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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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vitamins, neti, that's what you need!

All chilly and damp here, brrr.
oh bump
and double bump
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sorry to hear that Neti. We are hip deep in mud here. Dogs have been making the most of it being a less rainy day to tear around the garden A LOT and the carpet looks appalling. Happily it will vac off once its dry.
I ve been in bed most of the day popping various pills ( not vitamins jno I dont want to appear cute to my husband at this moment in time!) And now headache has gone im sitting in lounge eating pizza and drinking cola.
Stinking weather here. The port was closed at 15hrs a too dangerous for ferries and boats. A flight Ibiza to palma was struck by lightning with no damage but rather late in arriving. Glad am cosy at home.
Hope you are all ok, bet the woofers love the mud eh woofy?
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Neti they do, I don't!
Morning all...the sunshine and blue sky's been taken over by grey clouds as per...
On the plus sis and b-i-l chopped back an overgrown cotoneaster last yr leaving me with a dead patch of grass. Before I seeded it I dobbed (official gardening term) some narcississussuss in and they're peeping through.

Sorry about the gardening chat neti, I hope you feel better pdq. Get plenty of rest. Part one of my dream last night was about Henrik and pt two was about Ethan...I'm such a trollop in my sleep :)

Muddy dogs are only funny when they're on youtube or in tv ads for floor cleaner.
Morning all. Yes I feel much better as ive been taking left over anti bios, works for me! Trouble is I now have the runs! Dreadful weather, poured with rain all night, the noise on the flat roof was dearening, drowned ouy flute playing hobgoblin that may have been around!
Ahh poor Ethan, hasnt much of a clue has he and they dont support him! I want Hendrik back. Whats got into Dylan?
Hope you are all ok. Woofers would love it here with all the mud!
I think Dylan's always been 'on the edge' and after the business with the boy he smuggled he's felt guilty and overwhelmed by everything.
Hello all
Nice day,quite mild and have actually got washing flapping on the whirly.
Glad you feel better Neti ,you don't want to be poorly on your hols.
My old schoolfriend's husband mailed me yesterday to say they had been burgled.Sneak thieves who came in while they were in their lounge watching tv and stole money and jewellery.They live in a small village in Kent and the swines put a wire through the letterbox and opened the door. Horrible for them.
They had been thinking about getting another dog and I expect they will now.
Hope you're all ok .

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well I hate the configuration of my house but you couldn't creep in through any downstairs door without being heard/seen so i guess its a bonus. Dry mild day here for a pleasant change.
Oh that's awful for them shaney. I know determined burglars will try anything but I try and make my house as much of an obstacle course as possible. All of the doors squeak and creak and I'm not going to oil them.

Lazy day again, I watched Cold Comfort Farm on dvd. I really should read more, I used to read all the time.
Last Vera tonight :(
Thats terrible shaney. Years ago in Belmont my friends were burgled while they were watching tv and the kids were asleep upstairs. I guess if i left the backdoor unbolted someone could enter. But its a hard house to get to, not visible from the road and a huge messy trippy over rocky piece of land to walk up in the dark. Plus neighbours dogs would go mad. Of course flute playing hobgoblins get anywhere.
Mr. N nipped out and got chinese take away for lunch and dinner. Our rocky hidden land being the reason we cant get it delivered!
On friday i bleached hair white only for it to come our straw yellow and what with feeling ill it just looked awful. Luckily I had an old box of darker blonde from years ago so smothered it on and thankfully its done the job and its a nice colour now. We cant buy toners or anything here. Only blue shampoo which turns my hair ends blue.
Robi Ive stopped reading now Ive got the tv and bedroom to myself!! I didnt enjoy cold comfort farm. Was a bit daft. But I do love most things Dickins!
Oh, that's unpleasant, shaney. Someone near us actually woke up and found a burglar in their bedroom a few weeks back. We once found a man in our front hall - you come through the outer door and then each flat has a door off it - and he said he'd come to pick up something or other, he'd just go and get the order form from the van ... we didn't see him again but we warned everyone and now we always keep the front door double locked as well as our own.
Good morning. Still very damp but Ive had to get washing done.
It appears from my comment to Robi that I think Dickens wrote CC farm. Of course I know he didnt, but was comparing it to ones he did as quite similar.
Morning all
No two days alike.Gloomy and drizzling out there and we're dithering about going out for lunch as Mr S is 72 today.
Yes my friends were very shaken.They live in a bungalow and the lounge is at the back of the house,bedroom just inside the front door. Some of the jewellery belonged to her mother and she's upset about that.
You can't be too careful really. You can walk straight through our shack ,in, down the hall, through the kitchen, through the sun room and out again.We could be in the lounge and never know anyone had been there which is why we keep all doors locked if we are in there plus we have an alarm.We had it fitted after a spate of thefts last year along the road.
People sitting out in their gardens and thieves coming in the front and taking any little things laying about,like handbags and phones.The police came round and warned people.
Hope you're all ok .
Happy Birthday Mr S.
It has taken me 2 and a half hours to download ryanair boarding passes. In the end hija did it from Dubai and emailed them to me. I hate ryanair but not a lot of choice to get off the island in winter. Going to Barcelona and then Emirates to Dubai.
Got my washing dried finally as cold but sunny.
Done too much. Am shattered. Did ironing etc. Bed soon

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