring.
Have you ever seen the film ,The Madness of King George Woofy? Nigel Hawthorne as George and Helen Mirren as Queen Charlotte . Very good but so sad at how he was treated by the physicians but of course they had no idea in those days of mental illness or dementia and the causes of it.It was said he suffered from porphyria but that remains questionable.
I watched Mr Graham Dixon again earlier,Stealing Van Gogh. Very good.
Night all.
Morning all. Feel rough but girl coming to do nails. Wet and cold here.
I had to go over the bridge last (pass water) at 4.30 and I heard the hobgoblin in the distance. It didnt sound so bad. It may be the dustbin lorry.
Well done Shaney clever old thing. I do miss the telegraph but doubt i could do it now anyway!
Are you watching Portillo? I do like that programme.
Afternoon...bright and sunny, unlike my mood, I can't get out of this slough of despond. I've even turned down the offer of shopping tomorrow.

I often hear strange whistling in the night neti. It usually turns out to be my insides or tinnitus, it's very high pitched recently.

Well done shaney, lovely to have some good news. You can buy lots of srdns and chs to go with the fizz. ...or go wild and get a couple of ding dinners :)
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haven't seen the film Shaney. I have never liked sad stuff and the older I get the less I like it. There is a new Maisie Dobbs coming out in March!
Afternoon all
Nice and sunny after the fog lifted.
Yes I've been watching Michael Neti. He's in a lovely part of America . If and it's not even if,it's highly unlikely that I would go to America,but that is where I'd like to go.Beautiful places ,shame there's such a twerp in charge :)
Haha Robinia ,I can't drink the fizz so will buy extra sdns and dings.
I've got that book on my library list woofy. I'm reading the latest Nicola Upson atm.Nine Lessons.
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ooo didn't know there was a new one
Woofy , There's a new Dandy Gilver out too.
A Spot of Toil and Trouble.
Btw I know like these sort of books and I'm really enjoying the Clara Fitzgerald mysteries atm.99p each on Kindle at Amazon. Eleven books in the series. Cosy mysteries set in Brighton in the twenties.
These were a good series too... similar sort of thing .
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oh boy!!!!! many thanks Shaney
Good morning. Am languishing in my bed, feel rotten.

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