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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Perhaps someone was serenading you Neti. You must have a secret lute playing admirer :)
Yes ,I've been watching Kiri and Girlfriends . I gave up on that Mc Mafia thing though after one episode. I like James Norton but it's a load of tosh.
Lovely sunny day which makes a welcome change .Hope all goes well Jno.
Let's bump again.Perhaps we've got moths in the wormhole.
I didnt bother with Mcmafia either.
Well it was like a Charles Manson creepy crawl than a serenade. It really freaked me out. Have to admit to having watched Charles manson film on Sat night but it still doesnt explain the flute!!
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wind in the bushes Neti? I mean IN THE GARDEN honestly your minds!
Well whatever the bug was (and Rab didn't get the stomach bit) its knocked the dogs flat. They are quite happy and eating ok but sooo tired and clingy. Its been grey and damp her but very mild....feeling a bit like spring even. My best snowdrops are a seeded patch growing right in the middle of a path so I picked them.
Beautiful flowers Woofy so fresh, I can almost smell them. Yes I am going loopy!
Ive insisted that Mr N checks back and front doors on retiring so if this flute playing hobgoblin comes tonight I know Ill be safe.
Poor dogs! Hope they are ok now.
had my scan hours before I was supposed to, just wandered downstairs and announced myself and they called me in almost straightaway. It was soemthing to do with platelets; they were trying to find elves producing them in my spleen. It was one of those handheld scans where you get smothered in gunk and they run a thingy all over you. I was all ready to go home hours early, only to find the trains weren't working so I had to go round the countryside on buses.

I think that's all the appointments for a while, except the teeth cleaning doesn't seem to have reduced the inflamed gum so I suppose I'll be needed back at th dentist soon. In the meantime I'm going to see King Charles I's pictures tomorrow.
Morning all
Bit gloomy out there.Lovely snowdrops Woofy .
Did the phantom flute player return Neti .
Hope your scan results will be good Jno. Sounds like they gave you an ultrasound thingy.
Nothing doing here. I want to totter out for a few bits in Boots and QD but whether I'll make it is to be left .Will the painkillers kick in before it rains.
Hope you're all ok and the poorly woofers.
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another black mizz muggy day here. Upside is that the bulbs are pushing through and the buds on the cherry trees are swelling.....but oh I long for some dry cold weather
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Thanks Shaney, dogs are much better but fed up too.
Good evening from a milder but wet n windy Derby. I reluctantly ambled to the shops, it was very quiet, I think everyone's in the doldrums.

Has Ibiza got a Pied Piper neti?

I see you've been keeping the nhs busy jno, hope all's well. I'm due at the dentist soon but I think she'll have difficulty seeing anything, I'm still having a problem with this sore jaw. She'll have to shine a light up and look at them from the other end :)

It's good to see the snowdrops woofy, mine have really dwindled, I'll divide them when they've finished. I love your Ditchfield lilypad, it's beautiful.
Hope the boys are perking up.

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That was a gift from my husband Robi. He bought it direct from john Ditchfield....phoned the studio to order it and the Great Man himself answered!
How lovely. The lily pads are my favourites but I like the mushrooms too.
I had to Google Ditchfield as had never heard of him .What beautiful things they are.
I went out for an amble ,more of a crawl really Got my few bits but by the time I got up the hill and home I wondered if it was worth the effort. I seriously thought about getting a taxi up the road I was in so much pain ,but it's a five minute walk for able bodied bods and I would have felt silly but it takes me ages.These exercises,the ones I can just about do are not helping ,in fact I think they've made it worse .I can't ring up and demand they see me as I have to do them for two months since I received them. Talk about a rock and a hard place.
Never mind at least I got some fresh air ! .
I've already seen King Charles pictures on the tele tonight with Andrew Graham Dixon in his series Art, Passion and Power: the Story of the Royal Collection. Very interesting .
Night all.
Good morning all. Yes i had to google it too.
No hobgoblin of any sort at night now.
Just been out and had hair cut, by 'eck its cold. Am now waiting for nice policeman to visit to get his instructions for looking after Mousey. I have horrendous roots and must do them soon. How can such an old woman who is naturally blonde have such dark roots? It's beyond me.
Am getting a cold so gulping down paracetamol. In a week we fly to Barcelona then Dubai, can't be ill!!!
Oh shaney you sound in a bad way. Mind you Im finding it increasingly difficult to clamber up the hill to home.
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Isn't Andrew Graham Dixon good? A natural story teller. Its an unpleasant noisy day here and I have got some kind of stomach thing lurking so its unpleasant and noisy indoors too.
He's great. I watched another programme he was in recently with a chef whose name escapes me but they were in Rome and he showed the chef all the art stuff and the chef did bits of cooking . It was called Rome Unpacked .
Blowing a hooley here .I hope the fence doesn't go walkies again.
Oh that's a pain Woofy . I had some weetabix and milk the other day because I really fancied it and even though it was oat milk it was a big mistake and felt like a brick in my stomach.Hope it soon clears up.Take it easy.
Good morning-ish. Monsoon style rain first thing after a wildly windy night... coupled with an awful panicky dream it's left me a bit jaded. I woke up out of breath and took me ages to calm down, tut.

Shaney I know what you mean but don't feel silly for taking taxis for short journeys, many people do, myself included. I'm past caring what anyone thinks about things I do or don't do. There are younger fitter people around here who regularly jump into their cars to nip to the nearest shops. And if one more person looks at my shopping trolley and says they haven't 'resorted to that' I may resort to violence. :)

Poor Henrik neti, hope he isn't going to leave again.
Hope all the rumblings and snufflings are short lived.
I know Robi but he is in an awful situation! He cant leave surely. Wasnt it great when Ethan found out he was a consultant, leaping about all non-Ethan like! And Dylan leaving? I cant cope.
Oh Robi did the hobgoblin visited your dreams? I actually tried to hear it last night but nothing!
Poor guardia, hes so scared Mousey will die on him!

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