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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Good day all. So jno arw you here or there? Am confused.
Yea shaney I sobbed even more so when phyllis cried.
Strange weather here, sun, rain, warm and cold.
I am in the wormhole again.
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hello Neti I just unwormholed you. I thought that Call the Midwife was a bit artificial last night....not one of their best.
Thanks woofy for deworming me!! :-)
Yes it was pretty obvious that she was going to die but I cried nonetheless. I dont usually cry.
I am still there but I have asked Trailfinders to get us home a few days earlier than planned next month, aborting another stopover in HK. Will all cost money, but it's the price of insisting you're well enough to travel when you're not. At least there are no beasts from the east in this part of the world, just occasional tropical storms (they're saying there might be another one along in a few days).
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Hope all goes well for you both Jno
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hello all. We are enjoying a spring day here and getting on with stuff.....well I am, the dogs are snoring...Hope you are all well especially the Jno's
Hello all. Oh dear jno you'll both be glad to be back home I should think !
Very windy here I really was worried as i was being blown all over the main road and it was colder than i thought.
Made cornish pasties although they looked rather flat, but tasted fine.
The oscopy went okay and OH is feeling chirpier, but of course that happened last week too, until it all went pear shaped. So we're cautiously optimistic. He did a lot more dilation than the last doctor, and wants to do even more in a couple of weeks if all goes well - which OH should be able to tell by the end of the week. So fingers still crossed.

Meanwhile I am trying to cope with an increasingly volcanic sister, who is currently aggrieved that she can't invite friends to her formerly tidy home because I leave my shoes on the floor of the living room, among many other failings that make it look like a pigsty. Family, gah.
Good day all.
Are you staying with your sister jno? If so then behave!!
Gorgeous day here
Got bedding all washed and dried.
Hija put €1000 in her spanish bank from dubai but there's no trace. I cant help as although i am on it I am not the titular (main one ). Fingers crossed as she cant afford to lose it
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mega fingers crossed for you both Jno...a difficult situation.
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sorry Neti...I hope Hija gets sorted makes your stomach turn over when banks screw up
Hello all
Mizz drizz hair frizz after a nice day yesterday.
I hope things soon take a turn for the better Jno .Tell your sister I think your OH's health takes preference over a pair of shoes laying about :)
Trouble at the bank ? I had Sainsbury's on the phone this morning telling me my card had been declined .Panic stations as my order is scheduled for this evening .My own fault . I put my new card details in and had transposed two numbers .All sorted though .They are very helpful.
Phoned physio people and they are sending me a face to face appt . When it will be is anybody's guess.Gold star for the one who guesses correctly:)
Hope you're all OK.
Hello shanwy. Ive actually made an appointment for mexico for a revision of all my ailments..Should have done it in January but cba. So from next Monday I must cut out sweets and all things bad so I can pass diabetes test!!
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Hope our Robi is ok
Yes, Neti, I'm staying with my sister. The thing is it isn't her house, it's my house, she lives in it free gratis and for nothing. I never mention it and I don't expect gratitude, but I could do without the constant simmering fury, I've got other things on my mind at the moment.

OH is feeling better in the stomach but still dizzy from the sedative and probably from lack of nourishment and has fallen over a couple of times so I'm making sure I'm never far away.
That's very unkind of her to be like that Jno under the circumstances.I'd be having a quiet word in her ear.
I've got aggro with my brother atm . I know he's lost without my SiL but he's interfering in his children's lives now .
They're adults not children with children and grandchildren of their own and really don't need him telling them what to do.The worse part of it all is,is that he comes round to me and runs his youngest daughters husband down and I really hate it .I have to tread on eggshells.
I love him dearly but I'm gonna blow any time soon if I hear much more of things that are not my business and shouldn't concern him either . He's turning cantankerous like my Mum did !
Lol shaney, yes, I think there must be a cantankerous gene in my family DNA somewhere that I was unaware of. Both our parents were quiet types but perhaps they were secretly seething cauldrons of repressed emotion. Better take cover if mine ever gets switched on.
Oh dear you two. I know its not funny but it did make me smile. Im cantankerous and I interfere or "advise" hija.

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