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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Improving, thanks, Neti, OH can now walk right across the room without collapsing. I assume that's the result of three sedations in a week or so plus two weeks of starvation, but we're consuming health-supplement drinks, ginger ale, ice cream, avocados, and anything else soft we can find.

Welcome back from the frozen wastes, Robinia. I see it's going to be 54 degrees in sultry London tomorrow, what a scorcher.
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Jno I hope the bumps weren't felt too much where you are and am delighted with your news. Hello Robi its good to see you back too...In fact mega wave to everybody. I hope the weather is being kind to you Shaney and that Hija has got the bank behaving itself. I have just made an online application for my free bus pass. I am not sure I will use it in the near future but understand that the age limit is going up and I don't want to get left behind as bus tickets cost a kings ransom here. You do the picture through your webcam and it came out awful but hopefully it will so terrorise the council that they won't dare refuse.
Morning all
They cost a kings ransom here too Woofy . I don't use mine that much now as I taxi quite a bit due to the mobility issues but I have been very grateful for it. As you know we don't have a car.Mr S makes good use of his pass.
Sounds as if things are on the up Jno.Very pleased that your OH is feeling better.
Nice to see you Robinia ..stop playing with that doorbell :)
Waves to Neti ..altogether now 1 2 3... haha.
Morning, afternoon, whatever...dull and damp but does feel a tad milder, the mornings have suddenly become much lighter and the birds have pumped up their volume so hopefully spring's creeping in.

It sounds like a positive move jno. Once strength and stamina kicks in it snowballs (don't mention snow), onwards and upwards.

I hate buses, since they made so many changes in Derby you can't get on and off where you want anyway. I don't like the city shops the way I once did, and the Intu centre gives me the heebie jeebies...too much going on above my head (nothing going on in it :))

Today's door chime earworm... :)

Oh phooey...I forgot the other sign it's spring - JWs at the door. Tut. Wonder if the bell plays Leave Me Alone?
Everyone is chipper today.
MrN has bought a Dolce gusto coffee maker so i can nip out of bed and make myself a quick coffee. They are quite nice. Its lovely weather today, much warmer but rain forecast for mañana.
Any really annoyed as cannot tune hija's bedroom tv.. it just wont.
Looks as though the avocado was a bit premature, it took 12 hours to make its way down, so we might stick with more liquid food for a while yet, but othwise things are going okay. Sis has calmed down too, partly because I have adopted a policy of agreeing with every word she says. I suppose part of the problem is we have been stuck in her home for weeks when she expected us to be out and about all the time - so did we. So we are all stir crazy. Weather is still warm, though there was a spectacular lightning storm last night. I didn't hear any thunder, though; I don't know how that happens.
Just off to sleep, watchec a stupid psycho horror film called mother! Had Javier Bardem and Jennifer Lawrence in so I thought it would be good, utter poo it was.
Jno Ive had a thought, why not try OH on baby food, its all munched up and not overly flavourful!
Oh well I thought it a good idea. Night everyone.
We've got that in mind, Neti. Sick babies here sometimes are given the ginger ale and the avocados.
Good morning. Happy Mothers day where appropriate. Its not appropriate here as mother's Day is First sunday in May
But for the first time in millenia Mr N made me a cuppa with the new machine!
Hope you all have a nice day
Get a nice Heinz Veg pot for OH, jno!
Oh my goodness, Call the midwife, so beautiful, my eyes kept leaking.
Evening all
Yes ,it was another tear jerker Neti .I love Sister Monica Joan and Nurse Crane .Linda Bassett is such a good actress.
We went out for lunch ,only to the carvery but it was very nice.
Hope you're all ok and hope too that your OH is doing alright Jno.Yes anything soft and mashed that goes down easily seems the way to go.At least it's nourishment and will hopefully bring some strength back.It's horrible when you feel weak and wobbly.
Haha Robinia . I expect the JW's heard you had a new doorbell. Perhaps they were trying it out to see if plays.. ..Jesus wants me for a sunbeam:)
Night all.
Got a collection of cans of baby food from the supermarket. OH thinks it's awful to give babies such foul-tasting stuff.
Burger, OH has to go straight to hospital, blood test showing low sodium levels. Just when we thought it was safe to go back into the water.
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Low sodium isn't surprising given her enforced starvation...and would explain the wobbliness. Keep your chin up Jno.
Doctor says the sodium and potassium aren't really missing, they're just hiding in the wrong parts of the body. Anyway, OH will be under observation for a couple of days, which I think is a great idea anyway.

Yes, OH is still a bit wobbly (though much better than two days ago) and just a little slow mentally too.
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Much better news Jno. Yes I think a couple of days of obs is a very good idea for all of you. I know you won't stop worrying but at least you can feel that you are not entirely and alone responsible and it will give your sis a break too. I am not surprised that your OH is feeling mentally slow, apart from everything else she must be exhausted.
Morning all
I am sorry to hear this Jno. You seem to take one step forward then two steps back but I think a couple of days of monitoring things is a good idea.I hope things soon improve.
Dull day here .Thundershowers on the way in 88 minutes.
Have a physio appt for next Monday.That was quick.

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